CN-Series YAML

CN-Series YAML

Table of Contents

CN-Series YAML

Refer to the following table to see what has changed with each CN-Series YAML release.

YAML 3.0.x

CN-Series yaml 3.0.x should be used with the CN-Series running PAN-OS 10.0, PAN-OS 10.1, or PAN-OS 10.2.
What’s New
  • Introduces YAMLs for CN-Series Hyperscale Security Fabric (HSF) 1.0 solution on On-Prem (RedHat Openshift) and AWS EKS public cloud managed Kubernetes environments.
  • Introduces support for horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA) using KEDA on Kubernetes version 1.22 and above for EKS and AKS.
PLUG-11717: Fixed an issue that prevented plugin-serviceaccount.yaml from creating a secret in K8S 1.24.
Adds support for k8s 1.22 on the CN-Series on AWS EKS. This support also requires CN-Series PAN-MGMT-INIT version 3.0.2.
  • Adds support for k8s 1.22 on the CN-Series on all platforms except AWS EKS. This support also requires CN-Series PAN-MGMT-INIT version 3.0.1.
  • Adds support for OpenShift for the CN-Series deployed as a Kubernetes service. This requires PAN-CNI 3.0.2 or greater.
  • CN-120: Adds pod affinity for CN-MGMT and CN-NGFW pods in CN-Series deployed in CNF mode.

YAML 1.0.x

CN-Series yaml 1.0.x should be used with the CN-Series running PAN-OS 10.0.
What’s New
  • Adds support for k8s 1.22 on the CN-Series on all platforms. This support also requires CN-Series PAN-MGMT-INIT version 3.0.2.
  • Adds support for OpenShift for the CN-Series deployed as a Kubernetes service. This support also requires CN-Series PAN-MGMT-INIT version 3.0.2.
Adds support for k8s 1.22 on the CN-Series on all platforms except AWS EKS. This support also requires CN-Series PAN-MGMT-INIT version 3.0.1.

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