URL Filtering Logs

URL Filtering Logs

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URL Filtering Logs

An overview of URL filtering logs.
URL Filtering logs (
URL Filtering
) display comprehensive information about traffic to URL categories monitored in Security policy rules. Attributes or properties recorded for each session include
receive time, category, URL, from zone, to zone, source, and source user
. You can customize your log view so that only the attributes you are most interested in display. The firewall generates URL filtering log entries in the following cases:
  • Traffic matches a Security policy rule with a URL category as match criteria. The rule enforces one of the following actions for the traffic:
    deny, drop, or reset (client, server, both)
  • Traffic matches a Security policy rule with a URL Filtering Profile attached. Site Access for categories in the profile is set to
    alert, block, continue, or override
By default, categories set to
do not generate URL filtering log entries. The exception is if you configure log forwarding.
If you want the firewall to log traffic to categories that you allow but would like more visibility into, set
Site Access
for these categories to
in your URL Filtering profiles.

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