: Export Application PCAPS

Export Application PCAPS

Table of Contents
End-of-Life (EoL)

Export Application PCAPS

Application PCAPs are organized by a directory/filename structure where the directory is a date in yyyymmdd format. Filenames for application pcaps use a SourceIP-SourcePort-DestinationIP-DestinationPort-SessionID.pcap format.
Application PCAP Type
API Request
Application PCAP directory list.
curl -X GET "https://<firewall>/api/?key=apikey&type=export&category=application-pcap"
List of files under a directory using the from parameter to indicate date.
curl -X GET "https://<firewall>/api/?key=apikey&type=export&category=application-pcap&from=<yyyymmdd>"
Application PCAP file by name using the from parameter.
curl -X GET "https://<firewall>/api/?key=apikey&type=export&category=application-pcap&from=<yyyymmdd>/<filename>"
The file will be retrieved and saved locally using the name yyyymmdd-filename.
Application PCAP file saved locally with a custom name using the to parameter.
curl -X GET "https://<firewall>/api/?key=apikey&type=export&category=application-pcap&from=<yyyymmdd>/<filename>&to=<localfile>"