Activate the Tenant - Administrator Guide - 8 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Learn how to activate Cortex XSOAR from the Cortex Gateway.

Before setting up Cortex XSOAR, you need to activate the Cortex XSOAR tenant in the Cortex Gateway.

The Cortex Gateway allows you to do the following:

The Cortex Gateway displays tenants Available for Activation and Available Tenants.

In the Available for Activation section, you can view all the tenants allocated to your CSP account that are ready for activation. You can review the tenant details, such as the license type, purchase date, number of users, etc.

The Available Tenants section lists tenants that have already been activated.

Activating a Cortex XSOAR tenant is a one-time task you’ll need to perform before using Cortex XSOAR. You only need to repeat the activation if you want to add additional tenants.


Ensure you have CSP Super User role permissions to your existing CSP administrator accounts. This role cannot be removed or changed through the Cortex Gateway.

  1. To start the activation process, go to the activation link you received in an email and sign in to the Cortex Gateway.


    As a first user with CSP Super User permissions to access the Cortex Gateway, you are automatically granted XSOAR Account Admin permissions to the Cortex Gateway. With these permissions, you can activate Cortex XSOAR tenants.

  2. In the Available for Activation section, locate the tenant you want to activate according to the serial number and Activate to launch the Tenant Activation wizard.


    Once activated, the tenant will be associated with the account and cannot be moved.

  3. Define the following tenant details:

    • Tenant Name: Give the Cortex XSOAR tenant an easily-recognizable name.

      Choose a name that is 59 or fewer characters and is unique across your company account.

    • Region: Select the region in which you want to set up the Cortex XSOAR tenant.

    • Tenant Subdomain: Give your Cortex XSOAR instance an easy-to-recognize name that is used to access the tenant directly using the full URL.



      This is a public FQDN, so be careful with sensitive information, such as the company name.

    • Review and agree to the terms and conditions of the Privacy policy, Term of Use, EULA.

  4. Activate your tenant.

    Activation can take up to an hour. You should receive a notification by email that the tenant has completed the activation process.

  5. After activation, from the Cortex Gateway, in the Available Tenants when hovering over the activated tenant, do the following:

    • Ensure that you can successfully access the tenant by clicking the Cortex XSOAR tenant name (when the tenant is active).

    • In the dialog box, view the tenant status, region, serial number, and license details.

    • Subject to your license, set up your development tenant by clicking Activate Dev Tenant.  You need to define the development tenant name, region, and subdomain. Once activated, you need to set up the content repository. For more information, see Set up a Remote Repository.Set up a Remote Repository