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Getting started with LACP using PAN-OS OpenConfig plugin.
Review the deviation file before using the
openconfig-lacp model to familiarize yourself with supported fields.
When using the LACP model with PAN-OS firewalls:
- Defaults for LACP configurations are: Interval: Slow, Mode: Passive, and system priority: 32768
- A Set --delete command sets values back to default configuration.
- Aggregate interfaces are only retrievable from the interface level.
Setting LACP Configuration
This example gNMI request sets LACP mode to active for aggregate ethernet interface
gnmic -a set --update /lacp/interfaces/interface[name=ae1]/lacp-mode:::string:::ACTIVE -u admin -p password -e JSON_IETF --timeout 30s
A successful set request returns:
{ "timestamp": 1619038358429553698, "time": "2021-04-21T13:52:38.429553698-07:00", "results": [ { "operation": "UPDATE", "path": "lacp/interfaces/interface[name=ae1]/lacp-mode" } ] }
Retrieving LACP Configurations
This example gNMI request retrieves the previously enabled LACP configurations for
aggregate ethernet interface 1. The rest of the settings are the default
gnmic -a get --path /lacp -u admin -p password -e JSON_IETF --timeout 30s
A success Get response returns:
[ { "timestamp": 1619037631256141667, "time": "2021-04-21T13:40:31.256141667-07:00", "updates": [ { "Path": "lacp", "values": { "lacp": { "openconfig-lacp:interfaces": { "interface": [ { "config": { "interval": "SLOW", "lacp-mode": "ACTIVE", "name": "ae1", "system-priority": 32768 }, "members": { "member": [ { "interface": "ethernet1/22", "state": { "aggregatable": false, "counters": { "lacp-in-pkts": "0", "lacp-out-pkts": "0" }, "interface": "ethernet1/22", "oper-key": 16, "partner-id": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "partner-key": 0 } } ] }, "name": "ae1", "state": { "interval": "SLOW", "lacp-mode": "ACTIVE", "name": "ae1", "system-id-mac": "34:e5:ec:76:b8:01", "system-priority": 32768 } } ] }, "state": { "system-priority": 32678 } } } } ] } ]