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End-of-Life (EoL)

Move Configuration

Use action=move to move the location of an existing configuration object. Use the xpath parameter to specify the location of the object to be moved, the where parameter to specify type of move, and dst parameter to specify the destination path.
  • where=after&dst=xpath
  • where=before&dst=xpath
  • where=top
  • where=bottom
  1. Use the following API query to move a security policy called rule1 to come after rule2:
    curl -X GET "https://<firewall>/api/?key=apikey&type=config&action=move&xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry[@name='vsys1']/rulebase/security/rules/entry[@name='rule1']&where=after&dst=rule2"
  2. Confirm that the XML response for the request looks like the following:
    <response status="success" code="20"> <msg>command succeeded</msg> </response>