: Deploy Prisma SD-WAN ION Device in AWS VPC

Deploy Prisma SD-WAN ION Device in AWS VPC

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Deploy Prisma SD-WAN ION Device in AWS VPC

Lets learn how to deploy Prisma SD-WAN ION Device in AWS VPC.
The following steps provide information on deploying a Prisma SD-WAN ION device in an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  1. Subscribe.
    1. Subscribe to the Prisma SD-WAN ION Virtual Appliance in the AWS Marketplace at https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07C8J9XL1
  2. Create Licenses.
    • Prisma SD-WAN must create license keys for the model(s) the customer intends to deploy.
    • Existing and PoC customers will work with their Prisma SD-WAN account teams to ensure the licenses are created ahead of time.
    • Potential new customers should reach out to sales@paloaltonetworks.com.
  3. Generate Tokens.
    • Tokens are generated through the portal by a customer administrator.
    • Single-use or multi-use tokens that are valid for 48 hours will be assigned to the virtual appliance during deployment.
  4. Deploy.
    1. Select the deployment option to launch the appropriate CloudFormation template.
    2. Greenfield to create a new VPC and insert the Prisma SD-WAN virtual appliance into it.
    3. Brownfield to insert a Prisma SD-WAN virtual appliance into an existing VPC.
  5. Claim and Assign.
    1. Claim the device and assign it to a site.

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