A correlation object is a definition file that specifies
patterns to match against, the data sources to use for the lookups,
and time period within which to look for these patterns. A pattern
is a boolean structure of conditions that queries the following
data sources (or logs) on the firewall: application statistics,
traffic, traffic summary, threat summary, threat, data filtering,
and URL filtering. Each pattern has a severity rating, and a threshold
for the number of times the pattern match must occur within a defined
time limit to indicate malicious activity. When the match conditions
are met, a correlated event is logged.
A correlation object can connect isolated network events and
look for patterns that indicate a more significant event. These
objects identify suspicious traffic patterns and network anomalies,
including suspicious IP activity, known command-and-control activity,
known vulnerability exploits, or botnet activity that, when correlated,
indicate with a high probability that a host on the network has
been compromised. Correlation objects are defined and developed
by the Palo Alto Networks Threat Research team, and are delivered
with the weekly dynamic updates to the firewall and Panorama. To
obtain new correlation objects, the firewall must have a Threat
Prevention license. Panorama requires a support license to get the
The patterns defined in a correlation object can be static or
dynamic. Correlated objects that include patterns observed in WildFire
are dynamic, and can correlate malware patterns detected by WildFire
with command-and-control activity initiated by a host that was targeted
with the malware on your network or activity seen by a
Traps protected endpoint on Panorama. For
example, when a host submits a file to the WildFire cloud and the
verdict is malicious, the correlation object looks for other hosts
or clients on the network that exhibit the same behavior seen in
the cloud. If the malware sample had performed a DNS query and browsed
to a malware domain, the correlation object will parse the logs
for a similar event. When the activity on a host matches the analysis
in the cloud, a high severity correlated event is logged.