Force Strict Safe Search (Strata Cloud Manager)
Advanced URL Filtering

Force Strict Safe Search (Strata Cloud Manager)

Table of Contents

Force Strict Safe Search (
Strata Cloud Manager

If you’re using Panorama to manage
Prisma Access
Toggle over to the
PAN-OS & Panorama
tab and follow the guidance there.
If you’re using
Strata Cloud Manager
, continue here.
  1. Enable Safe Search Enforcement in a URL Access Management profile.
    1. Select
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
    2. Under URL Access Management Profiles, select an existing profile or
      Add Profile
      to create a new one. Configuration options appear.
    3. Under
      , select
      Safe Search Enforcement
    4. Save
      the profile.
  2. (
    ) Restrict the search engines that end users can access.
    1. Select
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
    2. Under
      Access Control
      ) for the
    3. Set Site Access for the
      category to
      In a later step, you’ll create a custom URL category (URL List type) with the search engines you want to allow.
    4. Save
      the profile.
  3. Apply the URL Access Management profile to Security policy rules that allow traffic from clients in the trust zone to the internet.
    To activate a URL Access Management profile (and any Security profile), add it to
    profile group
    and reference the profile group in a Security policy rule.
  4. Edit the URL Access Management safe search block page, replacing the existing code with JavaScript for rewriting search query URLs.
    1. Select
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
      Response Pages
    2. Export HTML Template
      for URL Access Management Block Page.
    3. Use an HTML editor and replace all of the existing block page text with the following text. Then, save the file.
      <html> <head> <title>Search Blocked</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"> <style> #content { border:3px solid#aaa; background-color:#fff; margin:1.5em; padding:1.5em; font-family:Tahoma,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:1em; } h1 { font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold; color:#196390; } b { font-weight:normal; color:#196390; } </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#e7e8e9"> <div id="content"> <h1>Search Blocked</h1> <p> <b>User:</b> <user/> </p> <p>Your search results have been blocked because your search settings are not in accordance with company policy. In order to continue, please update your search settings so that Safe Search is set to the strictest setting. If you are currently logged into your account, please also lock Safe Search and try your search again.</p> <p> For more information, please refer to: <a href="<ssurl/>"> <ssurl/> </a> </p> <p id="java_off"> Please enable JavaScript in your browser.<br></p> <p><b>Please contact your system administrator if you believe this message is in error.</b></p> </div> </body> <script> // Grab the URL that's in the browser. var s_u = location.href; //bing // Matches the forward slashes in the beginning, anything, then ".bing." then anything followed by a non greedy slash. Hopefully the first forward slash. var b_a = /^.*\/\/(.+\.bing\..+?)\//.exec(s_u); if (b_a) { s_u = s_u + "&adlt=strict"; window.location.replace(s_u); document.getElementById("java_off").innerHTML = 'You are being redirected to a safer search!'; } //yahoo // Matches the forward slashes in the beginning, anything, then ".yahoo."" then anything followed by a non greedy slash. Hopefully the first forward slash. var y_a = /^.*\/\/(.+\.yahoo\..+?)\//.exec(s_u); if (y_a) { s_u = s_u.replace(/&vm=p/ig,""); s_u = s_u + "&vm=r"; window.location.replace(s_u); document.getElementById("java_off").innerHTML = 'You are being redirected to a safer search!'; } document.getElementById("java_off").innerHTML = ' '; </script> </html>
  5. Import the edited URL Access Management safe search block page onto the firewall.
    1. Select
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
      Response Pages
    2. Click URL Access Management Safe Search Block Page. A dialog appears with a
      Choose File
    3. Select the safe search block page file you edited earlier and click
  6. Create a custom URL category for the supported search engines.
    In the next step, you’ll configure the firewall to decrypt traffic to this custom category.
    1. Select
      Security Services
      URL Access Management
    2. Under
      Access Control
      , for Custom URL Categories,
      Add Category
    3. Enter a
      for the category, such as
    4. For
      of custom URL category, select
      URL List
    5. Under
      the following entries to the URL list:
    6. Save
      the custom category.
    7. Configure Site Access for the new custom URL category.
      1. Under URL Access Management Profiles, select the profile you configured earlier.
      2. Under Access Control, select the new custom URL category. It appears in the Custom URL Categories section above External Dynamic URL Lists and Pre-Defined Categories.
      3. Set
        Site Access
      4. Save
        your changes.
  7. Because most search engines encrypt their search results, you must enable SSL Forward Proxy decryption so the firewall can inspect the search traffic and detect the safe search settings.
    Under the
    Services and URLs
    section of the Decryption policy rule, click
    Add URL Categories
    . Then, select the custom URL category you created earlier. New custom categories sit at the top of the list.
    the Decryption policy rule.
  8. Select
    Push Config
    to activate your changes.
  9. Verify the Safe Search Enforcement configuration.
    From a computer behind a firewall, open a browser and perform a search using Bing, Yahoo, or Yandex. Then, use one of the following methods to verify your configuration:
    • Examine the query string of the URL for safe search parameters. Safe Search Settings for Search Providers lists the safe search parameter appended to each search query URL.
    • Go to the safe search settings for a supported search engine and verify that the selected SafeSearch preference is the strictest level (
      in most cases).

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