Prisma SD-WAN
Flow Detail
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Prisma SD-WAN Docs
- CloudBlade Integrations
- CloudBlades Integration with Prisma Access
- 5.6
- 6.1
- 6.2
- 6.3
- 6.4
- 6.5
- New Features Guide
- On-Premises Controller
- Prisma SD-WAN CloudBlades
- Prisma Access CloudBlade Cloud Managed
- Prisma Access CloudBlade Panorama Managed
Flow Detail
Lets learn more about the flow details table in the Prisma
SD-WAN activity tab.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
The Flow Detail provides information on the following
attributes of the flow:
Field | Description |
Flow Decision Bitmap | Lists the decisions taken for the flow as it was processed. |
Source IP (Port) | Source IP and port of the flow origin (depending on the direction of the flow). |
Destination IP (Port) | Destination IP and port of the destined address of the flow (depending on the direction of the flow). |
Application Name | Name of the application for a particular flow or transaction. |
Application Category | Application category for the flow. |
Alt Application | Alternate application is usually the parent application. |
Security Policy Rule | Security policy rule(s) that are applied for the flow. |
Source Zone | Source zone (Zone Based Firewall) for the flow. |
Destination Zone | Destination zone for the flow. |
Action | Action taken to allow or deny the policy rule applied for the flow. |
Path Policy Set | Path policy set used for the flow. |
Path Policy Rule | Path policy rule used for the flow. |
Path Network Context | Path policy context used for the flow. |
Path Source Prefix | Path source prefix used for the flow. |
Path Destination Prefix | Path destination prefix used for the flow. |
Path With Lowest Probe DNS Transaction Time Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe DNS transaction time selected. |
Path With Lowest Probe HTTP Transaction Time Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe HTTP transaction time selected. |
Path With Lowest Probe DNS Transaction Failure Rate Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe DNS transaction failure rate selected. |
Path With Lowest Probe Init Failure Rate Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe Init failure rate selected. |
Path With Lowest Probe Packet Loss Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe packet loss selected. |
Path With Lowest Probe Jitter Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe jitter selected. |
Path With Lowest Probe Latency Selected | Lists the path with lowest probe latency selected. |
Path With Lowest LQM Packet Loss Selected | Lists the path with lowest LQM packet loss selected. |
Path With Lowest LQM Jitter Selected | Lists the path with lowest LQM jitter selected. |
Path With Lowest LQM Latency Selected | Lists the path with lowest LQM latency selected. |
QoS Policy Set | QoS policy set used for the flow. |
QoS Policy Rule | QoS policy rule used for the flow. |
QoS Network Context | QoS network context used for the flow. |
QoS Source Prefix | QoS source prefix used for the flow. |
QoS Destination Prefix | QoS destination prefix used for the flow. |
Protocol | Protocol detected for that particular flow. |
Chosen WAN Path | WAN path chosen for that particular flow. |
Endpoint | Endpoint for the flow. |
Traffic Type | Traffic type such as transactional, bulk, rt-audio or rt-video. |
Priority Class | Priority Class as defined by the Priority Policy. |
Flow Direction | Flow direction at the start of transaction. |
Start Time | Time when the first packet in this flow was detected. |
Last Activity | Time of the flow when the last packet was detected. |
New Flow | First record for this flow that was detected in the current time window. |
Packets | Number of packets exchanged between client and server. |
Bytes | Number of bytes exchanged between client and server. |
DSCP Fields Seen (LAN > WAN) | DSCP markings seen between LAN-to-WAN that is used to change the priority of the packets as they traverse the network. |
DSCP Fields Seen (WAN > LAN) | DSCP markings seen between WAN-to-LAN that is used to change the priority of the packets as they traverse the network. |
OOO Packets | Out of order packets from the client to a server and the server to a client. |
SACK Packets | Selective acknowledgment of the packets. |
Retransmit Packets | Number of TCP retransmit packets. |
Packet Duplication Applied Per Performance Policy | Displays the number of duplication packets applied Per Performance Policy. |
Retransmit Bytes | Number of TCP retransmit bytes. |
RST | Number of TCP reset packets sent. |
SYN | Number of TCP SYN packets sent. |
FIN | Number of TCP FIN packets sent. |
VLAN | Displays the VLAN used for the flow. |
average_rtt | Average round trip time calculated. |
average_srt | Average server response time. |
average_pg | Average inter-packet gap (a measure of network congestion and packet loss) calculated. |
init_success | Indicates if the TCP session initiation was successful. |
max_rtt | Maximum round trip time detected. |
max_srt | Maximum server response time at the application level. |
max_pg | Maximum inter-packet gap (a measure of network congestion and packet loss) detected. |
min_rtt | Minimum round trip time detected. |
min_srt | Minimum server response time at the application level. |
min_pg | Minimum inter-packet gap (a measure of network congestion and packet loss) detected. |
success_transactions | Number of successful transactions. |
Probe filter removed one or more filter paths | Lists the probe filter removed one or more filter paths. |
FEC Applied Per Performance Policy | Lists the FEC applied per Performance Policy for that flow. |
Flow blocked after reclassification due to User/Group learning | Lists the flow blocked after reclassification due to User/Group learning. |
Chose an L3 Failure Backup Transit path | Displays the chosen L3 Failure backup transit path for the flow. |
Chose an L3 Failure Active Transit path | Displays the chosen L3 Failure active Transit path for the flow. |
Found an L3 Failure Active Transit path | Displays the found L3 Failure active Transit path for the flow. |
Found an L3 Failure Backup Transit path | Displays the found L3 Failure backup Transit path for the flow. |
L3 failure path in the network policy used | Displays the L3 failure path in the network policy used by the Flow. |
Use on L3 failure paths found, but have L3 failures themselves or are not configured | Displays the flow used on L3 failure paths found, but have L3 failures themselves or are not configured. |
Configured use on L3 failure paths found and considered | Displays the configuration used on L3 failure paths found and considered for that flow. |
All Active and Backup paths with a route for destination prefix are down or have L3 failures | Displays all Active and Backup paths with a route for destination prefix are down or have L3 failures of the flow. |
Flow blocked due to TCP state violation | Displays the flow blocked due to TCP state violation. |
Flow blocked after Application re-classification | Displays the Flow blocked after Application re-classification. |
Policy allowed Standard VPN on private interface | Displays the policy allowed for Standard VPN on private interface for the flow. |
Policy allowed Standard VPN on public interface | Displays the policy allowed for Standard VPN on public interface for the flow. |
Reachable over Standard VPN, disallow direct internet | Displays the flows which are reachable over Standard VPN and disallow direct internet. |
Standard VPN allowed on private interface | Displays the flow on Standard VPN allowed on private interface. |
Standard VPN allowed on public interface | Displays the flow on Standard VPN allowed on public interface. |
Default Standard VPNs found | Displays the default Standard VPNs found for the flow. |
WAN to LAN flow VPN path to site preserved | Displays the WAN to LAN flow VPN path to site preserved for the flow. |
WAN to LAN flow MPLS path type preserved | Displays the WAN to LAN flow MPLS path type preserved for the flow. |
Path Policy Backup Path, Backup Service / DG Group Paths Selected | Displays the Path Policy Backup Path, Backup Service / DG Group paths selected for the flow. |
Path Policy Backup Path, Active Service / DG Group Paths Selected | Displays the Path Policy Backup Path, Active Service / DG Group paths selected for the flow. |
Path Policy Active Path, Backup Service / DG Group Paths Selected | Displays the Path Policy Active Path, Backup Service / DG Group paths selected for the flow. |
Path Policy Active Path, Active Service / DG Group Paths Selected | Displays the Path Policy Active Path, Active Service / DG Group paths selected for the flow. |
Path Policy Backup Path, Backup Service / DG Group Paths Found | Displays the Path Policy Backup Path, Backup Service / DG Group paths found for the flow. |
Path Policy Backup Path, Active Service / DG Group Paths Found | Displays the Path Policy Backup Path, Active Service / DG Group paths found for the flow. |
Path Policy Active Path, Backup Service / DG Group Paths Found | Displays the Path Policy Active Path, Backup Service / DG Group paths found for the flow. |
Path Policy Active Path, Active Service / DG Group Paths Found | Displays the Path Policy Active Path, Active Service / DG Group paths found for the flow. |
Reachable over VPN, disallow direct internet | Displays the flows which are reachable over VPN and disallow direct internet. |
Enterprise prefix Public Direct disallowed | Displays the Enterprise prefix Public Direct disallowed for the flow. |
Non-Enterprise prefix PWAN disallowed by config | Displays the Non-Enterprise prefix PWAN disallowed by config for the flow. |
Non-Enterprise prefix VPN disallowed by config | Displays the Non-Enterprise prefix VPN disallowed by config for the flow. |
App Perf Bad Path Chosen | Displays the App perf bad path chosen for the flow. |
App SLA Compliant Path Selected | Displays the App SLA Compliant (good/ok)Path Selected |
Private VPN Path | Displays the Private VPN Path for the flow. |
Allowed private VPN | Displays the Allowed private VPN for the flow. |
Policy allowed private VPN | Displays the policy allowed private VPN for the flow. |
Path(s) filtered due to L3 Reachability Down | Displays the Path(s) filtered due to L3 Reachability Down for the flow. |
Direct private WAN used since both active and backup paths were unusable | Displays the Direct private WAN used since both active and backup paths were unusable for the flow. |
Backup path in the network policy selected | Displays the Backup path in the network policy selected for the flow. |
Active path in the path policy selected | Displays the Active path in the path policy selected for the flow. |
App Reachability Detection Removed One Or More Paths | Displays the App Reachability detection removed one Or more paths for the flow. |
One Or More Paths Violated A Performance Policy LQM Rule | Displays the one or more Paths violated a performance policy LQM rule for the flow. |
Detected asymmetry has been automatically corrected | Displays the detected asymmetry has been automatically corrected for the flow. |
New Flow Detected | Displays the new flow detected. |
Select WAN path down | Displays the select WAN path down for the flow. |
Select WAN path up | Displays the select WAN path up for the flow. |
App_id, dest IP and dest port | Displays the App_id, destination IP and destination port for the flow. |
App_id, src IP and src port | Displays the App_id, source IP and source port for the flow. |
App_id and dest port | Displays the App_id and destination port for the flow. |
App_id and src port | Displays the App_id and source port for the flow. |
App_id and dest IP | Displays the App_id and destination IP for the flow. |
App_id and src IP | Displays the App_id and source IP for the flow. |
Path Policy Permits Public VPN Path | Displays the Path Policy Permits Public VPN Path for the flow. |
Path Policy Permits Private Direct Path | Displays the Path Policy Permits Private Direct Path for the flow. |
Path Policy Permits Public Direct Path | Displays the Path Policy Permits Public Direct Path for the flow. |
Policy name constraint specified | Displays the Policy name constraint specified for the flow. |
Name constraint specified | Displays the name constraint specified for the flow. |
HUB VPNs found | Displays the data center (hub) VPNs found for the flow. |
Policy allows asymmetry | Displays the allowed policy asymmetry for the flow. |
Private direct safe use | Displays the Private direct safe use for the flow. |
Strict Path Affinity Configured in App Definition | Displays the strict Path Affinity configured in App definition for the flow. |
Strict Path Affinity Followed | Displays the strict Path Affinity followed for the flow. |
SLA criteria specified | Displays the SLA criteria specified for the flow. |
BW One wan path | Displays the bandwidth one WAN path for the flow. |
BW secondary flow | Displays the bandwidth secondary flow for the flow. |
Preferred path specified | Displays the preferred path specified for the flow. |
BW preferred path | Displays the bandwidth preferred path for the flow. |
BW bulk preferred path | Displays the bandwidth bulk preferred path for the flow. |
Preferred path followed | Displays the preferred path followed for the flow. |
31 : "Public direct path" | Displays the public direct path for the flow. |
Public VPN path | Displays the public VPN path for the flow. |
Private direct path | Displays the private direct path for the flow. |