inspect flow brief
Prisma SD-WAN

inspect flow brief

Table of Contents

inspect flow brief

Use the inspect flow brief command to inspect the brief details for active flows and to debug current flows matching the user-specified options. It displays existing flows and their path, along with information on application, network policy, priority policy, security policy, security action and path details.


inspect flow brief (all | [prot-nm=( udp | tcp | icmp ) | prot-no= 0-255] | srcv4=src-ipv4 | srcport=src-port | dstv4=dst-ipv4 | dstport=dst-port )]
inspect flow brief (all | [prot-nm=( udp | tcp | icmp ) | prot-no= 0-255] | srcv4=src-ipv4 | srcv6=src-ipv6 |srcport=src-port | dstv4=dst-ipv4 | dstv6=dst-ipv6 | dstport=dst-port )]


srcv4Enter the source IPv4 address.
dstv4Enter the destination IPv4 address.
srcv6Enter the source IPv6 address. Release 6.2.1
dstv6Enter the destination IPv6 address. Release 6.2.1
srcportEnter the source port.
dstportEnter the destination port.
prot-nmTab to select UDP, TCP, or ICMP.
prot-noEnter a protocol number ranging from 0 - 255.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only
Related Commands
Introduced in Release 5.0.1


inspect flow brief SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH 8 0 1 2021-08-11 01:21:02 icmp-ping Rule 1 icmp-ping-Policy Rule1-Set2-20 ALLOW 16261257799450062 lan_to_public_vpn
inspect flow brief SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH 53 49272 6 2023-02-28 06:43:53 enterprise-unknown enterprise-default enterprise-default RULE1 ACTION 1672939700547018696 lan_to_l3_private_direct
inspect flow brief dstv6=2103::13 srcv6=2201:100::2 SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH 2201:100::2 2103::13 35924 21 6 2023-03-30 10:36:55 ftp private_vpn default -- N/A 1670476802377011228 lan_to_l3_private_direct 2201:100::2 2103::13 128 0 58 2023-03-30 10:36:53 ipv6-icmp-base default default -- N/A 1670476802377011228 lan_to_l3_private_direct
inspect flow brief VRF SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH yellow 8 0 1 2023-10-09 04:17:13 unknown enterprise-default enterprise-default -- N/A 1696395771321023828 lan_to_public_vpn
inspect flow brief VRF SRC DST SPORT DPORT PROTOCOL START-TIME APP-ID NET-POLICY PRI-POLICY SEC-POLICY SEC-ACTION WANPATH-ID PATH Unknown 0 0 1 2024-09-24 11:29:46 unknown -- N/A 0 sl_to_core