Threshold for Notification Generation
Autonomous DEM

Threshold for Notification Generation

Table of Contents

Threshold for Notification Generation

As an IT Administrator, you set the threshold for each type of notification. Once the user’s device, WiFi, or internet cross that threshold, users receive a notification on their device. Here are the thresholds for each type of notification.
Users receive notifications only when their CPU and memory are functioning above the thresholds and WiFi is functioning below the thresholds or when their internet is disconnected. They do not get notified when the CPU or memory is working in Normal condition and the WiFi status is status is Excellent, Good, or Fair or their internet is connected.
WiFi Notification Threshold
WiFi StatusSignal StrengthPermitted Range for threshold change
Excellent100%60% - 40%
Good70% - 99%
Fair50% - 69%
Device Notification Threshold
Notification TypeDefault ThresholdPermitted Range for threshold change
CPU95%70% - 100%
Memory95%70% - 100%
Notification TypeDefault ThresholdPermitted Range for threshold change