: Private Hosted Zone DNS

Private Hosted Zone DNS

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Private Hosted Zone DNS

Learn how to direct DNS queries from a Private Hosted Zone DNS to Cloud NGFW.
To create a Private Hosted zone in AWS, see
Creating a private hosted zone
To allow your Cloud NGFW resource to query Route 53 Resolver for any DNS zones (e.g., Private Zones) hosted on Route 53, you create a Route 53 Inbound Endpoint as discussed earlier. The Inbound Endpoint is a bridge for other services to query Route 53 for domain name resolution. When you create an Inbound Endpoint, AWS creates an elastic network interface (ENI) in each availability zone (AZ) that you specify will receive inbound DNS queries.
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console.
  2. Create an inbound endpoint.
    1. Select
      Route 53
      Inbound Endpoints
    2. Click
      Create inbound endpoint
    3. Enter a descriptive
    4. Select the VPC for the endpoint.
    5. Attach a security group for this endpoint.
    6. Set the
      Endpoint Type
      to IPv4.
    7. Select the availability zone.
    8. Select the subnet you created above.
      If you have more than one availability zone, you must specify the availability zone and subnet for each.
    9. Click
      Create inbound endpoint
    10. Note the IP address associated with each subnet attached to your inbound endpoint. Use these IP addresses when configuring your
      DHCP option sets
      in the following steps.
  3. Select
    DHCP option sets
  4. You can create a new DHCP option set and add the IP address for each availability zone. If you have more than one availability zone, enter each IP address as a comma-separated list.
  5. Select
    and choose the VPC to secure.
  6. From the
    drop-down, select
    Edit VPC settings
  7. Under
    DHCP settings
    , choose the DHCP option set with you created above from the
    DHCP option set
  8. Click
    Save changes
  9. Edit your subnet route table.
    1. Select
      Route Tables
    2. Select the route table for the subnet you want to secure.
    3. Add a route and set the destination to the IP address of your DNS server and set the target to the Cloud NGFW endpoint.
    4. Click
      Save changes
      Any DNS traffic from the protected subnet is routed through the Cloud NGFW endpoint and on to the Cloud NGFW for inspection and enforcement.

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