Cytool for Windows - 7.7 - Cortex XDR - Cortex XDR Agent - Advanced Endpoint Protection - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Agent Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR
Cortex XDR Agent
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Cytool is a command-line interface (CLI) that is integrated into the Cortex XDR agent and enables you to query and manage both basic and advanced functions of the agent. Any changes you make using Cytool are active until the agent receives the next heartbeat communication from Cortex XDR.

On Windows endpoints, you can access Cytool using a Microsoft command prompt that you run as an administrator. Cytool is located in the C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps folder on the endpoint.

The following table displays the Cytool options available on Windows endpoints.


Starting with the Cortex XDR 7.6, the new cyserver.exe process includes and replaces the previous CyveraService.exe, tlaservice.exe, and twdservice.exe high-privileged processes.

Command Option

Password Required




Enable or disable a protection feature.

Usage: cytoolprotect <action> <feature>


  • <action>—Changes protection for an agent feature. Options are: enable, disable, policy, and query. The query option displays the protection status for each feature.

  • <feature>—Specifies the feature for which you want to change the protection status. Options are process for agent core processes, registry for agent registry keys, file for agent files, service for agent services.

    and pipe for protection of agent pipes

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytoolprotect disable processProtection      Mode            StateProcess         Disabled        DisabledRegistry        Policy          EnabledFile            Policy          EnabledService         Policy          EnabledPipe         Policy          Enabled



Enable, disable, or query the startup state of the Cortex XDR agent components.

Usage: cytool startup <action> <component>


  • <action>—Changes startup action for an agent component. Options are: enable, disable, and query. The query option displays the startup status for each component.

  • <component>—Specifies the component for which you want to change the startup action. To change the startup action for multiple components, list them with spaces separating each component. Options are: cyverak, cyvrmtgn, cyvrfsfd, cyserver , and telam.

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool
startup disable cyverak cyvrfsfd
Enter supervisor password:

Service         Startup
cyverak         Disabled
cyvrmtgn        System
cyvrfsfd        Disabled
cyserver        Automatic
telam           Automatic



Stop or start product components.

Usage: cytool runtime <action> <component> <timeout>


  • <action>—Changes startup runtime action for an agent component. Options are: start, stop, and query. The query option displays the startup status for each component.

  • <component>—Specifies the component for which you want to change the runtime action, or you can specify all components by not including any in this command. To change the runtime action for a subset of components, list them with spaces separating each component. Options are: cyverak, cyvrmtgn, cyvrfsfd, and cyserver. .

  • <timeout>—Specifies the seconds to wait for each component to start/stop. The default is forever. time.

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps> cytool
runtime stop cyserver cyverak
Enter supervisor password:

Service         State
cyverak         Stopped
cyvrmtgn        Running
cyvrfsfd        Running
cyserver        Stopped



Operate product trace sessions.


  • cytool trace start <log size>—Starts the trace session and logs the results to a file with a maximum <logsize> in MB (up to 25MB).

  • cytool trace stop—Stops the trace session.

  • cytool trace reset—Resets all tracing configurations to their default values. If an active logging session exists, Cytool will restart the session.

  • cytool trace set <component> <level> <flag>, where:

    • <component> can be either all (set the log level for all components) or one of the following individual components: cyvrlpc, cyvrfsfd, cyverak, cyvrmtgn, cyreport, cyserver, cyapi, cylnk, cyrprtui, cytray, tlacore, cytool, cyverau, cyinjct, cyvrtrap, cyvera, ntnativeapi, winutils, or panwd.

    • <level> can be one of the following log levels: NONE, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, VERBOSE, DEBUG, or ALL.

    • <flag> is the mask (hex) of one or more trace flags (a maximum of 31) separated by spaces that the agent assigns to each trace when a program runs on the endpoint (for example 0x7FFFFFFF, or 0x5). The trace flag is a property of a trace provider (in this case, Cortex XDR) and determines which events the agent generates. You can use the trace flag to filter events that the agent traces.

  • cytool trace convert <etl_file> [<tmf_file>]—Extract the encoded event trace log (ETL) file using a trace message format (TMF) file as a key to a file with the same name and store the result in %ProgramData%\Cyvera\Logs\Log.txt. When a TMF file is not supplied, Cytool uses the default TMF file stored in the %ProgramData\Cyvera\Logs\ folder to convert the ETL file.


    This command is not supported on Windows XP SP3.



View, restore and delete quarantined files.


  • cytool quarantine list—List all quarantined files.

  • cytool quarantine restore <ID> [<path>]—Restore files to their original location or to a path, if specified, by specifying the file ID.

  • cytool quarantine delete <ID>—Delete the quarantined file specified by the quarantine ID.


Query Cortex XDR agent statistics from a running process.

Usage: cytoolstat <pid>

where <pid> is the process ID (PID).

For example, to display statistics about the Chrome process identified by PID 4080:

c:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps> cytool
stat 4080
DllSec Invocations: 0
DllSec Time: 00:00:00.0
G01 Invocations: 0
G01 Time: 00:00:00.0
G01 Thunk 00 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 01 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 02 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 03 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 04 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 05 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 06 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 07 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 08 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 09 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 10 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 11 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 12 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 13 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 14 Resolution: 0
G01 Thunk 15 Resolution: 0
G01 Stack Walk Resolution: 0
J01 Minimum Stack Depth: 166
J01Checks: 25
J01 Stack Walk Checks: 0


Display general Cortex XDR agent information.

Usage: cytool info [query]

To display the agent version, run the cytool info command without any additional arguments. To display additional details about the agent, such as the version of the default policy and the specific build number, add the query argument. For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool
Cortex XDR (R) supervisor tool
(c) Palo Alto Networks, Inc. All rights reserved

General Cortex XDR information.

USAGE: cytool info query

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool info query
Content Type: 113
Content Build: 18279
Content Version: 113-18297
Event Log: 1



Prepare a golden image by submitting files for cloud analysis and generate a threats report.

Usage: cytool imageprep [scan] [timeout <scan timeout>][upload <upload timeout>] [path <full path>]


  • <scan timeout>—The number of hours the scan is permitted to run before reporting an error.

  • <upload timeout>—The number of minutes the agent can take to upload unknown files to Cortex XDR before reporting an error.

  • <full path>—Path to store the scan report. If no path is specified, Cytool saves the scan report to the local Cytool directory. To save files to this folder, you must disable service protection using the cytool protect disable command.

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool
imageprep scan timeout 4 upload 60 path c:\report
Start Time       : 17:56:46
Elapsed Time     : 00:04:17
State            : Running
Scanned Files    : 5427
Suspicious Files : 0
Failed Files     : 9
Volume Root Path : \\?\C:\
Window Usage     : 0                       236                       20000
Path         : ...t\cache2\entries\9B982CE198BF046E6CCF25478920DDFD9E5842E5

Scan completed successfully

Complete report can be found at: C:\report\imageprep_2019-03-06_08-59-30.xml


Scan operations.

Usage: cytool scan <action>

where <action>:

  • start—Scans the endpoint for malware.

  • stop—Stops a scan.

  • query—Displays the progress if a system scan is active.

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool
scan start
Enter supervisor password:

The operation completed successfully.

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool scan query
Enter supervisor password:

Start Time       : 9:09:0648
Elapsed Time     : 00:00:51
State            : Running
Scanned Files    : 3944
Suspicious Files : 0
Failed Files     : 1\?\C:\
Volume Root Path : \\?\C:\                                      8                                            20000
Window Usage     : 0                                           14                                            20000
Path             : ...m.BubbleWitch3Saga_6.1.0_x86__kgqvnymyfvs32\res_output\particles\collected_counter_feathers.xml
The operation completed successfully.

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool scan stop
Enter supervisor password:

The operation completed successfully.



The Cortex XDR agent stores policy and security event information, such as the list of trusted signers, local verdicts, and one-time actions in local databases on the endpoint. To troubleshoot policy issues and security events, you can use cytool persist operations to import, export, and view information stored in the local database.

Usage: cytool persist <operation>

where <operation>:

  • list—Lists the local databases on the endpoint.

  • export [<database name> | <databasepath>]—Exports the database table to a file in the C:\Users\<user>\Documents\PaloAltoNetworks\Traps\cytool directory.

  • import [<database name> | <databasepath>] <file name>—Adds the records in a JSON file to the database.

  • print <database name> | <databasepath> [csv]—Prints the records in the database to a CSV file.

To view a list of all local databases, use the cytool persist list command.

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool
persist list
Enter supervisor password:

Persistent database list:
            security_events.db          Database of security events (preventions)
                file_upload.db          Database of files being uploaded to ESM
            hash_containers.db          Database of files and containers
                 hash_paths.db          Database of file paths
              agent_actions.db          Database of one time actions
             agent_settings.db          Database of agent settings
               esm_frontend.db          Database of ESM frontend settings
                esm_reports.db          Database of ESM reports
             cloud_frontend.db          Database of Cloud frontend settings
              cloud_reports.db          Database of Cloud reports
             post_detection.db          Database of post-detection candidates
         remediation_events.db          Database of remediation events

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool persist export
Enter supervisor password:
persistence::DB: C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\persistence\file_upload.db: Open
persistence::DB: C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\persistence\file_upload.db: Close


Set log level for the desired process.

Usage: cytool log set_level <log_level> <components>


  • <log_level>—An integer value corresponding to the log level:

    • 0—Disable logging

    • 1—Fatal

    • 2—Critical

    • 3—Error

    • 4—Warning

    • 5—Notice

    • 6—Information

    • 7—Debug

    • 8—Trace

  • <components> can be all or it can be one or more of the following agent components: trapsd, authorized, pmd, or cortex xdr.

Then use the cytool log collect command to generate a support file archive of all logs in a TGZ file.


Initiate check-in to the server.

Usage: cytool checkin

To verify the checkin, view the check-in time on the agent console.


Display the time of the last successful check-in.

Usage: cytool last_checkin

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool last_checkin
Persistent Last Check-In time
Database agent_settings:
persistence::DB: C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\Persistence\\agent_settings.db: Open
persistence::DB: C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\Persistence\\agent_settings.db: Open: IO error: C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\Persistence\\agent_settings.db\LOCK: Could not lock file.
Last Check-In time (UTC): 2020-01-27T09:53:50Z
Last Check-In time (local): 2020-01-27T11:53:50Z
Total: 1 records
persistence::DB: C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\Persistence\\agent_settings.db: Close


Run EDR operations.


cytool edr <operation>

where <operation> can be:

  • dump—Dumps EDR events.

  • stats—Displays EDR stats collected on the endpoint.



Stop or query payload execution status. Relates to Live Terminal and script execution.


  • cytool payload_execution query—Display current payload execution status.

    For example:

  • cytool payload_execution stop—Stops payload execution.


Display current websocket connection status.

Usage: cytool websocket query

For example:

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool websocket query
Current status of websocket connection is:
server: wss://
connected: true
enabled: true
uptime: 00:39:46.444



Try reconnecting to the server if communication has been disabled, or force registration with a new distribution_id.


  • cytool reconnect—Reconnects the Cortex XDR agent to the management application on the server, either Traps management service or Cortex XDR.



Update hostname of Golden image and ID in the peristent database.

Usage: cytool vdi update

Update is the only operation available at this point.



Set or query cloud-defined proxies for the agent.


  • cytool proxy query—Displays the current status of cloud-defined proxy settings.

  • cytool proxy set <list>—Set cloud-defined proxy settings to the proxies defined in <list>. For example: cytool proxy set ","

  • cytool proxy set “”—Disable cloud-defined proxy.



Start or stop event collection (EDR/DSE).

Usage: cytool event_collection <operation>

  • cytool event_collection query—Display current event collection status.

  • cytool event_collection enable—Start or stop event collection as set by policy.

  • cytool event_collection disable—Forcibly stop event collection.

  • cytool event_collection logstat—Write internal statistics to the log file.



Release endpoint from network isolation.

Usage: cytool isolate stop


Displays the current token hash of the endpoint.

Usage: cytool token query



Usage: cytool endpoint_tags <action>, where <action> can be:

  • add—Add tags to the endpoint tag list.

  • remove—Remove the given tags from the list of endpoint tags.

  • list—Display the available list of endpoint tags.


Tags should be passed as one string, separated by commas, and with no spaces.

For example:

  • cytool endpoint_tags add “tag1[,tage2,...,tagN]”



Host firewall operations.

Usage: cytool firewall <action>

where <action> can be:

  • enable—Activates host firewall component

  • disable—Stops a scan.

  • query—Displays the progress if a system scan is active.

  • show—Displays the progress if a system scan is active.



Imports pre-downloaded content package.

Usage: cytool import content<action>



(Behavioral threat protection) BTP operations.

Usage: cytool btp <operation>

where <operation> can be:

  • verbose_log enable—enables BTP verbose logging.

  • verbose_log disable—disables BTP verbose logging.

  • watch enable <item_name>—Enables the watch command for the specified item.

  • watch disable <item_name>—disables the watch command for the specified item.

  • where item name can be:

  • facts

  • rules

  • activations

  • focus

  • compilations

  • statistics

  • globals

  • deffunctions

  • instances

  • slots

  • messages

  • messages-handlers

  • generic-functions

  • methods

  • all



Displays file properties for a given hash/path.

Usage: cytool file_search <operation>

where <operation> can be:

  • hash

    —Displays file properties for a given hash.

  • path

    —Displays file properties for a given path.



File system scan properties.

Usage:cytool file_system_scan [start] [stop] or [query]

where start—Starts the full system scan.

stop—Stops the file system scan. query—Displays file progress of the file system scan, if it’s still active.



Import file system.

Usage:cytool import <operation> where: content <package file path>—Imports and applies content from the given file.

suex <suex file path>

—Imports and applies local support exception. Options are:

  • <suex local clear>

  • <suex remote freeze>

  • <suex remote cleer>


Displays the start time of the last successful system scan.

Usage:cytool misc last_scan_time



Peer to peer settings

Usage:cytool p2p <action>

where <action>:

  • status—Displays status and configuration of peer to peer.

  • enable—Enables peer to peer.

  • disable—Disables peer to peer.

  • port—Changes peer to peer port to 1234.



Displays blocked IPs and whilelisted IPs and option to unblock one or more IPs.

Usage: cytool unblock_remote_ip <operation>

where <operation> can be:

  • list

    —Displays list of blocked IPs.

  • wlist

    —Displays list of white listed IPs.

  • unblock

    —Unblock an IP address or all. Options are: all IP address



Adaptive policy agent commands.

Usage: cytool adaptive_policy <interval> <collect_stats> <recalc> <query>


  • interval —Sets a recalculation interval override (in seconds), or reset an override. Options are: seconds policy

  • collect_stats —Initiates a collection of internal statistics.

  • recalc —Triggers a recalculation of the adaptive policy.

  • query —Query the current interval and APEX.


Set security profiles.

Usage: cytool security <action>

where: <action>—Options are: enable, disable, or query.The query option displays the startup status for each component.

C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Traps>cytool
security disable
Enter supervisor password:
Security profiles are now disabled.


Prints all the cytool security events

Usage: cytool security_events print



Set the number of HTTP requests for each of the known URLs.

Usage: cytool connectivity_test <request_count>

where: <request_count>—is the number of HTTP requests for each of the known URLs.