Content Pack Update Notifications - Administrator Guide - 6.9 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Enable update notifications for individual content packs

You can receive daily notifications of content packs that have available updates. When you enable notifications, they are sent only to you, via email, Slack, or other notification service, depending on your user settings. Notifications are enabled and disabled on a per content pack basis.


(Multi-tenant) You can only subscribe to content pack updates from the Main Account. Tenant accounts do not have a subscription option.

Enable Content Pack Update Notifications

You enable content pack update notifications only after the content pack is installed. Go to MarketplaceINSTALLED CONTENT PACKS, search for the content pack, and click content-pack-notifications-icon.png (on the upper right). To cancel, click the icon again.


You can also disable notifications for individual content packs by clicking Stop Notifications in the daily email.

View Content Packs with Notifications Enabled

To view a list of all content packs with notifications, go to MarketplaceINSTALLED CONTENT PACKS and in the Show field, select the Notifications active filter.

Opt Out of Notifications

You can temporarily or permanently opt out of notifications for all content packs, without disabling the notification option for individual content packs. The content packs still appear in the Notifications active list.

  1. Click your username (in the Cortex XSOAR side menu).

  2. In the Notifications tab, expand the option for Other Notifications.

  3. In the Marketplace Content Packs Updates field, select the checkbox to enable or disable notifications.