Configure WildFire Portal Settings
Advanced WildFire Powered by Precision AI™

Configure WildFire Portal Settings

Table of Contents

Configure WildFire Portal Settings

Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
  • VM-Series
  • CN-Series
  • Advanced WildFire License
    Prisma Access
    , this is usually included with your
    Prisma Access
This section describes the settings that can be customized for a WildFire cloud account, such as time zone and email notifications for each firewall connected to the account. You can also delete firewall logs stored in the cloud.
  1. Access the portal settings.
    1. Log in to the WildFire portal.
    2. Select
      on the menu bar.
  2. Configure the time zone for the WildFire cloud account.
    Select a time zone from the
    Set Time Zone
    drop-down and
    Update Time Zone
    to save the change.
    The time stamp that appears on WildFire analysis reports is based on the time zone configured for the WildFire cloud account.
  3. (
    ) Delete WildFire logs hosted on the cloud for specific firewalls.
    1. In the
      Delete WildFire Reports
      drop-down, select a firewall (by serial number) and
      Delete Reports
      to remove logs for that firewall from WildFire portal. This action does not delete logs stored on the firewall.
    2. Click
      to proceed with the deletion.
  4. (
    ) Configure email notifications based on WildFire analysis verdicts.
    The WildFire portal does not send alerts for blocked files that the firewall forwarded for WildFire analysis.
    1. In the Configure Alerts section, select
      Malware, Phishing
      , and/or
      check boxes to receive email notifications based on those verdicts:
      • Select the verdict check boxes in the
        row to receive verdict notifications for all samples uploaded to the WildFire cloud.
      • Select the verdict check boxes in the
        row to receive verdict notifications for all samples that are manually uploaded to the WildFire public cloud using the WildFire portal.
      • Select the verdict check boxes for one or several firewall serial numbers to receive verdict notifications for samples submitted by those firewalls.
    2. Select
      Update Notification
      to enable verdict notifications to be emailed to the email address associated with your support account.

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