Configure and Attach Network Contexts
Prisma SD-WAN

Configure and Attach Network Contexts

Table of Contents

Configure and Attach Network Contexts

Let us learn about the network context that segments network traffic for the purpose of applying different network policy rules for the same application.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • Active Prisma SD-WAN license
Network context segments network traffic for the purpose of applying different network policy rules for the same application. A rule with a network context always take precedence over a rule without a network context. You may create one or more network contexts, but an individual LAN network can belong to only one network context.
  1. Navigate to ManageResourcesNetwork Contexts.
  2. Select Add to add the network context.
  3. Enter a Name and Description.
  4. Save to add the network context.

Attach Network Contexts to LANs

You must attach the network contexts to the appropriate LAN segments to be effective.
  1. Select WorkflowsPrisma SD-WAN Setup DevicesClaimed Devices, select a device and click Configure the device.
  2. Select the Interfaces tab and select a bypass pair.
  3. Disable L3 forwarding and WAN forwarding
  4. On Main Configurations, select Private L2 from the Use These Ports For drop-down.
  5. Enter a number for VLAN between 1-4094 for attached networks.
  6. Enter the IP address for the router.
  7. (Optional) Select a network context from the Network Context drop-down.
  8. Select the Scope of the network context—Global or Local.
  9. Create the network context.