: Deploy or Migrate to Client Credential Flow for Azure AD

Deploy or Migrate to Client Credential Flow for Azure AD

Table of Contents

Deploy or Migrate to Client Credential Flow for Azure AD

The Client Credential Flow option for Azure Active Directory (AD) in the Cloud Identity Engine allows you to use a service account to log in to your Azure AD in the Cloud Identity Engine. Using a service account is strongly recommended, as this is a more secure method for directory access and does not require the account to be associated with a specific user.
If this is the first time you have created a Cloud Identity Engine tenant, the Cloud Identity Engine app is not available in the Azure app gallery, so you must create a custom app.
If you already have an existing Azure AD configuration in the Cloud Identity Engine, you can easily migrate the existing configuration to use the client credential flow option by reconnecting your Azure AD to the Cloud Identity Engine, selecting the Client Credential Flow option, and testing the connection to verify the configuration.
  1. If you have not already done so, activate your Cloud Identity Engine tenant.
  2. Grant the required read-only permissions in the Azure Portal.
    1. In the Azure Portal, select
      Azure Active Directory
      App Registrations
    2. Click
      New registration
    3. Enter a
      then click
    4. Select
      API permissions
      then click
      Add a permission
    5. Click
      Microsoft Graph
      then select
      Application permissions
    6. Select the following permissions then click
      Add permissions
      • Device.Read.All
        —Application, Read all devices
      • User.Read.All
        —Application, Read all users' full profiles
      • User.Read
        —Delegated, Sign in and read user profile
      • Group.Read.All
        —Application, Read all groups
      The permissions listed above represent the minimum required permissions that use least privilege access. If you prefer a less granular scope that is simpler to implement, you can use these permissions instead:
      • Directory.Read.All
      • Organization.Read.All
      • If you want to use user risk information in attribute-based Cloud Dynamic User Groups, you must grant additional permissions. For more information, refer to the documentation on how to Create a Cloud Dynamic User Group.
      • If you want to collect information on roles and administrators, if you have already granted the
        scope, no further permissions are required. If you are using the scopes listed above, you must also grant the
        scope to collect role and administrator information. For more information, refer to step 6.
      • If you want to collect enterprise application data, you must also grant the
        scope. For more information, refer to step 7.
    7. Click
      Grant admin consent for
      represents the name of your Azure AD).
    8. Click
      to confirm.
  3. Collect the necessary configuration information from the Azure Portal.
    1. In the Azure dashboard, select your Azure AD, then select
      App Registrations
      and select the app you created.
    2. Select
      Certificates & secrets
      then click
      New client secret
    3. Enter a
      the secret.
      When you add the secret, make sure to keep track of when the secret
      . When the secret expires, you must configure the new secret in the Azure Portal and update the configuration in the Cloud Identity Engine app to replace the expired secret. Keep this in mind when selecting the expiry value for the secret. If you prioritize ease of configuration, select a longer expiration for the secret (the maximum value is 2 years). If security is of greater concern, select a shorter value for the secret’s expiration (the default is 6 months).
    4. Copy the
      of the secret and store it in a secure location.
    5. Click
      then copy the
      Application (client) ID
      and store it in a secure location.
    6. Copy the
      Directory (tenant) ID
      and store it in a secure location.
  4. Add your Azure AD directory in the Cloud Identity Engine.
    (Required for migration)
    If you are migrating an existing Azure AD configuration, select
    on the
    page for the Azure AD you want to migrate, then continue to step 4.c. The Cloud Identity Engine automatically populates the necessary information so you can continue to step 9 (testing the connection).
    1. In the Cloud Identity Engine app, select
      then click
      Add New Directory
    2. Set Up
    3. Select
      Client Credential Flow
      as the method you want to use to
      Connect to Azure AD
  5. Select whether you want to
    Collect user risk information from Azure AD Identity Protection
    to use in attribute-based Cloud Dynamic User Groups.
    If you select this option, you must grant additional permissions for the Cloud Identity Engine in the Azure AD Portal. For more information, refer to the documentation for Cloud Dynamic User Groups.
  6. Select whether you want to
    Collect Roles and Administrators (Administrative roles)
    to retrieve
    attribute information for users and groups. Allowing the Cloud Identity Engine to include this information for analysis helps to prevent role-based malicious attacks.
    By default, the Cloud Identity Engine enables this option for tenants that are associated with Cortex XDR.
    If you do not see the
    Collect Roles and Administrators (Administrative roles)
    option, reconnect your directory to select the option.
  7. Select whether you want to
    Collect enterprise applications
    data so that it displays when you View Directory Data. If you don't want to collect the application data or you don't use application data in your security policy, deselect the checkbox to decrease the sync time. If you select this option, you must enable additional permissions for the Cloud Identity Engine (see step 2.f).
    For beta users of this feature, the Cloud Identity Engine continues collecting enterprise application data for any directories configured in your tenant during the beta and no further configuration is required. If you configure a new directory, you must select whether you want to collect enterprise application data from the new directory.
  8. Enter your directory information as indicated, using the information you copied from the Azure Portal in steps 3.d, 3.e, and 3.f:
    During migration of an existing Azure AD configuration to the client credential flow, the Cloud Identity Engine automatically populates the Directory ID, the Client ID, and the Client Secret.
    Copy from Azure Portal
    Enter in Cloud Identity Engine
    Directory (tenant) ID
    Directory ID
    Application (client) ID
    Client ID
    Client Secret
  9. (Required)
    Confirm the Cloud Identity Engine app can successfully communicate with your directory.
    1. In the Cloud Identity Engine, click
      Test Connection
      to confirm that the Cloud Identity Engine can successfully connect to your Azure AD.
    2. (Optional) Enter a new name to
      Customize Directory Name
      in the Cloud Identity Engine.
  10. Submit
    your changes and verify your directory information when the
    page displays.
    You can now use the client credential flow with your Azure AD to enforce group-based policy with the Cloud Identity Engine.

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