PAN-OS 10.2 Configure CLI Command Hierarchy
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PAN-OS 10.2 Configure CLI Command Hierarchy
find command check pending-changes check full-commit-required check data-access-passwd system save config to <value> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths save config to <value> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths [ <object-xpaths1> <object-xpaths2>... ] save config to <value> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin save config to <value> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin [ <admin1> <admin2>... ] save device-state revert config skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths revert config skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths [ <object-xpaths1> <object-xpaths2>... ] revert config skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin revert config skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-object <excluded> device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin [ <admin1> <admin2>... ] load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> from <value> load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> version <value>|<1-1048576> load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> last-saved load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-objects <included> shared-policies <included> from <value> from-xpath <value> to-xpath <value> mode <merge|replace|append> device-group load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-objects <included> shared-policies <included> from <value> from-xpath <value> to-xpath <value> mode <merge|replace|append> device-group [ <device-group1> <device-group2>... ] load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-objects <included> shared-policies <included> from <value> from-xpath <value> to-xpath <value> mode <merge|replace|append> template load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-objects <included> shared-policies <included> from <value> from-xpath <value> to-xpath <value> mode <merge|replace|append> template [ <template1> <template2>... ] load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-objects <included> shared-policies <included> from <value> from-xpath <value> to-xpath <value> mode <merge|replace|append> template-stack load config key <value>|<default> regenerate-rule-uuid-all <yes|no> skip-validate <yes|no> partial shared-objects <included> shared-policies <included> from <value> from-xpath <value> to-xpath <value> mode <merge|replace|append> template-stack [ <template-stack1> <template-stack2>... ] load device-state commit description <value> force partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin commit description <value> force partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin [ <admin1> <admin2>... ] commit description <value> force partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths commit description <value> force partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths [ <object-xpaths1> <object-xpaths2>... ] commit description <value> partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin commit description <value> partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin [ <admin1> <admin2>... ] commit description <value> partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths commit description <value> partial device-and-network <excluded> shared-object <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> object-xpaths [ <object-xpaths1> <object-xpaths2>... ] validate full validate partial device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin validate partial device-and-network <excluded> policy-and-objects <excluded> admin [ <admin1> <admin2>... ] find command keyword <value> show deviceconfig show deviceconfig system show deviceconfig system type show deviceconfig system type show deviceconfig system type static show deviceconfig system type dhcp-client show deviceconfig system dns-setting show deviceconfig system dns-setting show deviceconfig system dns-setting servers show deviceconfig system panorama show deviceconfig system panorama show deviceconfig system panorama local-panorama show deviceconfig system ntp-servers show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type none show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm md5 show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm sha1 show deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type autokey show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type none show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm md5 show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm sha1 show deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type autokey show deviceconfig system hsm-settings show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network hsm-server show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network hsm-server <name> show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network ha show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect hsm-server show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect hsm-server <name> show deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider none show deviceconfig system ssh show deviceconfig system ssh profiles show deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles show deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> show deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> default-hostkey show deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type show deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> session-rekey show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type all show deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> session-rekey show deviceconfig system ssh ha show deviceconfig system ssh mgmt show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type ECDSA show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type RSA show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type ECDSA show deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type RSA show deviceconfig system device-telemetry show deviceconfig system snmp-setting show deviceconfig system snmp-setting snmp-system show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v2c show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view <name> show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users show deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> show deviceconfig system geo-location show deviceconfig system service show deviceconfig system permitted-ip show deviceconfig system permitted-ip <name> show deviceconfig system route show deviceconfig system route service show deviceconfig system route service <name> show deviceconfig system route service <name> source show deviceconfig system route service <name> source-v6 show deviceconfig system route destination show deviceconfig system route destination <name> show deviceconfig system route destination <name> source show deviceconfig system log-link show deviceconfig system log-link <name> show deviceconfig system log-export-schedule show deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> show deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol show deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp show deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp show deviceconfig system update-schedule show deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring every-30-mins show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring hourly show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring daily show deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring weekly show deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile show deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring daily show deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring weekly show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring hourly show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring daily show deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring weekly show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring real-time show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-min show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-15-mins show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-30-mins show deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-hour show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-5-mins show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-15-mins show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-30-mins show deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-hour show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring hourly show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring daily show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring weekly show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring none show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring hourly show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring daily show deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring weekly show deviceconfig system motd-and-banner show deviceconfig setting show deviceconfig setting nat show deviceconfig setting jumbo-frame show deviceconfig setting icmpv6-rate-limit show deviceconfig setting nat64 show deviceconfig setting packet show deviceconfig setting util show deviceconfig setting pan-url-db show deviceconfig setting hawkeye show deviceconfig setting global-protect show deviceconfig setting l3-service show deviceconfig setting captive-portal show deviceconfig setting application show deviceconfig setting application traceroute show deviceconfig setting autofocus show deviceconfig setting wildfire show deviceconfig setting wildfire file-size-limit show deviceconfig setting wildfire file-size-limit <name> show deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select show deviceconfig setting ctd show deviceconfig setting inline-url-setting show deviceconfig setting inline-spyware-setting show deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt show deviceconfig setting session show deviceconfig setting tcp show deviceconfig setting zip show deviceconfig setting http2 show deviceconfig setting pow show deviceconfig setting config show deviceconfig setting logging show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-application show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-application <name> show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global all show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global arp show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global non-syn-tcp show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global ext-traffic show deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global hip-report show deviceconfig setting logging logging-service-forwarding show deviceconfig setting management show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type none show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type local show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type scep show deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-server show deviceconfig setting management quota-settings show deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period show deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule crypto show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule software-integrity show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule crypto show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule software-integrity show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria show deviceconfig setting management api show deviceconfig setting management api key show deviceconfig setting management admin-lockout show deviceconfig setting management admin-session show deviceconfig setting management browse-activity-report-setting show deviceconfig setting management device-monitoring show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation security-policy-limits show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation rule-group-limits show deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold show deviceconfig setting management audit-tracking show deviceconfig setting logrcvr show deviceconfig setting vpn show deviceconfig setting vpn ikev2 show deviceconfig setting custom-logo show deviceconfig setting custom-logo login-screen show deviceconfig setting custom-logo main-ui show deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-header show deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-footer show deviceconfig setting iot show deviceconfig setting iot edge show deviceconfig setting cloudapp show deviceconfig setting cloudapp cloudapp-srvr-addr show deviceconfig high-availability show deviceconfig high-availability interface show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 encryption show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2 show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2-backup show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha3 show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4 show deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4-backup show deviceconfig high-availability cluster show deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members show deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group show deviceconfig high-availability group election-option show deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers show deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers show deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers recommended show deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers aggressive show deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced show deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization show deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization ha2-keep-alive show deviceconfig high-availability group configuration-synchronization show deviceconfig high-availability group mode show deviceconfig high-availability group mode show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-passive show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration sync show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating device-priority show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing ip-modulo show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing ip-hash show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating device-priority show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing ip-modulo show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing ip-hash show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection primary-device show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup primary-device show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup first-packet show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup ip-modulo show deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup ip-hash show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group show deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group <name> show mgt-config show mgt-config password-complexity show mgt-config password-complexity password-change show mgt-config password-profile show mgt-config password-profile <name> show mgt-config password-profile <name> password-change show mgt-config users show mgt-config users <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query unified show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query unified <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query traffic show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query traffic <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query threat show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query threat <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query url show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query url <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query data show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query data <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query config show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query config <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query system show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query system <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query wildfire show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query wildfire <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query hipmatch show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query hipmatch <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query corr show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query corr <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query tunnel show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query tunnel <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query userid show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query userid <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query auth show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query auth <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query globalprotect show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query globalprotect <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query alarm show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query alarm <name> show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query decryption show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query decryption <name> show mgt-config users <name> permissions show mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based show mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based custom show mgt-config access-domain show mgt-config access-domain <name> show network show network profiles show network profiles monitor-profile show network profiles monitor-profile <name> show network profiles interface-management-profile show network profiles interface-management-profile <name> show network profiles interface-management-profile <name> permitted-ip show network profiles interface-management-profile <name> permitted-ip <name> show network profiles zone-protection-profile show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action allow show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action alert show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action block show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action block-ip show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list <name> show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list <name> show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn red show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp red show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp red show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 red show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip red show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 filter-ext-hdr show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol protocol show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol protocol <name> show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection tags show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection tags <name> show network profiles lldp-profile show network profiles lldp-profile <name> show network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs show network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address show network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist show network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> show network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> show network profiles bfd-profile show network profiles bfd-profile <name> show network profiles bfd-profile <name> multihop show network interface show network interface ethernet show network interface ethernet <name> show network interface ethernet <name> show network interface ethernet <name> tap show network interface ethernet <name> ha show network interface ethernet <name> decrypt-mirror show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> layer2 show network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units show network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp show network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ip show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ip <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe static-address show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe passive show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 arp show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 arp <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> decrypt-mirror show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ip show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ip <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 arp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 arp <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> show network interface vlan show network interface vlan adjust-tcp-mss show network interface vlan ip show network interface vlan ip <name> show network interface vlan ipv6 show network interface vlan ipv6 address show network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> show network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor show network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> show network interface vlan arp show network interface vlan arp <name> show network interface vlan ndp-proxy show network interface vlan ndp-proxy address show network interface vlan ndp-proxy address <name> show network interface vlan dhcp-client show network interface vlan dhcp-client send-hostname show network interface vlan ddns-config show network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-vendor-config show network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> show network interface vlan units show network interface vlan units <name> show network interface vlan units <name> adjust-tcp-mss show network interface vlan units <name> ip show network interface vlan units <name> ip <name> show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor show network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> show network interface vlan units <name> arp show network interface vlan units <name> arp <name> show network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy show network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy address show network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> show network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client show network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname show network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config show network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config show network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> show network interface loopback show network interface loopback adjust-tcp-mss show network interface loopback ip show network interface loopback ip <name> show network interface loopback ipv6 show network interface loopback ipv6 address show network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> show network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface loopback units show network interface loopback units <name> show network interface loopback units <name> adjust-tcp-mss show network interface loopback units <name> ip show network interface loopback units <name> ip <name> show network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 show network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address show network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> show network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface tunnel show network interface tunnel ip show network interface tunnel ip <name> show network interface tunnel ipv6 show network interface tunnel ipv6 address show network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> show network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface tunnel units show network interface tunnel units <name> show network interface tunnel units <name> ip show network interface tunnel units <name> ip <name> show network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 show network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address show network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> show network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix show network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast show network interface sdwan show network interface sdwan units show network interface sdwan units <name> show network ike show network ike gateway show network ike gateway <name> show network ike gateway <name> peer-address show network ike gateway <name> peer-address dynamic show network ike gateway <name> local-address show network ike gateway <name> local-address show network ike gateway <name> peer-id show network ike gateway <name> local-id show network ike gateway <name> authentication show network ike gateway <name> authentication pre-shared-key show network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate show network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate show network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate hash-and-url show network ike gateway <name> protocol show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 dpd show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 dpd show network ike gateway <name> protocol-common show network ike gateway <name> protocol-common nat-traversal show network ike gateway <name> protocol-common fragmentation show network ike crypto-profiles show network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles show network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> show network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> esp show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> ah show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifesize show network ike crypto-profiles global-protect-app-crypto-profiles show network ike crypto-profiles global-protect-app-crypto-profiles <name> show network tunnel show network tunnel gre show network tunnel gre <name> show network tunnel gre <name> local-address show network tunnel gre <name> local-address show network tunnel gre <name> peer-address show network tunnel gre <name> keep-alive show network tunnel ipsec show network tunnel ipsec <name> show network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-monitor show network tunnel ipsec <name> show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key ike-gateway show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key ike-gateway <name> show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol any show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol tcp show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol udp show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol any show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol tcp show network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol udp show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key peer-address show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication md5 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha1 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha256 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha384 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha512 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication none show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp encryption show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah md5 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha1 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha256 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha384 show network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha512 show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address ip show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address floating-ip show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite publish-connected-routes show network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite external-ca show network tunnel global-protect-gateway show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address ip show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address floating-ip show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec third-party-client show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client inheritance show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client dns-server show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client wins-server show network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client exclude-video-traffic show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address ip show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address floating-ip show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client inheritance show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client dns-server show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client split-tunneling show network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client tunnel-monitor show network vlan show network vlan <name> show network vlan <name> mac show network vlan <name> mac <name> show network vlan <name> virtual-interface show network qos show network qos profile show network qos profile <name> show network qos profile <name> aggregate-bandwidth show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> class-bandwidth show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> show network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> class-bandwidth show network qos interface show network qos interface <name> show network qos interface <name> interface-bandwidth show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> members show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> members <name> show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic default-group show network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic bandwidth show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match local-address show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic default-group show network qos interface <name> regular-traffic bandwidth show network virtual-wire show network virtual-wire <name> show network virtual-wire <name> multicast-firewalling show network virtual-wire <name> link-state-pass-through show network virtual-router show network virtual-router <name> show network virtual-router <name> routing-table show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop discard show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table unicast show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table multicast show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table both show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table no-install show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop discard show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table unicast show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table no-install show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations show network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission any-source-multicast show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission any-source-multicast <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim allowed-neighbors show network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim allowed-neighbors <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast ssm-address-space show network virtual-router <name> multicast ssm-address-space <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast spt-threshold show network virtual-router <name> multicast spt-threshold <name> show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp static-rp show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp external-rp show network virtual-router <name> multicast rp external-rp <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter ospf show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter bgp show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> action show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> action no-redist show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> action redist show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter ospfv3 show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter bgp show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> action show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> action no-redist show network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> action redist show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip timers show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> md5 show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip global-bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route disable show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip export-rules show network virtual-router <name> protocol rip export-rules <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf timers show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> md5 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf global-bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type normal show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route disable show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route disable show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> suppress show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> suppress show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> neighbor show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> neighbor <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 timers show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication md5 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha1 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha256 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha384 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha512 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication none show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah md5 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha1 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha256 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha384 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha512 show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 global-bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type normal show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route disable show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route disable show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> suppress show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> advertise show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> suppress show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> neighbor show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> neighbor <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options med show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options graceful-restart show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options aggregate show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp auth-profile show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp auth-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp global-bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp-confed show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp-confed show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> subsequent-address-family-identifier show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options incoming-bgp-connection show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options outgoing-bgp-connection show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> bfd show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match address-prefix show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match address-prefix <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action deny show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path remove show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community remove-all show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community remove-all show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match address-prefix show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match address-prefix <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action deny show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path remove show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community remove-all show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community remove-all show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match address-prefix show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community remove-all show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community none show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community remove-all show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match address-prefix show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules show network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> show network virtual-router <name> admin-dists show network virtual-router <name> ecmp show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-modulo show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface <name> show network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm balanced-round-robin show network logical-router show network logical-router <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 static show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 bgp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 ospf show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 rip show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 static show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 bgp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 ospfv3 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp med show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-restart show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp global-bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> type show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> address-family show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> filtering-profile show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> connection-options show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit yes show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no address-family show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no filtering-profile show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv4 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv6 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile ipv4 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile ipv6 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 network show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 network <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop discard show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop discard show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf global-bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal abr show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub abr show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa default-information-originate show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> range show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> range <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 global-bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal abr show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub abr show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-information-originate show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> range show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> range <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-modulo show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm balanced-round-robin show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> nexthop show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim ssm-address-space show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim spt-threshold show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim spt-threshold <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp static-rp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp external-rp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp external-rp <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-inbound-distribute-list show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-outbound-distribute-list show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> bfd show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-inbound-distribute-list show network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-outbound-distribute-list show network routing-profile show network routing-profile bgp show network routing-profile bgp auth-profile show network routing-profile bgp auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp timer-profile show network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast add-path show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in origin show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action warning-only show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action restart show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop self show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop self-force show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS all show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS replace-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community all show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community both show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community extended show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community large show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community standard show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast orf show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast add-path show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in origin show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action warning-only show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action restart show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop self show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop self-force show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS all show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS replace-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community all show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community both show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community extended show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community large show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community standard show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast orf show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast add-path show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in origin show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action warning-only show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action restart show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop self show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop self-force show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS all show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS replace-AS show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community all show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community both show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community extended show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community large show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community standard show network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast orf show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast static show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast connected show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast ospf show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast rip show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast static show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast connected show network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast ospfv3 show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast filter-list show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast inbound-network-filters show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast outbound-network-filters show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast route-maps show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement exist show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast filter-list show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast inbound-network-filters show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast outbound-network-filters show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast route-maps show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement exist show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement non-exist show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast filter-list show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast inbound-network-filters show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast outbound-network-filters show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast route-maps show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement exist show network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist show network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile show network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospf show network routing-profile ospf auth-profile show network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> md5 show network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> show network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile show network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile show network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> static show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> connected show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> bgp show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> default-route show network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> rip show network routing-profile ospfv3 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication md5 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha1 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha256 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha384 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha512 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication none show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah md5 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha1 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha256 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha384 show network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha512 show network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile show network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile show network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile show network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> show network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> static show network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> connected show network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> bgp show network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> default-route show network routing-profile filters show network routing-profile filters access-list show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address entry show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address entry show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address show network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address entry show network routing-profile filters prefix-list show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix entry show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix show network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix entry show network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list show network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> show network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> aspath-entry show network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> aspath-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters community-list show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular regular-entry show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular regular-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large large-entry show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large large-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended extended-entry show network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended extended-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set aggregator show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set aggregator show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set aggregator show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set aggregator show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set aggregator show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set metric show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop show network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> set show network routing-profile bfd show network routing-profile bfd <name> show network routing-profile bfd <name> multihop show network routing-profile multicast show network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile show network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile show network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile <name> show network routing-profile rip show network routing-profile rip auth-profile show network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> show network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> md5 show network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> show network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile show network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile <name> show network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile show network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> show network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> static show network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> connected show network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> bgp show network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> ospf show network dns-proxy show network dns-proxy <name> show network dns-proxy <name> default show network dns-proxy <name> default inheritance show network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers show network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> show network dns-proxy <name> cache show network dns-proxy <name> cache max-ttl show network dns-proxy <name> static-entries show network dns-proxy <name> static-entries <name> show network dns-proxy <name> tcp-queries show network dns-proxy <name> udp-queries show network dns-proxy <name> udp-queries retries show network dhcp show network dhcp interface show network dhcp interface <name> show network dhcp interface <name> server show network dhcp interface <name> server option show network dhcp interface <name> server option lease show network dhcp interface <name> server option lease unlimited show network dhcp interface <name> server option inheritance show network dhcp interface <name> server option dns show network dhcp interface <name> server option wins show network dhcp interface <name> server option nis show network dhcp interface <name> server option ntp show network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined show network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> show network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> show network dhcp interface <name> server reserved show network dhcp interface <name> server reserved <name> show network dhcp interface <name> relay show network dhcp interface <name> relay ip show network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 show network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 server show network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 server <name> show network lldp show network underlay-net show network underlay-net ip-mapping show network underlay-net ip-mapping <name> show shared show shared authentication-object show shared authentication-object <name> show shared reports show shared reports <name> show shared reports <name> type show shared reports <name> type appstat show shared reports <name> type decryption show shared reports <name> type desum show shared reports <name> type threat show shared reports <name> type url show shared reports <name> type wildfire show shared reports <name> type data show shared reports <name> type thsum show shared reports <name> type traffic show shared reports <name> type urlsum show shared reports <name> type trsum show shared reports <name> type tunnel show shared reports <name> type tunnelsum show shared reports <name> type userid show shared reports <name> type auth show shared reports <name> type iptag show shared reports <name> type hipmatch show shared reports <name> type globalprotect show shared report-group show shared report-group <name> show shared report-group <name> show shared report-group <name> custom-widget show shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> show shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> show shared report-group <name> show shared report-group <name> all show shared report-group <name> all entry show shared report-group <name> selected-zone show shared report-group <name> selected-zone entry show shared report-group <name> selected-user-group show shared report-group <name> selected-user-group entry show shared report-group <name> variable show shared report-group <name> variable <name> show shared pdf-summary-report show shared pdf-summary-report <name> show shared pdf-summary-report <name> header show shared pdf-summary-report <name> footer show shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget show shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget <name> show shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget show shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget <name> show shared email-scheduler show shared email-scheduler <name> show shared email-scheduler <name> recurring show shared email-scheduler <name> recurring disabled show shared email-scheduler <name> recurring daily show shared botnet show shared botnet configuration show shared botnet configuration http show shared botnet configuration http malware-sites show shared botnet configuration http dynamic-dns show shared botnet configuration http ip-domains show shared botnet configuration http recent-domains show shared botnet configuration http executables-from-unknown-sites show shared botnet configuration unknown-applications show shared botnet configuration unknown-applications unknown-tcp show shared botnet configuration unknown-applications unknown-tcp session-length show shared botnet configuration unknown-applications unknown-udp show shared botnet configuration unknown-applications unknown-udp session-length show shared botnet configuration other-applications show shared botnet report show shared override show shared override application show shared override application <name> show shared alg-override show shared alg-override application show shared alg-override application <name> show shared authentication-profile show shared authentication-profile <name> show shared authentication-profile <name> single-sign-on show shared authentication-profile <name> lockout show shared authentication-profile <name> method show shared authentication-profile <name> method none show shared authentication-profile <name> method cloud show shared authentication-profile <name> method cloud region show shared authentication-profile <name> method cloud region tenant show shared authentication-profile <name> method cloud region tenant profile show shared authentication-profile <name> method cloud region tenant profile mfa show shared authentication-profile <name> method local-database show shared authentication-profile <name> method radius show shared authentication-profile <name> method ldap show shared authentication-profile <name> method kerberos show shared authentication-profile <name> method tacplus show shared authentication-profile <name> method saml-idp show shared authentication-profile <name> multi-factor-auth show shared authentication-sequence show shared authentication-sequence <name> show shared certificate-profile show shared certificate-profile <name> show shared certificate-profile <name> username-field show shared certificate-profile <name> CA show shared certificate-profile <name> CA <name> show shared server-profile show shared server-profile ldap show shared server-profile ldap <name> show shared server-profile ldap <name> server show shared server-profile ldap <name> server <name> show shared server-profile radius show shared server-profile radius <name> show shared server-profile radius <name> protocol show shared server-profile radius <name> protocol CHAP show shared server-profile radius <name> protocol PAP show shared server-profile radius <name> protocol PEAP-MSCHAPv2 show shared server-profile radius <name> protocol PEAP-with-GTC show shared server-profile radius <name> protocol EAP-TTLS-with-PAP show shared server-profile radius <name> server show shared server-profile radius <name> server <name> show shared server-profile scp show shared server-profile scp <name> show shared server-profile kerberos show shared server-profile kerberos <name> show shared server-profile kerberos <name> server show shared server-profile kerberos <name> server <name> show shared server-profile tacplus show shared server-profile tacplus <name> show shared server-profile tacplus <name> server show shared server-profile tacplus <name> server <name> show shared server-profile saml-idp show shared server-profile saml-idp <name> show shared server-profile netflow show shared server-profile netflow <name> show shared server-profile netflow <name> template-refresh-rate show shared server-profile netflow <name> server show shared server-profile netflow <name> server <name> show shared server-profile mfa-server-profile show shared server-profile mfa-server-profile <name> show shared server-profile mfa-server-profile <name> mfa-config show shared server-profile mfa-server-profile <name> mfa-config <name> show shared log-settings show shared log-settings system show shared log-settings system match-list show shared log-settings system match-list <name> show shared log-settings system match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings system match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings system match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings config show shared log-settings config match-list show shared log-settings config match-list <name> show shared log-settings userid show shared log-settings userid match-list show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared log-settings iptag show shared log-settings iptag match-list show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared log-settings globalprotect show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings globalprotect match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared log-settings hipmatch show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared log-settings correlation show shared log-settings correlation match-list show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared log-settings snmptrap show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version v2c show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version v2c server show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version v2c server <name> show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version v3 show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version v3 server show shared log-settings snmptrap <name> version v3 server <name> show shared log-settings email show shared log-settings email <name> show shared log-settings email <name> server show shared log-settings email <name> server <name> show shared log-settings email <name> format show shared log-settings email <name> format escaping show shared log-settings syslog show shared log-settings syslog <name> show shared log-settings syslog <name> server show shared log-settings syslog <name> server <name> show shared log-settings syslog <name> format show shared log-settings syslog <name> format escaping show shared log-settings http show shared log-settings http <name> show shared log-settings http <name> server show shared log-settings http <name> server <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format show shared log-settings http <name> format config show shared log-settings http <name> format config headers show shared log-settings http <name> format config headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format config params show shared log-settings http <name> format config params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format system show shared log-settings http <name> format system headers show shared log-settings http <name> format system headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format system params show shared log-settings http <name> format system params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format traffic show shared log-settings http <name> format traffic headers show shared log-settings http <name> format traffic headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format traffic params show shared log-settings http <name> format traffic params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format threat show shared log-settings http <name> format threat headers show shared log-settings http <name> format threat headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format threat params show shared log-settings http <name> format threat params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format wildfire show shared log-settings http <name> format wildfire headers show shared log-settings http <name> format wildfire headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format wildfire params show shared log-settings http <name> format wildfire params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format url show shared log-settings http <name> format url headers show shared log-settings http <name> format url headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format url params show shared log-settings http <name> format url params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format data show shared log-settings http <name> format data headers show shared log-settings http <name> format data headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format data params show shared log-settings http <name> format data params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format tunnel show shared log-settings http <name> format tunnel headers show shared log-settings http <name> format tunnel headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format tunnel params show shared log-settings http <name> format tunnel params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format auth show shared log-settings http <name> format auth headers show shared log-settings http <name> format auth headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format auth params show shared log-settings http <name> format auth params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format userid show shared log-settings http <name> format userid headers show shared log-settings http <name> format userid headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format userid params show shared log-settings http <name> format userid params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format iptag show shared log-settings http <name> format iptag headers show shared log-settings http <name> format iptag headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format iptag params show shared log-settings http <name> format iptag params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format decryption show shared log-settings http <name> format decryption headers show shared log-settings http <name> format decryption headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format decryption params show shared log-settings http <name> format decryption params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format globalprotect show shared log-settings http <name> format globalprotect headers show shared log-settings http <name> format globalprotect headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format globalprotect params show shared log-settings http <name> format globalprotect params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format hip-match show shared log-settings http <name> format hip-match headers show shared log-settings http <name> format hip-match headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format hip-match params show shared log-settings http <name> format hip-match params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation headers show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation params show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation params <name> show shared log-settings profiles show shared log-settings profiles <name> show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared certificate show shared certificate <name> show shared certificate <name> show shared certificate <name> show shared ssl-tls-service-profile show shared ssl-tls-service-profile <name> show shared ssl-tls-service-profile <name> protocol-settings show shared response-page show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-login-page show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-login-page <name> show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-home-page show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-home-page <name> show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-help-page show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-help-page <name> show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-welcome-page show shared response-page global-protect-portal-custom-welcome-page <name> show shared local-user-database show shared local-user-database user show shared local-user-database user <name> show shared local-user-database user-group show shared local-user-database user-group <name> show shared ocsp-responder show shared ocsp-responder <name> show shared ssl-decrypt show shared ssl-decrypt forward-trust-certificate show shared ssl-decrypt forward-untrust-certificate show shared ssl-decrypt ssl-exclude-cert show shared ssl-decrypt ssl-exclude-cert <name> show shared admin-role show shared admin-role <name> show shared admin-role <name> role show shared admin-role <name> role device show shared admin-role <name> role device webui show shared admin-role <name> role device webui monitor show shared admin-role <name> role device webui monitor logs show shared admin-role <name> role device webui monitor automated-correlation-engine show shared admin-role <name> role device webui monitor pdf-reports show shared admin-role <name> role device webui monitor custom-reports show shared admin-role <name> role device webui policies show shared admin-role <name> role device webui objects show shared admin-role <name> role device webui objects global-protect show shared admin-role <name> role device webui objects custom-objects show shared admin-role <name> role device webui objects security-profiles show shared admin-role <name> role device webui objects decryption show shared admin-role <name> role device webui objects sdwan show shared admin-role <name> role device webui network show shared admin-role <name> role device webui network routing show shared admin-role <name> role device webui network routing routing-profiles show shared admin-role <name> role device webui network global-protect show shared admin-role <name> role device webui network network-profiles show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device setup show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device certificate-management show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device log-settings show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device server-profile show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device local-user-database show shared admin-role <name> role device webui device policy-recommendations show shared admin-role <name> role device webui operations show shared admin-role <name> role device webui privacy show shared admin-role <name> role device webui save show shared admin-role <name> role device webui commit show shared admin-role <name> role device webui global show shared admin-role <name> role device xmlapi show shared admin-role <name> role device restapi show shared admin-role <name> role device restapi objects show shared admin-role <name> role device restapi policies show shared admin-role <name> role device restapi network show shared admin-role <name> role device restapi device show shared admin-role <name> role device restapi system show shared scep show shared scep <name> show shared scep <name> scep-challenge show shared scep <name> scep-challenge none show shared scep <name> scep-challenge dynamic show shared scep <name> algorithm show shared scep <name> algorithm rsa show shared scep <name> certificate-attributes show shared user-id-hub show display-name show setting show setting nat show setting ssl-decrypt show import show import network show import resource show route show route service show route service <name> show route service <name> source show route service <name> source-v6 show dns-proxy show dns-proxy <name> show dns-proxy <name> domain-servers show dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> show dns-proxy <name> cache show dns-proxy <name> cache max-ttl show dns-proxy <name> static-entries show dns-proxy <name> static-entries <name> show dns-proxy <name> tcp-queries show dns-proxy <name> udp-queries show dns-proxy <name> udp-queries retries show ts-agent show ts-agent <name> show redistribution-agent show redistribution-agent <name> show redistribution-agent <name> show redistribution-agent <name> host-port show ipuser-include-exclude-list show ipuser-include-exclude-list include-exclude-network show ipuser-include-exclude-list include-exclude-network <name> show iptag-include-exclude-list show iptag-include-exclude-list include-exclude-network show iptag-include-exclude-list include-exclude-network <name> show redistribution-collector show redistribution-collector setting show user-id-ssl-auth show vm-info-source show vm-info-source <name> show vm-info-source <name> show vm-info-source <name> AWS-VPC show vm-info-source <name> Google-Compute-Engine show vm-info-source <name> Google-Compute-Engine service-auth-type show vm-info-source <name> Google-Compute-Engine service-auth-type service-in-gce show vm-info-source <name> Google-Compute-Engine service-auth-type service-account show vm-info-source <name> VMware-ESXi show vm-info-source <name> VMware-vCenter show group-mapping show group-mapping <name> show group-mapping <name> custom-group show group-mapping <name> custom-group <name> show cloud-identity-engine show cloud-identity-engine <name> show captive-portal show captive-portal mode show captive-portal mode transparent show captive-portal mode redirect show captive-portal mode redirect session-cookie show user-id-collector show user-id-collector setting show user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile show user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> show user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> show user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> regex-identifier show user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> field-identifier show user-id-collector server-monitor show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> active-directory show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> exchange show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> e-directory show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> syslog show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> syslog syslog-parse-profile show user-id-collector server-monitor <name> syslog syslog-parse-profile <name> show user-id-collector include-exclude-network show user-id-collector include-exclude-network <name> show user-id-collector include-exclude-network-sequence show url-admin-override show url-admin-override mode show url-admin-override mode transparent show url-admin-override mode redirect show zone show zone <name> show zone <name> network show zone <name> network show zone <name> network tunnel show zone <name> user-acl show zone <name> device-acl show sdwan-interface-profile show sdwan-interface-profile <name> show disable-inspect show x-authenticated-user show global-protect show global-protect global-protect-portal show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config local-address show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config local-address show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config local-address ip show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config local-address floating-ip show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config client-auth show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config client-auth <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks windows show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks windows registry-key show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks windows registry-key <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks mac-os show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks mac-os plist show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> portal-config config-selection custom-checks mac-os plist <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn login-lifetime show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn inactivity-logout show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn crypto-settings show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn crypto-settings ssl-protocol show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn crypto-settings server-cert-verification show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn apps-to-user-mapping show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn apps-to-user-mapping <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn proxy-server-setting show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn proxy-server-setting <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> clientless-vpn proxy-server-setting <name> proxy-server show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config root-ca show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config root-ca <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> certificate show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> certificate criteria show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key <name> registry-value show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key <name> registry-value <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria plist show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria plist <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria plist <name> key show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> custom-checks criteria plist <name> key <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> machine-account-exists-with-serialno show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> machine-account-exists-with-serialno no show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> machine-account-exists-with-serialno yes show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways internal show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways internal list show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways internal list <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways internal list <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways internal list <name> ip show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external list show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external list <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external list <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external list <name> ip show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external list <name> priority-rule show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gateways external list <name> priority-rule <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> internal-host-detection show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> internal-host-detection-v6 show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> agent-ui show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> agent-ui welcome-page show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection exclusion show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection exclusion category show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection exclusion category <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection exclusion category <name> vendor show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection exclusion category <name> vendor <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks windows show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks windows registry-key show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks windows registry-key <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks mac-os show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks mac-os plist show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks mac-os plist <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> hip-collection custom-checks linux show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> agent-config show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gp-app-config show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gp-app-config config show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> gp-app-config config <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> client-certificate show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> authentication-override show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> authentication-override accept-cookie show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> client-config configs <name> authentication-override accept-cookie cookie-lifetime show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config client-certificate show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config client-certificate local show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config client-certificate scep show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config configs show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config configs <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config configs <name> gateways show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config configs <name> gateways <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config configs <name> gateways <name> show global-protect global-protect-portal <name> satellite-config configs <name> gateways <name> ip show global-protect global-protect-gateway show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> authentication-override show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> authentication-override accept-cookie show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> authentication-override accept-cookie cookie-lifetime show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> source-address show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling include-domains show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling include-domains list show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling include-domains list <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling exclude-domains show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling exclude-domains list show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> remote-user-tunnel-configs <name> split-tunneling exclude-domains list <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> client-auth show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> client-auth <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> local-address show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> local-address show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> local-address ip show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> local-address floating-ip show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> security-restrictions show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> security-restrictions source-ip-enforcement show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> security-restrictions source-ip-enforcement show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> security-restrictions source-ip-enforcement default show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> security-restrictions source-ip-enforcement custom show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> roles show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> roles <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> roles <name> login-lifetime show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> hip-notification show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> hip-notification <name> show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> hip-notification <name> match-message show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> hip-notification <name> not-match-message show global-protect global-protect-mdm show global-protect global-protect-mdm <name> show global-protect clientless-app show global-protect clientless-app <name> show global-protect clientless-app-group show global-protect clientless-app-group <name> show profiles show profiles hip-objects show profiles hip-objects <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria domain show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria domain show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria os show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria os show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria os contains show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria os contains show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria client-version show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria client-version show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria host-name show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria host-name show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria host-id show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria host-id show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria serial-number show profiles hip-objects <name> host-info criteria serial-number show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is wifi show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is mobile show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is unknown show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is-not show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is-not wifi show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is-not mobile show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is-not ethernet show profiles hip-objects <name> network-info criteria network is-not unknown show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management criteria missing-patches show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management criteria missing-patches severity show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management criteria missing-patches severity show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management vendor show profiles hip-objects <name> patch-management vendor <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> data-loss-prevention show profiles hip-objects <name> data-loss-prevention criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> data-loss-prevention vendor show profiles hip-objects <name> data-loss-prevention vendor <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> firewall show profiles hip-objects <name> firewall criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> firewall vendor show profiles hip-objects <name> firewall vendor <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria virdef-version show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria virdef-version show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria virdef-version within show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria virdef-version not-within show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria product-version show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria product-version show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria product-version within show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria product-version not-within show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria last-scan-time show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria last-scan-time show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria last-scan-time not-available show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria last-scan-time within show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware criteria last-scan-time not-within show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware vendor show profiles hip-objects <name> anti-malware vendor <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup criteria last-backup-time show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup criteria last-backup-time show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup criteria last-backup-time not-available show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup criteria last-backup-time within show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup criteria last-backup-time not-within show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup vendor show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-backup vendor <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption criteria encrypted-locations show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption criteria encrypted-locations <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption criteria encrypted-locations <name> encryption-state show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption vendor show profiles hip-objects <name> disk-encryption vendor <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria process-list show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria process-list <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key <name> registry-value show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria registry-key <name> registry-value <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria plist show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria plist <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria plist <name> key show profiles hip-objects <name> custom-checks criteria plist <name> key <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria last-checkin-time show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria last-checkin-time show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria last-checkin-time within show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria last-checkin-time not-within show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria imei show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria imei show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria model show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria model show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria phone-number show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria phone-number show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria tag show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria tag show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications has-malware show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications has-malware no show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications has-malware yes show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications has-malware yes excludes show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications has-malware yes excludes <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications includes show profiles hip-objects <name> mobile-device criteria applications includes <name> show profiles hip-objects <name> certificate show profiles hip-objects <name> certificate criteria show profiles hip-objects <name> certificate criteria certificate-attributes show profiles hip-objects <name> certificate criteria certificate-attributes <name> show profiles virus show profiles virus <name> show profiles virus <name> mlav-engine-filebased-enabled show profiles virus <name> mlav-engine-filebased-enabled <name> show profiles virus <name> decoder show profiles virus <name> decoder <name> show profiles virus <name> application show profiles virus <name> application <name> show profiles virus <name> threat-exception show profiles virus <name> threat-exception <name> show profiles virus <name> mlav-exception show profiles virus <name> mlav-exception <name> show profiles spyware show profiles spyware <name> show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists <name> show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists <name> action show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists <name> action alert show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists <name> action allow show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists <name> action block show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains lists <name> action sinkhole show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains dns-security-categories show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains dns-security-categories <name> show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains whitelist show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains whitelist <name> show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains sinkhole show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains threat-exception show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains threat-exception <name> show profiles spyware <name> rules show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action default show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action allow show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action alert show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action drop show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action reset-client show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action reset-server show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action reset-both show profiles spyware <name> rules <name> action block-ip show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action default show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action allow show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action alert show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action drop show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action reset-both show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action reset-client show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action reset-server show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> action block-ip show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> exempt-ip show profiles spyware <name> threat-exception <name> exempt-ip <name> show profiles spyware <name> mica-engine-spyware-enabled show profiles spyware <name> mica-engine-spyware-enabled <name> show profiles vulnerability show profiles vulnerability <name> show profiles vulnerability <name> rules show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action default show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action allow show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action alert show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action drop show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action reset-client show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action reset-server show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action reset-both show profiles vulnerability <name> rules <name> action block-ip show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action default show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action allow show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action alert show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action drop show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action reset-client show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action reset-server show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action reset-both show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> action block-ip show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> time-attribute show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> exempt-ip show profiles vulnerability <name> threat-exception <name> exempt-ip <name> show profiles url-filtering show profiles url-filtering <name> show profiles url-filtering <name> credential-enforcement show profiles url-filtering <name> credential-enforcement mode show profiles url-filtering <name> credential-enforcement mode disabled show profiles url-filtering <name> credential-enforcement mode ip-user show profiles url-filtering <name> credential-enforcement mode domain-credentials show profiles url-filtering <name> http-header-insertion show profiles url-filtering <name> http-header-insertion <name> show profiles url-filtering <name> http-header-insertion <name> type show profiles url-filtering <name> http-header-insertion <name> type <name> show profiles url-filtering <name> http-header-insertion <name> type <name> headers show profiles url-filtering <name> http-header-insertion <name> type <name> headers <name> show profiles file-blocking show profiles file-blocking <name> show profiles file-blocking <name> rules show profiles file-blocking <name> rules <name> show profiles wildfire-analysis show profiles wildfire-analysis <name> show profiles wildfire-analysis <name> rules show profiles wildfire-analysis <name> rules <name> show profiles custom-url-category show profiles custom-url-category <name> show profiles data-objects show profiles data-objects <name> show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type predefined show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type predefined pattern show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type predefined pattern <name> show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type regex show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type regex pattern show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type regex pattern <name> show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type file-properties show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type file-properties pattern show profiles data-objects <name> pattern-type file-properties pattern <name> show profiles data-filtering show profiles data-filtering <name> show profiles data-filtering <name> rules show profiles data-filtering <name> rules <name> show profiles hip-profiles show profiles hip-profiles <name> show profiles dos-protection show profiles dos-protection <name> show profiles dos-protection <name> flood show profiles dos-protection <name> flood tcp-syn show profiles dos-protection <name> flood tcp-syn show profiles dos-protection <name> flood tcp-syn red show profiles dos-protection <name> flood tcp-syn red block show profiles dos-protection <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies show profiles dos-protection <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies block show profiles dos-protection <name> flood udp show profiles dos-protection <name> flood udp red show profiles dos-protection <name> flood udp red block show profiles dos-protection <name> flood icmp show profiles dos-protection <name> flood icmp red show profiles dos-protection <name> flood icmp red block show profiles dos-protection <name> flood icmpv6 show profiles dos-protection <name> flood icmpv6 red show profiles dos-protection <name> flood icmpv6 red block show profiles dos-protection <name> flood other-ip show profiles dos-protection <name> flood other-ip red show profiles dos-protection <name> flood other-ip red block show profiles dos-protection <name> resource show profiles dos-protection <name> resource sessions show profiles sdwan-path-quality show profiles sdwan-path-quality <name> show profiles sdwan-path-quality <name> metric show profiles sdwan-path-quality <name> metric latency show profiles sdwan-path-quality <name> metric pkt-loss show profiles sdwan-path-quality <name> metric jitter show profiles sdwan-traffic-distribution show profiles sdwan-traffic-distribution <name> show profiles sdwan-traffic-distribution <name> link-tags show profiles sdwan-traffic-distribution <name> link-tags <name> show profiles sdwan-saas-quality show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode adaptive show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode static-ip show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode static-ip show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode static-ip ip-address show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode static-ip ip-address <name> show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode static-ip fqdn show profiles sdwan-saas-quality <name> monitor-mode http-https show profiles sdwan-error-correction show profiles sdwan-error-correction <name> show profiles sdwan-error-correction <name> mode show profiles sdwan-error-correction <name> mode show profiles sdwan-error-correction <name> mode forward-error-correction show profiles sdwan-error-correction <name> mode packet-duplication show profiles decryption show profiles decryption <name> show profiles decryption <name> ssl-forward-proxy show profiles decryption <name> ssl-inbound-proxy show profiles decryption <name> ssl-protocol-settings show profiles decryption <name> ssl-no-proxy show profiles decryption <name> ssh-proxy show profiles packet-broker show profiles packet-broker <name> show profiles packet-broker <name> show profiles packet-broker <name> transparent show profiles packet-broker <name> routed show profiles packet-broker <name> routed security-chain show profiles packet-broker <name> routed security-chain <name> show profiles packet-broker <name> health-check show profile-group show profile-group <name> show service show service <name> show service <name> protocol show service <name> protocol tcp show service <name> protocol tcp override show service <name> protocol tcp override no show service <name> protocol tcp override yes show service <name> protocol udp show service <name> protocol udp override show service <name> protocol udp override no show service <name> protocol udp override yes show service-group show service-group <name> show reports show reports <name> show reports <name> type show reports <name> type appstat show reports <name> type decryption show reports <name> type desum show reports <name> type threat show reports <name> type url show reports <name> type wildfire show reports <name> type data show reports <name> type thsum show reports <name> type traffic show reports <name> type urlsum show reports <name> type trsum show reports <name> type tunnel show reports <name> type tunnelsum show reports <name> type userid show reports <name> type auth show reports <name> type iptag show reports <name> type hipmatch show reports <name> type globalprotect show report-group show report-group <name> show report-group <name> show report-group <name> custom-widget show report-group <name> custom-widget <name> show report-group <name> custom-widget <name> show report-group <name> show report-group <name> all show report-group <name> all entry show report-group <name> selected-zone show report-group <name> selected-zone entry show report-group <name> selected-user-group show report-group <name> selected-user-group entry show report-group <name> variable show report-group <name> variable <name> show pdf-summary-report show pdf-summary-report <name> show pdf-summary-report <name> header show pdf-summary-report <name> footer show pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget show pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget <name> show email-scheduler show email-scheduler <name> show email-scheduler <name> recurring show email-scheduler <name> recurring disabled show email-scheduler <name> recurring daily show external-list show external-list <name> show external-list <name> type show external-list <name> type predefined-ip show external-list <name> type predefined-url show external-list <name> type ip show external-list <name> type ip auth show external-list <name> type ip recurring show external-list <name> type ip recurring show external-list <name> type ip recurring five-minute show external-list <name> type ip recurring hourly show external-list <name> type ip recurring daily show external-list <name> type ip recurring weekly show external-list <name> type ip recurring monthly show external-list <name> type domain show external-list <name> type domain auth show external-list <name> type domain recurring show external-list <name> type domain recurring show external-list <name> type domain recurring hourly show external-list <name> type domain recurring five-minute show external-list <name> type domain recurring daily show external-list <name> type domain recurring weekly show external-list <name> type domain recurring monthly show external-list <name> type url show external-list <name> type url auth show external-list <name> type url recurring show external-list <name> type url recurring show external-list <name> type url recurring hourly show external-list <name> type url recurring five-minute show external-list <name> type url recurring daily show external-list <name> type url recurring weekly show external-list <name> type url recurring monthly show address show address <name> show address <name> show address-group show address-group <name> show address-group <name> show address-group <name> dynamic show dynamic-user-group show dynamic-user-group <name> show schedule show schedule <name> show schedule <name> schedule-type show schedule <name> schedule-type recurring show schedule <name> schedule-type recurring weekly show threats show threats vulnerability show threats vulnerability <name> show threats vulnerability <name> affected-host show threats vulnerability <name> default-action show threats vulnerability <name> default-action alert show threats vulnerability <name> default-action drop show threats vulnerability <name> default-action reset-client show threats vulnerability <name> default-action reset-server show threats vulnerability <name> default-action reset-both show threats vulnerability <name> default-action block-ip show threats vulnerability <name> default-action allow show threats vulnerability <name> signature show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than qualifier show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than qualifier <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to qualifier show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to qualifier <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than qualifier show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than qualifier <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match qualifier show threats vulnerability <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match qualifier <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature combination show threats vulnerability <name> signature combination time-attribute show threats vulnerability <name> signature combination and-condition show threats vulnerability <name> signature combination and-condition <name> show threats vulnerability <name> signature combination and-condition <name> or-condition show threats vulnerability <name> signature combination and-condition <name> or-condition <name> show threats spyware show threats spyware <name> show threats spyware <name> default-action show threats spyware <name> default-action alert show threats spyware <name> default-action drop show threats spyware <name> default-action reset-client show threats spyware <name> default-action reset-server show threats spyware <name> default-action reset-both show threats spyware <name> default-action block-ip show threats spyware <name> default-action allow show threats spyware <name> signature show threats spyware <name> signature standard show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than qualifier show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than qualifier <name> show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to qualifier show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to qualifier <name> show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than qualifier show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than qualifier <name> show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match qualifier show threats spyware <name> signature standard <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match qualifier <name> show threats spyware <name> signature combination show threats spyware <name> signature combination time-attribute show threats spyware <name> signature combination and-condition show threats spyware <name> signature combination and-condition <name> show threats spyware <name> signature combination and-condition <name> or-condition show threats spyware <name> signature combination and-condition <name> or-condition <name> show application show application <name> show application <name> default show application <name> default ident-by-icmp-type show application <name> default ident-by-icmp6-type show application <name> signature show application <name> signature <name> show application <name> signature <name> and-condition show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match qualifier show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator pattern-match qualifier <name> show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than qualifier show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator greater-than qualifier <name> show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than qualifier show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator less-than qualifier <name> show application <name> signature <name> and-condition <name> or-condition <name> operator equal-to show application-tag show application-tag <name> show application-filter show application-filter <name> show application-filter <name> tagging show application-group show application-group <name> show device-object show device-object <name> show region show region <name> show region <name> geo-location show tag show tag <name> show authentication-object show authentication-object <name> show rulebase show rulebase security show rulebase security rules show rulebase security rules <name> show rulebase security rules <name> option show rulebase security rules <name> profile-setting show rulebase security rules <name> profile-setting profiles show rulebase security rules <name> qos show rulebase security rules <name> qos marking show rulebase security rules <name> qos marking follow-c2s-flow show rulebase default-security-rules show rulebase default-security-rules rules show rulebase default-security-rules rules <name> show rulebase default-security-rules rules <name> profile-setting show rulebase default-security-rules rules <name> profile-setting profiles show rulebase application-override show rulebase application-override rules show rulebase application-override rules <name> show rulebase decryption show rulebase decryption rules show rulebase decryption rules <name> show rulebase decryption rules <name> type show rulebase decryption rules <name> type ssl-forward-proxy show rulebase decryption rules <name> type ssh-proxy show rulebase decryption rules <name> type ssl-inbound-inspection show rulebase authentication show rulebase authentication rules show rulebase authentication rules <name> show rulebase tunnel-inspect show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> tunnel-id show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> tunnel-id vni show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> tunnel-id vni <name> show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> inspect-options show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> zone-assign show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> monitor-options show rulebase tunnel-inspect rules <name> monitor-options log-setting-override show rulebase nat show rulebase nat rules show rulebase nat rules <name> show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip-and-port show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip-and-port show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip-and-port interface-address show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip-and-port interface-address show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip fallback show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip fallback show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip fallback interface-address show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip fallback interface-address show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation static-ip show rulebase nat rules <name> show rulebase nat rules <name> destination-translation show rulebase nat rules <name> destination-translation show rulebase nat rules <name> destination-translation dns-rewrite show rulebase nat rules <name> dynamic-destination-translation show rulebase qos show rulebase qos rules show rulebase qos rules <name> show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos any show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> ef show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> af show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> cs show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> tos show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> custom show rulebase qos rules <name> dscp-tos codepoints <name> custom codepoint show rulebase qos rules <name> action show rulebase pbf show rulebase pbf rules show rulebase pbf rules <name> show rulebase pbf rules <name> from show rulebase pbf rules <name> from show rulebase pbf rules <name> action show rulebase pbf rules <name> action show rulebase pbf rules <name> action forward show rulebase pbf rules <name> action forward nexthop show rulebase pbf rules <name> action forward nexthop show rulebase pbf rules <name> action forward monitor show rulebase pbf rules <name> action discard show rulebase pbf rules <name> action no-pbf show rulebase pbf rules <name> enforce-symmetric-return show rulebase pbf rules <name> enforce-symmetric-return nexthop-address-list show rulebase pbf rules <name> enforce-symmetric-return nexthop-address-list <name> show rulebase sdwan show rulebase sdwan rules show rulebase sdwan rules <name> show rulebase sdwan rules <name> action show rulebase dos show rulebase dos rules show rulebase dos rules <name> show rulebase dos rules <name> from show rulebase dos rules <name> from show rulebase dos rules <name> to show rulebase dos rules <name> to show rulebase dos rules <name> protection show rulebase dos rules <name> protection aggregate show rulebase dos rules <name> protection classified show rulebase dos rules <name> protection classified classification-criteria show rulebase dos rules <name> action show rulebase dos rules <name> action show rulebase dos rules <name> action deny show rulebase dos rules <name> action allow show rulebase dos rules <name> action protect show rulebase network-packet-broker show rulebase network-packet-broker rules show rulebase network-packet-broker rules <name> show rulebase network-packet-broker rules <name> traffic-type show rulebase network-packet-broker rules <name> action set deviceconfig set deviceconfig system set deviceconfig system type set deviceconfig system type set deviceconfig system type static set deviceconfig system type dhcp-client set deviceconfig system type dhcp-client send-hostname <yes|no> set deviceconfig system type dhcp-client send-client-id <yes|no> set deviceconfig system type dhcp-client accept-dhcp-hostname <yes|no> set deviceconfig system type dhcp-client accept-dhcp-domain <yes|no> set deviceconfig system login-banner <value> set deviceconfig system ack-login-banner <yes|no> set deviceconfig system hostname <value> set deviceconfig system domain <value> set deviceconfig system speed-duplex <auto-negotiate|10Mbps-half-duplex|10Mbps-full-duplex|100Mbps-half-duplex|100Mbps-full-duplex|1Gbps-half-duplex|1Gbps-full-duplex> set deviceconfig system mtu <576-1500> set deviceconfig system ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system netmask <value> set deviceconfig system default-gateway <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system ipv6-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system ipv6-default-gateway <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system authentication-profile <value> set deviceconfig system non-ui-authentication-profile <value> set deviceconfig system certificate-profile <value> set deviceconfig system syslog-certificate <value> set deviceconfig system ssl-tls-service-profile <value> set deviceconfig system dns-setting set deviceconfig system dns-setting set deviceconfig system dns-setting servers set deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system dns-setting servers secondary <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system dns-setting dns-proxy-object <value> set deviceconfig system fqdn-refresh-time <0-14399> set deviceconfig system fqdn-stale-entry-timeout <0-10080> set deviceconfig system panorama set deviceconfig system panorama set deviceconfig system panorama local-panorama set deviceconfig system panorama local-panorama panorama-server <value> set deviceconfig system panorama local-panorama panorama-server-2 <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server ntp-server-address <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type none set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key key-id <1-65534> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm md5 set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm md5 authentication-key <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm sha1 set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm sha1 authentication-key <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers primary-ntp-server authentication-type autokey set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server ntp-server-address <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type none set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key key-id <1-65534> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm md5 set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm md5 authentication-key <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm sha1 set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type symmetric-key algorithm sha1 authentication-key <value> set deviceconfig system ntp-servers secondary-ntp-server authentication-type autokey set deviceconfig system update-server <value> set deviceconfig system server-verification <yes|no> set deviceconfig system secure-proxy-server <value> set deviceconfig system secure-proxy-port <1-65535> set deviceconfig system secure-proxy-user <value> set deviceconfig system secure-proxy-password <value> set deviceconfig system lcaas-use-proxy <yes|no> set deviceconfig system auto-renew-mkey-lifetime <0-17520> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network hsm-server set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network hsm-server <name> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network hsm-server <name> server-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network ha set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network ha auto-recovery-retry <0-500> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider safenet-network ha ha-group-name <value> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect hsm-server set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect hsm-server <name> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect hsm-server <name> server-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider ncipher-nshield-connect rfs-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig system hsm-settings provider none set deviceconfig system ssh set deviceconfig system ssh profiles set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> ciphers [ <ciphers1> <ciphers2>... ] set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> mac [ <mac1> <mac2>... ] set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> kex [ <kex1> <kex2>... ] set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> default-hostkey set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type ECDSA <256|384|521> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type RSA <2048|3072|4096> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> session-rekey set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> session-rekey data <10-4000>|<default> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> session-rekey interval <10-3600>|<default> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles ha-profiles <name> session-rekey packets <12-27>|<default> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> ciphers [ <ciphers1> <ciphers2>... ] set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> mac [ <mac1> <mac2>... ] set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> kex [ <kex1> <kex2>... ] set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type ECDSA <256|384|521> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type RSA <2048|3072|4096> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> default-hostkey key-type all set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> session-rekey set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> session-rekey data <10-4000>|<default> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> session-rekey interval <10-3600>|<default> set deviceconfig system ssh profiles mgmt-profiles server-profiles <name> session-rekey packets <12-27>|<default> set deviceconfig system ssh ha set deviceconfig system ssh ha ha-profile <value> set deviceconfig system ssh mgmt set deviceconfig system ssh mgmt server-profile <value> set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type ECDSA set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type ECDSA key-length <256|384|521> set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type RSA set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys ha key-type RSA key-length <2048|3072|4096> set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type ECDSA set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type ECDSA key-length <256|384|521> set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type RSA set deviceconfig system ssh regenerate-hostkeys mgmt key-type RSA key-length <2048|3072|4096> set deviceconfig system device-telemetry set deviceconfig system device-telemetry product-usage <yes|no> set deviceconfig system device-telemetry device-health-performance <yes|no> set deviceconfig system device-telemetry threat-prevention <yes|no> set deviceconfig system device-telemetry region <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting set deviceconfig system snmp-setting snmp-system set deviceconfig system snmp-setting snmp-system location <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting snmp-system contact <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting snmp-system send-event-specific-traps <yes|no> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v2c set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v2c snmp-community-string <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view <name> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view <name> oid <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view <name> option <include|exclude> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 views <name> view <name> mask <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> view <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> authpwd <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> privpwd <value> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> authproto <SHA|SHA-224|SHA-256|SHA-384|SHA-512> set deviceconfig system snmp-setting access-setting version v3 users <name> privproto <AES|AES-192|AES-256> set deviceconfig system locale <value>|<en|es|ja|fr|zh_CN|zh_TW> set deviceconfig system domain-lookup-url <value> set deviceconfig system ip-address-lookup-url <value> set deviceconfig system geo-location set deviceconfig system geo-location latitude <value> set deviceconfig system geo-location longitude <value> set deviceconfig system service set deviceconfig system service disable-http <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-https <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-telnet <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-ssh <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-icmp <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-snmp <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-userid-service <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-userid-syslog-listener-ssl <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-userid-syslog-listener-udp <yes|no> set deviceconfig system service disable-http-ocsp <yes|no> set deviceconfig system permitted-ip set deviceconfig system permitted-ip <name> set deviceconfig system permitted-ip <name> description <value> set deviceconfig system route set deviceconfig system route service set deviceconfig system route service <name> set deviceconfig system route service <name> source set deviceconfig system route service <name> source interface <value> set deviceconfig system route service <name> source address <value> set deviceconfig system route service <name> source-v6 set deviceconfig system route service <name> source-v6 interface <value> set deviceconfig system route service <name> source-v6 address <value> set deviceconfig system route destination set deviceconfig system route destination <name> set deviceconfig system route destination <name> source set deviceconfig system route destination <name> source interface <value> set deviceconfig system route destination <name> source address <value> set deviceconfig system log-link set deviceconfig system log-link <name> set deviceconfig system log-link <name> url <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> description <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> log-type <traffic|threat|tunnel|userid|iptag|auth|url|data|hipmatch|wildfire|decryption|globalprotect> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> start-time <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp hostname <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp port <1-65535> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp path <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp username <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp password <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp passive-mode <yes|no> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp hostname <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp port <1-65535> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp path <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp username <value> set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp password <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service application-reports <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service threat-prevention-reports <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service threat-prevention-information <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service threat-prevention-pcap <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service passive-dns-monitoring <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service url-reports <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service health-performance-reports <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule statistics-service file-identification-reports <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring every-30-mins set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring every-30-mins at <0-29> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring every-30-mins action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring every-30-mins disable-new-content <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring hourly set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring hourly at <0-59> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring hourly action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring hourly disable-new-content <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring daily set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring daily at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring daily action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring daily disable-new-content <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring weekly set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring weekly day-of-week <sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring weekly at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring weekly action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring weekly disable-new-content <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring threshold <1-336> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring new-app-threshold <1-336> set deviceconfig system update-schedule threats recurring sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring daily set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring daily at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring daily action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring weekly set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring weekly day-of-week <sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring weekly at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring weekly action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring threshold <1-336> set deviceconfig system update-schedule app-profile recurring sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring hourly set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring hourly at <0-59> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring hourly action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring daily set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring daily at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring daily action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring weekly set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring weekly day-of-week <sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring weekly at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring weekly action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring threshold <1-336> set deviceconfig system update-schedule anti-virus recurring sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring real-time set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-min set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-min action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-min sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-15-mins set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-15-mins at <0-14> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-15-mins action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-15-mins sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-30-mins set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-30-mins at <0-29> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-30-mins action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-30-mins sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-hour set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-hour at <0-59> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-hour action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wildfire recurring every-hour sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-5-mins set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-5-mins at <0-4> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-5-mins action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-15-mins set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-15-mins at <0-14> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-15-mins action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-30-mins set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-30-mins at <0-29> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-30-mins action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-hour set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-hour at <0-59> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring every-hour action <download-only|download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule wf-private recurring sync-to-peer <yes|no> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring hourly set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring hourly at <0-59> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring hourly action <download-and-install|download-only> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring daily set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring daily at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring daily action <download-and-install|download-only> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring weekly set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring weekly day-of-week <sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring weekly at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-clientless-vpn recurring weekly action <download-and-install|download-only> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring none set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring hourly set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring hourly at <0-59> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring hourly action <download-and-install|download-only> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring daily set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring daily at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring daily action <download-and-install> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring weekly set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring weekly day-of-week <sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring weekly at <value> set deviceconfig system update-schedule global-protect-datafile recurring weekly action <download-and-install|download-only> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner motd-enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner message <value> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner motd-do-not-display-again <yes|no> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner motd-title <value> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner motd-color <color1|color2|color3|color4|color5|color6|color7|color8|color9|color10|color11|color12|color13|color14|color15|color16|color17> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner severity <warning|question|error|info> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-header <value> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-header-color <color1|color2|color3|color4|color5|color6|color7|color8|color9|color10|color11|color12|color13|color14|color15|color16|color17> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-header-text-color <color1|color2|color3|color4|color5|color6|color7|color8|color9|color10|color11|color12|color13|color14|color15|color16|color17|color18> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-header-footer-match <yes|no> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-footer <value> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-footer-color <color1|color2|color3|color4|color5|color6|color7|color8|color9|color10|color11|color12|color13|color14|color15|color16|color17> set deviceconfig system motd-and-banner banner-footer-text-color <color1|color2|color3|color4|color5|color6|color7|color8|color9|color10|color11|color12|color13|color14|color15|color16|color17|color18> set deviceconfig system timezone <Africa/Abidjan|Africa/Accra|Africa/Addis_Ababa|Africa/Algiers|Africa/Asmara|Africa/Asmera|Africa/Bamako|Africa/Bangui|Africa/Banjul|Africa/Bissau|Africa/Blantyre|Africa/Brazzaville|Africa/Bujumbura|Africa/Cairo|Africa/Casablanca|Africa/Ceuta|Africa/Conakry|Africa/Dakar|Africa/Dar_es_Salaam|Africa/Djibouti|Africa/Douala|Africa/El_Aaiun|Africa/Freetown|Africa/Gaborone|Africa/Harare|Africa/Johannesburg|Africa/Kampala|Africa/Khartoum|Africa/Kigali|Africa/Kinshasa|Africa/Lagos|Africa/Libreville|Africa/Lome|Africa/Luanda|Africa/Lubumbashi|Africa/Lusaka|Africa/Malabo|Africa/Maputo|Africa/Maseru|Africa/Mbabane|Africa/Mogadishu|Africa/Monrovia|Africa/Nairobi|Africa/Ndjamena|Africa/Niamey|Africa/Nouakchott|Africa/Ouagadougou|Africa/Porto-Novo|Africa/Sao_Tome|Africa/Timbuktu|Africa/Tripoli|Africa/Tunis|Africa/Windhoek|America/Adak|America/Anchorage|America/Anguilla|America/Antigua|America/Araguaina|America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires|America/Argentina/Catamarca|America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia|America/Argentina/Cordoba|America/Argentina/Jujuy|America/Argentina/La_Rioja|America/Argentina/Mendoza|America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos|America/Argentina/Salta|America/Argentina/San_Juan|America/Argentina/San_Luis|America/Argentina/Tucuman|America/Argentina/Ushuaia|America/Aruba|America/Asuncion|America/Atikokan|America/Atka|America/Bahia|America/Barbados|America/Belem|America/Belize|America/Blanc-Sablon|America/Boa_Vista|America/Bogota|America/Boise|America/Buenos_Aires|America/Cambridge_Bay|America/Campo_Grande|America/Cancun|America/Caracas|America/Catamarca|America/Cayenne|America/Cayman|America/Chicago|America/Chihuahua|America/Coral_Harbour|America/Cordoba|America/Costa_Rica|America/Cuiaba|America/Curacao|America/Danmarkshavn|America/Dawson|America/Dawson_Creek|America/Denver|America/Detroit|America/Dominica|America/Edmonton|America/Eirunepe|America/El_Salvador|America/Ensenada|America/Fortaleza|America/Fort_Wayne|America/Glace_Bay|America/Godthab|America/Goose_Bay|America/Grand_Turk|America/Grenada|America/Guadeloupe|America/Guatemala|America/Guayaquil|America/Guyana|America/Halifax|America/Havana|America/Hermosillo|America/Indiana/Indianapolis|America/Indiana/Knox|America/Indiana/Marengo|America/Indiana/Petersburg|America/Indianapolis|America/Indiana/Tell_City|America/Indiana/Vevay|America/Indiana/Vincennes|America/Indiana/Winamac|America/Inuvik|America/Iqaluit|America/Jamaica|America/Jujuy|America/Juneau|America/Kentucky/Louisville|America/Kentucky/Monticello|America/Knox_IN|America/La_Paz|America/Lima|America/Los_Angeles|America/Louisville|America/Maceio|America/Managua|America/Manaus|America/Marigot|America/Martinique|America/Mazatlan|America/Mendoza|America/Menominee|America/Merida|America/Mexico_City|America/Miquelon|America/Moncton|America/Monterrey|America/Montevideo|America/Montreal|America/Montserrat|America/Nassau|America/New_York|America/Nipigon|America/Nome|America/Noronha|America/North_Dakota/Center|America/North_Dakota/New_Salem|America/Panama|America/Pangnirtung|America/Paramaribo|America/Phoenix|America/Port-au-Prince|America/Porto_Acre|America/Port_of_Spain|America/Porto_Velho|America/Puerto_Rico|America/Rainy_River|America/Rankin_Inlet|America/Recife|America/Regina|America/Resolute|America/Rio_Branco|America/Rosario|America/Santarem|America/Santiago|America/Santo_Domingo|America/Sao_Paulo|America/Scoresbysund|America/Shiprock|America/St_Barthelemy|America/St_Johns|America/St_Kitts|America/St_Lucia|America/St_Thomas|America/St_Vincent|America/Swift_Current|America/Tegucigalpa|America/Thule|America/Thunder_Bay|America/Tijuana|America/Toronto|America/Tortola|America/Vancouver|America/Virgin|America/Whitehorse|America/Winnipeg|America/Yakutat|America/Yellowknife|Antarctica/Casey|Antarctica/Davis|Antarctica/DumontDUrville|Antarctica/Mawson|Antarctica/McMurdo|Antarctica/Palmer|Antarctica/Rothera|Antarctica/South_Pole|Antarctica/Syowa|Antarctica/Vostok|Arctic/Longyearbyen|Asia/Aden|Asia/Almaty|Asia/Amman|Asia/Anadyr|Asia/Aqtau|Asia/Aqtobe|Asia/Ashgabat|Asia/Ashkhabad|Asia/Baghdad|Asia/Bahrain|Asia/Baku|Asia/Bangkok|Asia/Beirut|Asia/Bishkek|Asia/Brunei|Asia/Calcutta|Asia/Choibalsan|Asia/Chongqing|Asia/Chungking|Asia/Colombo|Asia/Dacca|Asia/Damascus|Asia/Dhaka|Asia/Dili|Asia/Dubai|Asia/Dushanbe|Asia/Gaza|Asia/Harbin|Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh|Asia/Hong_Kong|Asia/Hovd|Asia/Irkutsk|Asia/Istanbul|Asia/Jakarta|Asia/Jayapura|Asia/Jerusalem|Asia/Kabul|Asia/Kamchatka|Asia/Karachi|Asia/Kashgar|Asia/Kathmandu|Asia/Katmandu|Asia/Kolkata|Asia/Krasnoyarsk|Asia/Kuala_Lumpur|Asia/Kuching|Asia/Kuwait|Asia/Macao|Asia/Macau|Asia/Magadan|Asia/Makassar|Asia/Manila|Asia/Muscat|Asia/Nicosia|Asia/Novokuznetsk|Asia/Novosibirsk|Asia/Omsk|Asia/Oral|Asia/Phnom_Penh|Asia/Pontianak|Asia/Pyongyang|Asia/Qatar|Asia/Qyzylorda|Asia/Rangoon|Asia/Riyadh|Asia/Riyadh87|Asia/Riyadh88|Asia/Riyadh89|Asia/Saigon|Asia/Sakhalin|Asia/Samarkand|Asia/Seoul|Asia/Shanghai|Asia/Singapore|Asia/Taipei|Asia/Tashkent|Asia/Tbilisi|Asia/Tehran|Asia/Tel_Aviv|Asia/Thimbu|Asia/Thimphu|Asia/Tokyo|Asia/Ujung_Pandang|Asia/Ulaanbaatar|Asia/Ulan_Bator|Asia/Urumqi|Asia/Vientiane|Asia/Vladivostok|Asia/Yakutsk|Asia/Yekaterinburg|Asia/Yerevan|Atlantic/Azores|Atlantic/Bermuda|Atlantic/Canary|Atlantic/Cape_Verde|Atlantic/Faeroe|Atlantic/Faroe|Atlantic/Jan_Mayen|Atlantic/Madeira|Atlantic/Reykjavik|Atlantic/South_Georgia|Atlantic/Stanley|Atlantic/St_Helena|Australia/ACT|Australia/Adelaide|Australia/Brisbane|Australia/Broken_Hill|Australia/Canberra|Australia/Currie|Australia/Darwin|Australia/Eucla|Australia/Hobart|Australia/LHI|Australia/Lindeman|Australia/Lord_Howe|Australia/Melbourne|Australia/North|Australia/NSW|Australia/Perth|Australia/Queensland|Australia/South|Australia/Sydney|Australia/Tasmania|Australia/Victoria|Australia/West|Australia/Yancowinna|Brazil/Acre|Brazil/DeNoronha|Brazil/East|Brazil/West|Canada/Atlantic|Canada/Central|Canada/Eastern|Canada/East-Saskatchewan|Canada/Mountain|Canada/Newfoundland|Canada/Pacific|Canada/Saskatchewan|Canada/Yukon|CET|Chile/Continental|Chile/EasterIsland|CST6CDT|Cuba|EET|Egypt|Eire|EST|EST5EDT|Etc/GMT|Etc/GMT0|Etc/GMT-0|Etc/GMT+0|Etc/GMT-1|Etc/GMT+1|Etc/GMT-10|Etc/GMT+10|Etc/GMT-11|Etc/GMT+11|Etc/GMT-12|Etc/GMT+12|Etc/GMT-13|Etc/GMT-14|Etc/GMT-2|Etc/GMT+2|Etc/GMT-3|Etc/GMT+3|Etc/GMT-4|Etc/GMT+4|Etc/GMT-5|Etc/GMT+5|Etc/GMT-6|Etc/GMT+6|Etc/GMT-7|Etc/GMT+7|Etc/GMT-8|Etc/GMT+8|Etc/GMT-9|Etc/GMT+9|Etc/Greenwich|Etc/UCT|Etc/Universal|Etc/UTC|Etc/Zulu|Europe/Amsterdam|Europe/Andorra|Europe/Athens|Europe/Belfast|Europe/Belgrade|Europe/Berlin|Europe/Bratislava|Europe/Brussels|Europe/Bucharest|Europe/Budapest|Europe/Chisinau|Europe/Copenhagen|Europe/Dublin|Europe/Gibraltar|Europe/Guernsey|Europe/Helsinki|Europe/Isle_of_Man|Europe/Istanbul|Europe/Jersey|Europe/Kaliningrad|Europe/Kiev|Europe/Lisbon|Europe/Ljubljana|Europe/London|Europe/Luxembourg|Europe/Madrid|Europe/Malta|Europe/Mariehamn|Europe/Minsk|Europe/Monaco|Europe/Moscow|Europe/Nicosia|Europe/Oslo|Europe/Paris|Europe/Podgorica|Europe/Prague|Europe/Riga|Europe/Rome|Europe/Samara|Europe/San_Marino|Europe/Sarajevo|Europe/Simferopol|Europe/Skopje|Europe/Sofia|Europe/Stockholm|Europe/Tallinn|Europe/Tirane|Europe/Tiraspol|Europe/Uzhgorod|Europe/Vaduz|Europe/Vatican|Europe/Vienna|Europe/Vilnius|Europe/Volgograd|Europe/Warsaw|Europe/Zagreb|Europe/Zaporozhye|Europe/Zurich|Factory|GB|GB-Eire|GMT|GMT0|GMT-0|GMT+0|Greenwich|Hongkong|HST|Iceland|Indian/Antananarivo|Indian/Chagos|Indian/Christmas|Indian/Cocos|Indian/Comoro|Indian/Kerguelen|Indian/Mahe|Indian/Maldives|Indian/Mauritius|Indian/Mayotte|Indian/Reunion|Iran|Israel|Jamaica|Japan|Kwajalein|Libya|MET|Mexico/BajaNorte|Mexico/BajaSur|Mexico/General|Mideast/Riyadh87|Mideast/Riyadh88|Mideast/Riyadh89|MST|MST7MDT|Navajo|NZ|NZ-CHAT|Pacific/Apia|Pacific/Auckland|Pacific/Chatham|Pacific/Easter|Pacific/Efate|Pacific/Enderbury|Pacific/Fakaofo|Pacific/Fiji|Pacific/Funafuti|Pacific/Galapagos|Pacific/Gambier|Pacific/Guadalcanal|Pacific/Guam|Pacific/Honolulu|Pacific/Johnston|Pacific/Kiritimati|Pacific/Kosrae|Pacific/Kwajalein|Pacific/Majuro|Pacific/Marquesas|Pacific/Midway|Pacific/Nauru|Pacific/Niue|Pacific/Norfolk|Pacific/Noumea|Pacific/Pago_Pago|Pacific/Palau|Pacific/Pitcairn|Pacific/Ponape|Pacific/Port_Moresby|Pacific/Rarotonga|Pacific/Saipan|Pacific/Samoa|Pacific/Tahiti|Pacific/Tarawa|Pacific/Tongatapu|Pacific/Truk|Pacific/Wake|Pacific/Wallis|Pacific/Yap|Poland|Portugal|PRC|PST8PDT|ROC|ROK|Singapore|Turkey|UCT|Universal|US/Alaska|US/Aleutian|US/Arizona|US/Central|US/Eastern|US/East-Indiana|US/Hawaii|US/Indiana-Starke|US/Michigan|US/Mountain|US/Pacific|US/Samoa|UTC|WET|W-SU|Zulu> set deviceconfig setting set deviceconfig setting nat set deviceconfig setting nat reserve-ip <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting nat reserve-time <1-604800> set deviceconfig setting nat dipp-oversub <1x|2x|4x|8x> set deviceconfig setting jumbo-frame set deviceconfig setting jumbo-frame mtu <512-9216> set deviceconfig setting icmpv6-rate-limit set deviceconfig setting icmpv6-rate-limit bucket-size <10-65535> set deviceconfig setting icmpv6-rate-limit packet-rate <1-65535> set deviceconfig setting nat64 set deviceconfig setting nat64 ipv6-min-network-mtu <1280-9216> set deviceconfig setting packet set deviceconfig setting packet ip-frag-limit <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting util set deviceconfig setting util assert-crash-once <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pan-url-db set deviceconfig setting pan-url-db cloud-static-list <value> set deviceconfig setting pan-url-db timeout <1-300> set deviceconfig setting hawkeye set deviceconfig setting hawkeye public-cloud-server <value> set deviceconfig setting global-protect set deviceconfig setting global-protect timeout <3-150> set deviceconfig setting global-protect enable-external-gateway-priority <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting global-protect location <value> set deviceconfig setting l3-service set deviceconfig setting l3-service timeout <3-125> set deviceconfig setting captive-portal set deviceconfig setting captive-portal number-workers <2-12> set deviceconfig setting captive-portal disable-token <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application set deviceconfig setting application identify-unknown-traffic-by-port <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application dump-unknown <on|off> set deviceconfig setting application cache <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application use-cache-for-identification <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application cache-threshold <1-65535> set deviceconfig setting application supernode <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application heuristics <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application notify-user <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application bypass-exceed-queue <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application traceroute set deviceconfig setting application traceroute enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting application traceroute ttl-threshold <0-255> set deviceconfig setting autofocus set deviceconfig setting autofocus enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting autofocus autofocus-url <value> set deviceconfig setting autofocus query-timeout <15-3600> set deviceconfig setting wildfire set deviceconfig setting wildfire file-idle-timeout <5-180> set deviceconfig setting wildfire file-size-limit set deviceconfig setting wildfire file-size-limit <name> set deviceconfig setting wildfire file-size-limit <name> size-limit <value> set deviceconfig setting wildfire file-upload-rate <1-150> set deviceconfig setting wildfire public-cloud-server <value> set deviceconfig setting wildfire private-cloud-server <value> set deviceconfig setting wildfire real-time-cloud-server <value> set deviceconfig setting wildfire private-cloud-use-proxy <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire disable-signature-verify <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire report-benign-file <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire report-grayware-file <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-src-ip <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-src-port <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-dest-ip <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-dest-port <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-vsys-id <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-app-name <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-username <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-url <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-filename <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-email-sender <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-email-recipient <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-email-subject <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd set deviceconfig setting ctd x-forwarded-for <0|1|2> set deviceconfig setting ctd strip-x-fwd-for <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd url-coach-timeout <1-86400> set deviceconfig setting ctd url-admin-timeout <1-86400> set deviceconfig setting ctd url-lockout-timeout <1-86400> set deviceconfig setting ctd url-wait-timeout <1-60> set deviceconfig setting ctd cap-portal-ask-timeout <0-65535> set deviceconfig setting ctd cap-portal-ask-requests <1-32> set deviceconfig setting ctd cap-portal-max-session <0-8192> set deviceconfig setting ctd cap-portal-html-redirect <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd http-proxy-use-transaction <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd tcp-bypass-exceed-queue <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd udp-bypass-exceed-queue <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd allow-http-range <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd extended-capture-segment <1-50> set deviceconfig setting ctd track-filename <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd hash-signature-allow <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd decode-filter-max-depth <1-4> set deviceconfig setting ctd hold-client-request <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd header-insert-cleartext-proxy <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd block-on-cleartext-proxy-failure <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd cloud-dns-timeout <0-60000> set deviceconfig setting ctd cloud-dns-privacy-mask <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd cloudapp-implicit-policy-enforce <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ctd shm-quota-threshold <50-80> set deviceconfig setting ctd shared-memory-quota-dlp <0-100> set deviceconfig setting ctd shared-memory-quota-iot <0-100> set deviceconfig setting ctd shared-memory-quota-ace <0-100> set deviceconfig setting ctd shared-memory-quota-url-cat <0-100> set deviceconfig setting ctd siptcp-cleartext-proxy <0|1|2> set deviceconfig setting ctd http2-cleartext-proxy <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting inline-url-setting set deviceconfig setting inline-url-setting max-latency <1-240> set deviceconfig setting inline-url-setting allow-on-max-latency <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting inline-url-setting log-scan <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting inline-spyware-setting set deviceconfig setting inline-spyware-setting max-latency <1-240> set deviceconfig setting inline-spyware-setting allow-on-max-latency <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting inline-spyware-setting log-scan <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt url-wait <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt url-proxy <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt notify-user <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt answer-timeout <1-86400> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt crl <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt ocsp <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt crl-receive-timeout <1-60> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt ocsp-receive-timeout <1-60> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt cert-status-timeout <0-60> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt session-cache-timeout <10-86400> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt tcp-use-ts <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt zero-window-track <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt fwd-proxy-server-cert-key-size-rsa <0|1024|2048|3072|4096> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt fwd-proxy-server-cert-key-size-ecdsa <0|256|384> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt default-elliptic-curve <192|224|256|384|521> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt fptcp-rwin-max <524288-8388608> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt scan-handshake <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting ssl-decrypt use-mp-sess-cache <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session set deviceconfig setting session timeout-tcp <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-udp <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-icmp <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-default <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-tcpinit <1-60> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-tcphandshake <1-60> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-tcp-half-closed <1-604800> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-tcp-time-wait <1-600> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-tcp-unverified-rst <1-600> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-captive-portal <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-discard-tcp <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-discard-udp <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-discard-default <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session icmp-unreachable-rate <1-65535> set deviceconfig setting session timeout-scan <5-30> set deviceconfig setting session scan-threshold <50-99> set deviceconfig setting session scan-scaling-factor <2-16> set deviceconfig setting session accelerated-aging-enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session accelerated-aging-threshold <50-99> set deviceconfig setting session accelerated-aging-scaling-factor <2-16> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-monitor-only <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-alert <0-99> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-activate <0-99> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-block-countdown <0-99> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-block-hold-time <0-65535> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-block-duration-time <1-15999999> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-use-latency <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-latency-alert <1-20000> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-latency-activate <1-20000> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-latency-block-countdown <1-20000> set deviceconfig setting session packet-buffer-protection-latency-max-tolerate <1-20000> set deviceconfig setting session tcp-reject-non-syn <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session tcp-retransmit-scan <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session offload <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session ipv6-firewalling <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session erspan <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session express-mode <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session resource-limit-behavior <bypass|drop> set deviceconfig setting session multicast-route-setup-buffering <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting session max-pending-mcast-pkts-per-session <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting tcp set deviceconfig setting tcp bypass-exceed-oo-queue <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting tcp allow-challenge-ack <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting tcp check-timestamp-option <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting tcp asymmetric-path <drop|bypass> set deviceconfig setting tcp urgent-data <clear|oobinline> set deviceconfig setting tcp drop-zero-flag <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting tcp strip-mptcp-option <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting zip set deviceconfig setting zip enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting zip mode <hw|sw|auto> set deviceconfig setting http2 set deviceconfig setting http2 enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting http2 stream-closed-buffer-threshold <1-100> set deviceconfig setting http2 server-push <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting http2 connection-logging <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pow set deviceconfig setting pow wqe-tag-check <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pow wqe-inuse-check <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pow wqe-swbuf-check <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pow wqe-swbuf-track <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pow wqe-hexspeak <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting pow wqe-swbuf-ref <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting config set deviceconfig setting config rematch <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting config append-ending-token <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting logging set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-application set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-application <name> set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global all set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global arp set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global non-syn-tcp set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global ext-traffic set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging disable-global hip-report set deviceconfig setting logging enhanced-application-logging enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting logging logging-service-forwarding set deviceconfig setting logging logging-service-forwarding enable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting logging logging-service-forwarding enable-duplicate-logging <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting logging logging-service-forwarding logging-service-regions <value> set deviceconfig setting logging max-log-rate <0-50000> set deviceconfig setting logging max-packet-rate <0-2560> set deviceconfig setting logging log-suppression <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type none set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type local set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type local certificate <value> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type local certificate-profile <value> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type scep set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type scep scep-profile <value> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client certificate-type scep certificate-profile <value> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client check-server-identity <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client enable-secure-wildfire-communication <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client enable-secure-pandb-communication <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client enable-secure-panorama-communication <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client enable-secure-lc-communication <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-client enable-secure-user-id-communication <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-server set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-server ssl-tls-service-profile <value> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-server certificate-profile <value> set deviceconfig setting management secure-conn-server enable-secure-user-id-communication <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period traffic <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period threat <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period decryption <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period config <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period system <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period alarm <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period appstat <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period trsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period thsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period urlsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period desum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hipmatch <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hourlytrsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period dailytrsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period weeklytrsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hourlythsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period dailythsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period weeklythsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hourlyurlsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period dailyurlsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period weeklyurlsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period threat-pcaps <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period gtp <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period gtpsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hourlygtpsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period dailygtpsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period weeklygtpsum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hourlydesum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period dailydesum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period weeklydesum <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period userid <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period iptag <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period auth <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period globalprotect <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period dlp-logs <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period application-pcaps <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period debug-filter-pcaps <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings log-expiration-period hip-reports <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota traffic <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota threat <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota config <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota system <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota globalprotect <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota desum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota decryption <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota alarm <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota appstat <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota trsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota thsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota urlsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hipmatch <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hourlytrsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota dailytrsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota weeklytrsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hourlythsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota dailythsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota weeklythsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hourlyurlsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota dailyurlsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota weeklyurlsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota threat-pcaps <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota gtp <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota gtpsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hourlygtpsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota dailygtpsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota weeklygtpsum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hourlydesum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota dailydesum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota weeklydesum <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota userid <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota auth <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota iptag <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota dlp-logs <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota application-pcaps <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota debug-filter-pcaps <float> set deviceconfig setting management quota-settings disk-quota hip-reports <float> set deviceconfig setting management large-core <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management disable-predefined-reports [ <disable-predefined-reports1> <disable-predefined-reports2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management disable-predefined-correlation-objs [ <disable-predefined-correlation-objs1> <disable-predefined-correlation-objs2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-cconly-logs <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-packet-drop-logs <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria skip-authentication-success-logs <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria skip-authentication-failure-logs <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-tls-session-logging <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-ocsp-crl-logs <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-ike-logging <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria skip-configuration-logs-for [ <skip-configuration-logs-for1> <skip-configuration-logs-for2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule crypto set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule crypto start-time [ <start-time1> <start-time2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule software-integrity set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule software-integrity start-time [ <start-time1> <start-time2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule crypto set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule crypto start-time [ <start-time1> <start-time2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule software-integrity set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria self-test-schedule software-integrity start-time [ <start-time1> <start-time2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-tls-session-logging <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-ocsp-crl-logs <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria enable-ike-logging <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management idle-timeout <1-1440>|<0> set deviceconfig setting management api set deviceconfig setting management api key set deviceconfig setting management api key lifetime <1-525600>|<0> set deviceconfig setting management admin-lockout set deviceconfig setting management admin-lockout failed-attempts <1-10> set deviceconfig setting management admin-lockout failed-attempts <0-10> set deviceconfig setting management admin-lockout lockout-time <0-60> set deviceconfig setting management admin-lockout lockout-time <0-60> set deviceconfig setting management admin-session set deviceconfig setting management admin-session max-session-count <0-4> set deviceconfig setting management admin-session max-session-time <value> set deviceconfig setting management admin-session max-session-count <0-4> set deviceconfig setting management admin-session max-session-time <value> set deviceconfig setting management appusage-lifetime <60-365> set deviceconfig setting management hostname-type-in-syslog <none|FQDN|hostname|ipv4-address|ipv6-address> set deviceconfig setting management report-run-time <value> set deviceconfig setting management report-expiration-period <1-2000> set deviceconfig setting management threat-vault-access <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management support-utf8-for-log-output <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management auto-acquire-commit-lock <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management disable-commit-recovery <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management commit-recovery-retry <1-5> set deviceconfig setting management commit-recovery-timeout <3-30> set deviceconfig setting management rule-hit-count <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management wildcard-topdown-match-mode <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management rule-require-tag <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management rule-require-description <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management rule-fail-commit <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management rule-require-audit-comment <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management rule-audit-comment-regex <value> set deviceconfig setting management appusage-policy <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management canonicalize-block-allow-list <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management traffic-stop-on-logdb-full <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management enable-log-high-dp-load <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management enable-certificate-expiration-check <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management max-rows-in-csv-export <1-1048576> set deviceconfig setting management max-rows-in-pdf-report <1-1048576> set deviceconfig setting management browse-activity-report-setting set deviceconfig setting management browse-activity-report-setting average-browse-time <1-300> set deviceconfig setting management browse-activity-report-setting page-load-threshold <1-60> set deviceconfig setting management max-audit-versions <1-1048576> set deviceconfig setting management panorama-tcp-receive-timeout <1-240> set deviceconfig setting management panorama-tcp-send-timeout <1-240> set deviceconfig setting management panorama-ssl-send-retries <1-64> set deviceconfig setting management device-monitoring set deviceconfig setting management device-monitoring enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation enable-alarm-generation <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation enable-cli-alarm-notification <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation enable-web-alarm-notification <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation enable-audible-alarms <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation encrypt-decrypt-fail-count <1-4294967295> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation security-policy-limits set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation security-policy-limits count <1-4294967295> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation security-policy-limits time-interval <30-86400> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation rule-group-limits set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation rule-group-limits count <1-4294967295> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation rule-group-limits time-interval <30-86400> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation rule-group-limits tags [ <tags1> <tags2>... ] set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold traffic <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold threat <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold config <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold system <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold alarm <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold hipmatch <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold userid <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold iptag <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold auth <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold gtp <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold sctp <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold globalprotect <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management common-criteria-alarm-generation log-databases-alarm-threshold decryption <0-100> set deviceconfig setting management audit-tracking set deviceconfig setting management audit-tracking op-commands <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management audit-tracking ui-actions <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting management audit-tracking send-syslog <value> set deviceconfig setting logrcvr set deviceconfig setting logrcvr container-page-timeout <1-60> set deviceconfig setting vpn set deviceconfig setting vpn ikev2 set deviceconfig setting vpn ikev2 security-strength-check <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting vpn ikev2 cookie-threshold <0-65535> set deviceconfig setting vpn ikev2 max-half-opened-sa <1-65535> set deviceconfig setting vpn ikev2 certificate-cache-size <0-4000> set deviceconfig setting tunnel-acceleration <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting advance-routing <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo set deviceconfig setting custom-logo login-screen set deviceconfig setting custom-logo login-screen name <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo login-screen content <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo main-ui set deviceconfig setting custom-logo main-ui name <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo main-ui content <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-header set deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-header name <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-header content <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-footer set deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-footer name <value> set deviceconfig setting custom-logo pdf-report-footer content <value> set deviceconfig setting iot set deviceconfig setting iot edge set deviceconfig setting iot edge enable-3rd-party <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting iot edge disable-device-cert <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting iot edge address <ip/netmask>|<value> set deviceconfig setting cloudapp set deviceconfig setting cloudapp disable <yes|no> set deviceconfig setting cloudapp cloudapp-srvr-addr set deviceconfig setting cloudapp cloudapp-srvr-addr address <ip/netmask>|<value> set deviceconfig high-availability set deviceconfig high-availability enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability interface set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 port <value>|<ha1-a|ha1-b|management> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 link-speed <auto|10|100|1000> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 link-duplex <auto|full|half> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 encryption set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 encryption enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 netmask <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 gateway <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1 monitor-hold-time <1000-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup port <value>|<ha1-a|ha1-b|management> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup link-speed <auto|10|100|1000> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup link-duplex <auto|full|half> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup netmask <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha1-backup gateway <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2 set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2 port <value>|<hsci> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2 ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2 netmask <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2 gateway <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2-backup set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2-backup port <value>|<hsci> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2-backup ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2-backup netmask <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha2-backup gateway <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha3 set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha3 port <value>|<hsci> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4 set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4 port <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4 ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4 netmask <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4-backup set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4-backup port <value> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4-backup ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability interface ha4-backup netmask <value> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster set deviceconfig high-availability cluster enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-id <1-99> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-synchronization-timeout <0-30> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-keepalive-threshold <5000-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster description <value> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members <name> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members <name> ha4-ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members <name> ha4-backup-ip-address <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members <name> session-synchronization <enabled|disabled> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster cluster-members <name> comments <value> set deviceconfig high-availability cluster monitor-fail-hold-down-time <1-60> set deviceconfig high-availability group set deviceconfig high-availability group group-id <1-63> set deviceconfig high-availability group description <value> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option device-priority <0-255> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option preemptive <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option heartbeat-backup <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers recommended set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers aggressive set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced promotion-hold-time <0-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced hello-interval <8000-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced heartbeat-interval <1000-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced flap-max <1-16>|<infinite|disable> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced preemption-hold-time <1-60> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced monitor-fail-hold-up-time <0-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group election-option timers advanced additional-master-hold-up-time <0-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group peer-ip <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability group peer-ip-backup <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization transport <ethernet|ip|udp> set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization ha2-keep-alive set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization ha2-keep-alive enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization ha2-keep-alive action <log-only|split-datapath> set deviceconfig high-availability group state-synchronization ha2-keep-alive threshold <5000-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group configuration-synchronization set deviceconfig high-availability group configuration-synchronization enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode set deviceconfig high-availability group mode set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-passive set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-passive passive-link-state <shutdown|auto> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-passive monitor-fail-hold-down-time <1-60> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active device-id <0|1> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active tentative-hold-time <10-600>|<disabled> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration sync set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration sync virtual-router <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration sync logical-router <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active network-configuration sync qos <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating bind-to-active-primary <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating device-priority set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating device-priority device-0 <0-255> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating device-priority device-1 <0-255> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> floating device-priority failover-on-link-down <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing ip-modulo set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing ip-hash set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ip <name> arp-load-sharing ip-hash hash-seed <0-4294967295> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating bind-to-active-primary <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating device-priority set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating device-priority device-0 <0-255> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating device-priority device-1 <0-255> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> floating device-priority failover-on-link-down <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing ip-modulo set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing ip-hash set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active virtual-address <name> ipv6 <name> arp-load-sharing ip-hash hash-seed <0-4294967295> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection primary-device set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup primary-device set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup first-packet set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup ip-modulo set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup ip-hash set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup ip-hash hash-key <source|source-and-destination> set deviceconfig high-availability group mode active-active session-owner-selection first-packet session-setup ip-hash hash-seed <0-4294967295> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> source-ip <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> ping-interval <200-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> ping-count <3-10> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group <name> destination-ip [ <destination-ip1> <destination-ip2>... ] set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> source-ip <ip/netmask> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> ping-interval <200-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> ping-count <3-10> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group <name> destination-ip [ <destination-ip1> <destination-ip2>... ] set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> ping-interval <200-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> ping-count <3-10> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> destination-ip [ <destination-ip1> <destination-ip2>... ] set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> ping-interval <200-60000> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> ping-count <3-10> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> destination-ip [ <destination-ip1> <destination-ip2>... ] set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring path-monitoring path-group logical-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group <name> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group <name> enabled <yes|no> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group <name> failure-condition <any|all> set deviceconfig high-availability group monitoring link-monitoring link-group <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set mgt-config set mgt-config password-complexity set mgt-config password-complexity enabled <yes|no> set mgt-config password-complexity block-username-inclusion <yes|no> set mgt-config password-complexity password-change-on-first-login <yes|no> set mgt-config password-complexity minimum-length <6-16> set mgt-config password-complexity minimum-length <0-16> set mgt-config password-complexity minimum-uppercase-letters <0-15> set mgt-config password-complexity minimum-lowercase-letters <0-15> set mgt-config password-complexity minimum-numeric-letters <0-15> set mgt-config password-complexity minimum-special-characters <0-15> set mgt-config password-complexity block-repeated-characters <0-15> set mgt-config password-complexity password-history-count <0-150> set mgt-config password-complexity new-password-differs-by-characters <0-15> set mgt-config password-complexity password-change-period-block <0-365> set mgt-config password-complexity password-change set mgt-config password-complexity password-change expiration-period <0-365> set mgt-config password-complexity password-change expiration-warning-period <0-30> set mgt-config password-complexity password-change post-expiration-admin-login-count <0-3> set mgt-config password-complexity password-change post-expiration-grace-period <0-30> set mgt-config password-profile set mgt-config password-profile <name> set mgt-config password-profile <name> password-change set mgt-config password-profile <name> password-change expiration-period <0-365> set mgt-config password-profile <name> password-change expiration-warning-period <0-30> set mgt-config password-profile <name> password-change post-expiration-admin-login-count <0-3> set mgt-config password-profile <name> password-change post-expiration-grace-period <0-30> set mgt-config users set mgt-config users <name> set mgt-config users <name> phash <value> set mgt-config users <name> authentication-profile <value> set mgt-config users <name> password-profile <value> set mgt-config users <name> client-certificate-only <yes|no> set mgt-config users <name> public-key <value> set mgt-config users <name> public-key <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences set mgt-config users <name> preferences disable-dns <yes|no> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query unified set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query unified <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query unified <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query traffic set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query traffic <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query traffic <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query threat set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query threat <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query threat <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query url set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query url <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query url <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query data set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query data <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query data <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query config set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query config <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query config <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query system set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query system <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query system <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query wildfire set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query wildfire <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query wildfire <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query hipmatch set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query hipmatch <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query hipmatch <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query corr set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query corr <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query corr <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query tunnel set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query tunnel <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query tunnel <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query userid set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query userid <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query userid <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query auth set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query auth <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query auth <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query globalprotect set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query globalprotect <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query globalprotect <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query alarm set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query alarm <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query alarm <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query decryption set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query decryption <name> set mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query decryption <name> query <value> set mgt-config users <name> permissions set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based devicereader [ <devicereader1> <devicereader2>... ] set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based deviceadmin [ <deviceadmin1> <deviceadmin2>... ] set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based superreader <yes> set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based superuser <yes> set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based custom set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based custom profile <value> set mgt-config access-domain set mgt-config access-domain <name> set mgt-config access-domain <name> vsys [ <vsys1> <vsys2>... ] set network set network profiles set network profiles monitor-profile set network profiles monitor-profile <name> set network profiles monitor-profile <name> interval <2-100> set network profiles monitor-profile <name> threshold <2-10> set network profiles monitor-profile <name> action <wait-recover|fail-over> set network profiles interface-management-profile set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> http <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> https <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> ping <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> response-pages <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> userid-service <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> userid-syslog-listener-ssl <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> userid-syslog-listener-udp <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> ssh <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> telnet <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> snmp <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> http-ocsp <yes|no> set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> permitted-ip set network profiles interface-management-profile <name> permitted-ip <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> description <value> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action allow set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action alert set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action block set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action block-ip set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action block-ip track-by <source|source-and-destination> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> action block-ip duration <1-3600> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> interval <2-65535> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan <name> threshold <2-65535> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list <name> ipv4 <value> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> scan-white-list <name> ipv6 <value> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn enable <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn red set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn red alarm-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn red activate-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn red maximal-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies alarm-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies activate-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood tcp-syn syn-cookies maximal-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp enable <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp red set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp red alarm-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp red activate-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood udp red maximal-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp enable <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp red set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp red alarm-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp red activate-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmp red maximal-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 enable <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 red set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 red alarm-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 red activate-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood icmpv6 red maximal-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip enable <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip red set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip red alarm-rate <0-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip red activate-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood other-ip red maximal-rate <1-2000000> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-0 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-1 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-3 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-4-252 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-253 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-254 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 routing-header-255 <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ipv4-compatible-address <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 multicast-source <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 anycast-source <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 filter-ext-hdr set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 filter-ext-hdr hop-by-hop-hdr <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 filter-ext-hdr routing-hdr <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 filter-ext-hdr dest-option-hdr <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt dest-unreach <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt pkt-too-big <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt time-exceeded <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt param-problem <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 ignore-inv-pkt redirect <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 options-invalid-ipv6-discard <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 icmpv6-too-big-small-mtu-discard <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 needless-fragment-hdr <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> ipv6 reserved-field-set-discard <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> tcp-reject-non-syn <global|yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> strip-mptcp-option <global|yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> asymmetric-path <global|drop|bypass> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-ip-spoof <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-ip-frag <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-icmp-ping-zero-id <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-icmp-frag <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-icmp-large-packet <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-icmp-error <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> suppress-icmp-timeexceeded <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> suppress-icmp-needfrag <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-strict-source-routing <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-loose-source-routing <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-timestamp <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-record-route <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-security <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-stream-id <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-unknown-option <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-malformed-option <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-overlapping-tcp-segment-mismatch <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> strict-ip-check <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> remove-tcp-timestamp <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-tcp-split-handshake <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-tcp-syn-with-data <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> discard-tcp-synack-with-data <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> strip-tcp-fast-open-and-data <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol list-type <exclude|include> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol protocol set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol protocol <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol protocol <name> ether-type <value> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> non-ip-protocol protocol <name> enable <yes|no> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection tags set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection tags <name> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection tags <name> tag <value> set network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> l2-sec-group-tag-protection tags <name> enable <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile set network profiles lldp-profile <name> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> mode <transmit-receive|transmit-only|receive-only> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> snmp-syslog-notification <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs port-description <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs system-name <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs system-description <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs system-capabilities <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address enabled <yes|no> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> interface <value> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> ipv4 <value> set network profiles lldp-profile <name> option-tlvs management-address iplist <name> ipv6 <value> set network profiles bfd-profile set network profiles bfd-profile <name> set network profiles bfd-profile <name> mode <active|passive> set network profiles bfd-profile <name> min-tx-interval <100-10000> set network profiles bfd-profile <name> min-rx-interval <100-10000> set network profiles bfd-profile <name> detection-multiplier <2-255> set network profiles bfd-profile <name> hold-time <0-120000> set network profiles bfd-profile <name> multihop set network profiles bfd-profile <name> multihop min-received-ttl <1-254> set network interface set network interface ethernet set network interface ethernet <name> set network interface ethernet <name> link-speed <value> set network interface ethernet <name> link-duplex <value> set network interface ethernet <name> link-state <auto|up|down> set network interface ethernet <name> set network interface ethernet <name> tap set network interface ethernet <name> tap netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> ha set network interface ethernet <name> decrypt-mirror set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> tag <0-4094> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> comment <value> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> ip-classifier [ <ip-classifier1> <ip-classifier2>... ] set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp high-availability set network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> tag <1-4094> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> comment <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability set network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 decrypt-forward <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 mtu <576-9216> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 untagged-sub-interface <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ip set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ip <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ip <name> sdwan-gateway <ip/netmask> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise valid-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise preferred-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise onlink-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise auto-config-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement max-interval <4-1800> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement min-interval <3-1350> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement managed-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement other-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement link-mtu <1280-9216>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement reachable-time <0-3600000>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement retransmission-timer <0-4294967295>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement hop-limit <1-255>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement lifetime <0-9000> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement router-preference <High|Medium|Low> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable-consistency-check <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-ndp-monitor <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-dad <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery dad-attempts <0-10> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery ns-interval <1-3600> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time <10-36000> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> hw-address <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe authentication <CHAP|PAP|auto> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe static-address set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe static-address ip <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe username <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe password <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe access-concentrator <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe service <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe passive set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe passive enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname hostname <value>|<system-hostname> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-enabled <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-update-interval <1-30> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-hostname <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-ip [ <ddns-ip1> <ddns-ip2>... ] set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-ipv6 [ <ddns-ipv61> <ddns-ipv62>... ] set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-cert-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> value <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 arp set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 arp <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 arp <name> hw-address <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy enabled <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address <name> negate <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 interface-management-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings sdwan-interface-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip fqdn <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings sdwan-interface-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip fqdn <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> decrypt-forward <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> mtu <576-9216> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip <name> sdwan-gateway <ip/netmask> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise valid-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise preferred-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise onlink-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise auto-config-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement max-interval <4-1800> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement min-interval <3-1350> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement managed-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement other-flag <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement link-mtu <1280-9216>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement reachable-time <0-3600000>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement retransmission-timer <0-4294967295>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement hop-limit <1-255>|<unspecified> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement lifetime <0-9000> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement router-preference <High|Medium|Low> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable-consistency-check <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-ndp-monitor <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-dad <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery dad-attempts <0-10> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery ns-interval <1-3600> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time <10-36000> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> hw-address <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp <name> hw-address <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy enabled <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> negate <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> interface-management-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> tag <1-4094> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname hostname <value>|<system-hostname> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-enabled <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-update-interval <1-30> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-hostname <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-ip [ <ddns-ip1> <ddns-ip2>... ] set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-ipv6 [ <ddns-ipv61> <ddns-ipv62>... ] set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-cert-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> value <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> comment <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 netflow-profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp enable <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp profile <value> set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface ethernet <name> aggregate-group <value> set network interface ethernet <name> comment <value> set network interface ethernet <name> lacp set network interface ethernet <name> lacp port-priority <1-65535> set network interface aggregate-ethernet set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp fast-failover <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp mode <passive|active> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp transmission-rate <fast|slow> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp system-priority <1-65535> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp max-ports <1-8> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> decrypt-mirror set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> tag <0-4094> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> comment <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire units <name> ip-classifier [ <ip-classifier1> <ip-classifier2>... ] set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire netflow-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> tag <1-4094> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 units <name> comment <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 netflow-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp fast-failover <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp mode <passive|active> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp transmission-rate <fast|slow> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp system-priority <1-65535> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp max-ports <1-8> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac mac-address <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 decrypt-forward <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 mtu <576-9216> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 untagged-sub-interface <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ip set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ip <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ip <name> sdwan-gateway <ip/netmask> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise valid-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise preferred-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise onlink-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 address <name> advertise auto-config-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement max-interval <4-1800> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement min-interval <3-1350> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement managed-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement other-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement link-mtu <1280-9216>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement reachable-time <0-3600000>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement retransmission-timer <0-4294967295>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement hop-limit <1-255>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement lifetime <0-9000> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement router-preference <High|Medium|Low> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable-consistency-check <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-ndp-monitor <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-dad <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery dad-attempts <0-10> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery ns-interval <1-3600> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time <10-36000> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> hw-address <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp fast-failover <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp mode <passive|active> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp transmission-rate <fast|slow> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp system-priority <1-65535> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp max-ports <1-8> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac mac-address <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability passive-pre-negotiation <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 arp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 arp <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 arp <name> hw-address <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy enabled <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ndp-proxy address <name> negate <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 interface-management-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client send-hostname hostname <value>|<system-hostname> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 dhcp-client default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-enabled <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-update-interval <1-30> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-hostname <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-ip [ <ddns-ip1> <ddns-ip2>... ] set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-ipv6 [ <ddns-ipv61> <ddns-ipv62>... ] set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-cert-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> value <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings sdwan-interface-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip fqdn <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> decrypt-forward <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> mtu <576-9216> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ip <name> sdwan-gateway <ip/netmask> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise valid-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise preferred-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise onlink-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise auto-config-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement max-interval <4-1800> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement min-interval <3-1350> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement managed-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement other-flag <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement link-mtu <1280-9216>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement reachable-time <0-3600000>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement retransmission-timer <0-4294967295>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement hop-limit <1-255>|<unspecified> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement lifetime <0-9000> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement router-preference <High|Medium|Low> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable-consistency-check <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-ndp-monitor <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-dad <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery dad-attempts <0-10> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery ns-interval <1-3600> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time <10-36000> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> hw-address <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> arp <name> hw-address <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy enabled <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> negate <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> interface-management-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> tag <1-4094> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings sdwan-interface-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat static-ip fqdn <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> sdwan-link-settings upstream-nat ddns set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname enable <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname hostname <value>|<system-hostname> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> dhcp-client default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-enabled <yes|no> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-update-interval <1-30> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-hostname <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-ip [ <ddns-ip1> <ddns-ip2>... ] set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-ipv6 [ <ddns-ipv61> <ddns-ipv62>... ] set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-cert-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> value <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> comment <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 netflow-profile <value> set network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> comment <value> set network interface vlan set network interface vlan mtu <576-9216> set network interface vlan adjust-tcp-mss set network interface vlan adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface vlan adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface vlan ip set network interface vlan ip <name> set network interface vlan ipv6 set network interface vlan ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface vlan ipv6 address set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise valid-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise preferred-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise onlink-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 address <name> advertise auto-config-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement max-interval <4-1800> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement min-interval <3-1350> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement managed-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement other-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement link-mtu <1280-9216>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement reachable-time <0-3600000>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement retransmission-timer <0-4294967295>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement hop-limit <1-255>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement lifetime <0-9000> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement router-preference <High|Medium|Low> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable-consistency-check <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-ndp-monitor <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-dad <yes|no> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery dad-attempts <0-10> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery ns-interval <1-3600> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time <10-36000> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> set network interface vlan ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> hw-address <value> set network interface vlan arp set network interface vlan arp <name> set network interface vlan arp <name> hw-address <value> set network interface vlan arp <name> interface <value> set network interface vlan ndp-proxy set network interface vlan ndp-proxy enabled <yes|no> set network interface vlan ndp-proxy address set network interface vlan ndp-proxy address <name> set network interface vlan ndp-proxy address <name> negate <yes|no> set network interface vlan interface-management-profile <value> set network interface vlan dhcp-client set network interface vlan dhcp-client enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan dhcp-client create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface vlan dhcp-client send-hostname set network interface vlan dhcp-client send-hostname enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan dhcp-client send-hostname hostname <value>|<system-hostname> set network interface vlan dhcp-client default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface vlan ddns-config set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-enabled <yes|no> set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-update-interval <1-30> set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-hostname <value> set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-ip [ <ddns-ip1> <ddns-ip2>... ] set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-ipv6 [ <ddns-ipv61> <ddns-ipv62>... ] set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-cert-profile <value> set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-vendor <value> set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-vendor-config set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> set network interface vlan ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> value <value> set network interface vlan units set network interface vlan units <name> set network interface vlan units <name> mtu <576-9216> set network interface vlan units <name> adjust-tcp-mss set network interface vlan units <name> adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface vlan units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface vlan units <name> ip set network interface vlan units <name> ip <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise valid-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise preferred-lifetime <0-4294967294>|<infinity> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise onlink-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 address <name> advertise auto-config-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement max-interval <4-1800> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement min-interval <3-1350> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement managed-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement other-flag <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement link-mtu <1280-9216>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement reachable-time <0-3600000>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement retransmission-timer <0-4294967295>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement hop-limit <1-255>|<unspecified> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement lifetime <0-9000> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement router-preference <High|Medium|Low> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement enable-consistency-check <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support server <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery router-advertisement dns-support suffix <name> lifetime <4-3600> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-ndp-monitor <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery enable-dad <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery dad-attempts <0-10> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery ns-interval <1-3600> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery reachable-time <10-36000> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ipv6 neighbor-discovery neighbor <name> hw-address <value> set network interface vlan units <name> arp set network interface vlan units <name> arp <name> set network interface vlan units <name> arp <name> hw-address <value> set network interface vlan units <name> arp <name> interface <value> set network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy set network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy enabled <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy address set network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ndp-proxy address <name> negate <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> interface-management-profile <value> set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client create-default-route <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname enable <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client send-hostname hostname <value>|<system-hostname> set network interface vlan units <name> dhcp-client default-route-metric <1-65535> set network interface vlan units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-enabled <yes|no> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-update-interval <1-30> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-hostname <value> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-ip [ <ddns-ip1> <ddns-ip2>... ] set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-ipv6 [ <ddns-ipv61> <ddns-ipv62>... ] set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-cert-profile <value> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor <value> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> set network interface vlan units <name> ddns-config ddns-vendor-config <name> value <value> set network interface vlan units <name> comment <value> set network interface vlan netflow-profile <value> set network interface vlan comment <value> set network interface loopback set network interface loopback df-ignore <yes|no> set network interface loopback mtu <576-9216> set network interface loopback adjust-tcp-mss set network interface loopback adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface loopback adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface loopback adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface loopback ip set network interface loopback ip <name> set network interface loopback ipv6 set network interface loopback ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface loopback ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface loopback ipv6 address set network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> set network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface loopback ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface loopback interface-management-profile <value> set network interface loopback units set network interface loopback units <name> set network interface loopback units <name> mtu <576-9216> set network interface loopback units <name> adjust-tcp-mss set network interface loopback units <name> adjust-tcp-mss enable <yes|no> set network interface loopback units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv4-mss-adjustment <40-300> set network interface loopback units <name> adjust-tcp-mss ipv6-mss-adjustment <60-300> set network interface loopback units <name> ip set network interface loopback units <name> ip <name> set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface loopback units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface loopback units <name> interface-management-profile <value> set network interface loopback units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface loopback units <name> comment <value> set network interface loopback netflow-profile <value> set network interface loopback comment <value> set network interface tunnel set network interface tunnel mtu <576-9216> set network interface tunnel ip set network interface tunnel ip <name> set network interface tunnel ipv6 set network interface tunnel ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface tunnel ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface tunnel ipv6 address set network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> set network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface tunnel ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface tunnel interface-management-profile <value> set network interface tunnel units set network interface tunnel units <name> set network interface tunnel units <name> mtu <576-9216> set network interface tunnel units <name> ip set network interface tunnel units <name> ip <name> set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 interface-id <value>|<EUI-64> set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> enable-on-interface <yes|no> set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> prefix set network interface tunnel units <name> ipv6 address <name> anycast set network interface tunnel units <name> interface-management-profile <value> set network interface tunnel units <name> netflow-profile <value> set network interface tunnel units <name> comment <value> set network interface tunnel netflow-profile <value> set network interface tunnel comment <value> set network interface sdwan set network interface sdwan units set network interface sdwan units <name> set network interface sdwan units <name> comment <value> set network interface sdwan units <name> cluster-name <value> set network interface sdwan units <name> link-tag <value> set network interface sdwan units <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network ike set network ike gateway set network ike gateway <name> set network ike gateway <name> disabled <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> ipv6 <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> comment <value> set network ike gateway <name> peer-address set network ike gateway <name> peer-address ip <value>|<ip/netmask> set network ike gateway <name> peer-address fqdn <value> set network ike gateway <name> peer-address dynamic set network ike gateway <name> local-address set network ike gateway <name> local-address interface <value> set network ike gateway <name> local-address set network ike gateway <name> local-address ip <value> set network ike gateway <name> local-address floating-ip <value> set network ike gateway <name> peer-id set network ike gateway <name> peer-id type <value> set network ike gateway <name> peer-id id <value> set network ike gateway <name> peer-id matching <exact|wildcard> set network ike gateway <name> local-id set network ike gateway <name> local-id type <value> set network ike gateway <name> local-id id <value> set network ike gateway <name> authentication set network ike gateway <name> authentication pre-shared-key set network ike gateway <name> authentication pre-shared-key key <value> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate name <value> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate hash-and-url set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate hash-and-url enable <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate local-certificate hash-and-url base-url <value> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate certificate-profile <value> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate use-management-as-source <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate strict-validation-revocation <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> authentication certificate allow-id-payload-mismatch <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol set network ike gateway <name> protocol version <ikev1|ikev2|ikev2-preferred> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 exchange-mode <auto|main|aggressive> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 ike-crypto-profile <value> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 dpd set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 dpd enable <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 dpd interval <2-100> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev1 dpd retry <2-100> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 ike-crypto-profile <value> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 require-cookie <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 dpd set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 dpd enable <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 dpd interval <2-100> set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common nat-traversal set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common nat-traversal enable <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common nat-traversal keep-alive-interval <10-3600> set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common nat-traversal udp-checksum-enable <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common passive-mode <yes|no> set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common fragmentation set network ike gateway <name> protocol-common fragmentation enable <yes|no> set network ike crypto-profiles set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> encryption [ <encryption1> <encryption2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> hash [ <hash1> <hash2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> dh-group [ <dh-group1> <dh-group2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime seconds <180-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime minutes <3-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime hours <1-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime days <1-365> set network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> authentication-multiple <0-50> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> esp set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> esp encryption [ <encryption1> <encryption2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> esp authentication [ <authentication1> <authentication2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> ah set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> ah authentication [ <authentication1> <authentication2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> dh-group <no-pfs|group1|group2|group5|group14|group15|group16|group19|group20|group21> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime seconds <180-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime minutes <3-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime hours <1-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifetime days <1-365> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifesize set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifesize kb <1-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifesize mb <1-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifesize gb <1-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> lifesize tb <1-65535> set network ike crypto-profiles global-protect-app-crypto-profiles set network ike crypto-profiles global-protect-app-crypto-profiles <name> set network ike crypto-profiles global-protect-app-crypto-profiles <name> encryption [ <encryption1> <encryption2>... ] set network ike crypto-profiles global-protect-app-crypto-profiles <name> authentication [ <authentication1> <authentication2>... ] set network tunnel set network tunnel gre set network tunnel gre <name> set network tunnel gre <name> disabled <yes|no> set network tunnel gre <name> copy-tos <yes|no> set network tunnel gre <name> erspan <yes|no> set network tunnel gre <name> ttl <1-255> set network tunnel gre <name> tunnel-interface <value> set network tunnel gre <name> local-address set network tunnel gre <name> local-address interface <value> set network tunnel gre <name> local-address set network tunnel gre <name> local-address ip <value> set network tunnel gre <name> local-address floating-ip <value> set network tunnel gre <name> peer-address set network tunnel gre <name> peer-address ip <ip/netmask> set network tunnel gre <name> keep-alive set network tunnel gre <name> keep-alive enable <yes|no> set network tunnel gre <name> keep-alive interval <1-50> set network tunnel gre <name> keep-alive retry <1-64> set network tunnel gre <name> keep-alive hold-timer <1-64> set network tunnel ipsec set network tunnel ipsec <name> set network tunnel ipsec <name> disabled <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> ipv6 <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> comment <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-interface <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> anti-replay <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> anti-replay-window <64|128|256|512|1024|2048|4096> set network tunnel ipsec <name> copy-tos <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> copy-flow-label <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> enable-gre-encapsulation <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-monitor set network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-monitor enable <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-monitor destination-ip <ip/netmask> set network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-monitor proxy-id <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> tunnel-monitor tunnel-monitor-profile <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key ike-gateway set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key ike-gateway <name> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key ipsec-crypto-profile <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> local <ip/netmask> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> remote <ip/netmask> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol number <1-254> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol any set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol tcp set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol tcp local-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol tcp remote-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol udp set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol udp local-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id <name> protocol udp remote-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> local <ip/netmask> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> remote <ip/netmask> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol number <1-254> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol any set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol tcp set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol tcp local-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol tcp remote-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol udp set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol udp local-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> auto-key proxy-id-v6 <name> protocol udp remote-port <0-65535> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key peer-address set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key peer-address ip <ip/netmask> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address interface <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address ip <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-address floating-ip <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key local-spi <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key remote-spi <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication md5 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication md5 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha1 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha1 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha256 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha256 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha384 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha384 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha512 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication sha512 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp authentication none set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp encryption set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp encryption algorithm <des|3des|aes-128-cbc|aes-192-cbc|aes-256-cbc|null> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key esp encryption key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah md5 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah md5 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha1 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha1 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha256 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha256 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha384 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha384 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha512 set network tunnel ipsec <name> manual-key ah sha512 key <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite portal-address <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite ipv6-preferred <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address interface <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address ip set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address ip ipv4 <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address ip ipv6 <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address floating-ip set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address floating-ip ipv4 <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite local-address floating-ip ipv6 <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite publish-routes [ <publish-routes1> <publish-routes2>... ] set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite publish-connected-routes set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite publish-connected-routes enable <yes|no> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite external-ca set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite external-ca local-certificate <value> set network tunnel ipsec <name> global-protect-satellite external-ca certificate-profile <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> tunnel-interface <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address ip-address-family <ipv4|ipv6|ipv4_ipv6> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address interface <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address ip set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address ip ipv4 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address ip ipv6 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address floating-ip set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address floating-ip ipv4 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> local-address floating-ip ipv6 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec enable <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec third-party-client set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec third-party-client enable <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec third-party-client group-name <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec third-party-client group-password <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec third-party-client rekey-noauth <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ipsec ipsec-crypto-profile <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> max-user <1-65535> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> ip-pool [ <ip-pool1> <ip-pool2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client inheritance set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client inheritance source <value> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client dns-server set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client dns-server primary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client dns-server secondary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client wins-server set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client wins-server primary <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<inherited> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client wins-server secondary <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<inherited> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client dns-suffix-inherited <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client dns-suffix [ <dns-suffix1> <dns-suffix2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client exclude-video-traffic set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client exclude-video-traffic enabled <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-gateway <name> client exclude-video-traffic applications [ <applications1> <applications2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> tunnel-interface <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address ip-address-family <ipv4|ipv6|ipv4_ipv6> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address interface <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address ip set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address ip ipv4 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address ip ipv6 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address floating-ip set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address floating-ip ipv4 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> local-address floating-ip ipv6 <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client config-refresh-interval <1-48> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client ip-pool [ <ip-pool1> <ip-pool2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client inheritance set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client inheritance source <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client dns-server set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client dns-server primary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client dns-server secondary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client dns-suffix-inherited <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client dns-suffix [ <dns-suffix1> <dns-suffix2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client split-tunneling set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client split-tunneling access-route [ <access-route1> <access-route2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client tunnel-monitor set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client tunnel-monitor enable <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client tunnel-monitor destination-ip <ip/netmask> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client tunnel-monitor destination-ipv6 <ip/netmask> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client tunnel-monitor tunnel-monitor-profile <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client ipsec-crypto-profile <value> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client accept-published-routes <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client valid-networks [ <valid-networks1> <valid-networks2>... ] set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client anti-replay <yes|no> set network tunnel global-protect-site-to-site <name> client copy-tos <yes|no> set network vlan set network vlan <name> set network vlan <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network vlan <name> mac set network vlan <name> mac <name> set network vlan <name> mac <name> interface <value> set network vlan <name> virtual-interface set network vlan <name> virtual-interface interface <value> set network qos set network qos profile set network qos profile <name> set network qos profile <name> aggregate-bandwidth set network qos profile <name> aggregate-bandwidth egress-max <float> set network qos profile <name> aggregate-bandwidth egress-guaranteed <float> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> priority <real-time|high|medium|low> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> class-bandwidth set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> class-bandwidth egress-max <float> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type mbps class <name> class-bandwidth egress-guaranteed <float> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> priority <real-time|high|medium|low> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> class-bandwidth set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> class-bandwidth egress-max <float> set network qos profile <name> class-bandwidth-type percentage class <name> class-bandwidth egress-guaranteed <float> set network qos interface set network qos interface <name> set network qos interface <name> enabled <yes|no> set network qos interface <name> interface-bandwidth set network qos interface <name> interface-bandwidth egress-max <float> set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> members set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> members <name> set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic groups <name> members <name> qos-profile <value> set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic default-group set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic default-group per-tunnel-qos-profile <value> set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic bandwidth set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic bandwidth egress-max <float> set network qos interface <name> tunnel-traffic bandwidth egress-guaranteed <float> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> qos-profile <value> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match local-address set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match local-address interface <value> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match local-address destination_interface <value> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic groups <name> members <name> match local-address address [ <address1> <address2>... ] set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic default-group set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic default-group qos-profile <value> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic bandwidth set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic bandwidth egress-max <float> set network qos interface <name> regular-traffic bandwidth egress-guaranteed <float> set network virtual-wire set network virtual-wire <name> set network virtual-wire <name> interface1 <value> set network virtual-wire <name> interface2 <value> set network virtual-wire <name> tag-allowed <0-4094,...> set network virtual-wire <name> multicast-firewalling set network virtual-wire <name> multicast-firewalling enable <yes|no> set network virtual-wire <name> link-state-pass-through set network virtual-wire <name> link-state-pass-through enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router set network virtual-router <name> set network virtual-router <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> routing-table set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> destination <value>|<ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> interface <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop discard set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop fqdn <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop next-vr <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> admin-dist <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> metric <1-65535> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table unicast set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table multicast set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table both set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> route-table no-install set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> bfd profile <value>|<None> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor failure-condition <any|all> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor hold-time <0-1440> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> source <value>|<DHCP|PPPOE> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> destination <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> interval <1-60> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> count <3-10> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> destination <value>|<ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> interface <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop discard set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop ipv6-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop fqdn <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop next-vr <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> admin-dist <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> metric <1-65535> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table unicast set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> route-table no-install set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> bfd profile <value>|<None> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor failure-condition <any|all> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor hold-time <0-1440> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> source <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> destination <value> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> interval <1-60> set network virtual-router <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> count <3-10> set network virtual-router <name> multicast set network virtual-router <name> multicast enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast route-ageout-time <210-7200> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> description <value> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission any-source-multicast set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission any-source-multicast <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission any-source-multicast <name> group-address <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission any-source-multicast <name> included <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast <name> group-address <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast <name> source-address <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> group-permission source-specific-multicast <name> included <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp version <1|2|3> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp max-query-response-time <float> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp query-interval <1-31744> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp last-member-query-interval <float> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp immediate-leave <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp robustness <1|2|3|4|5|6|7> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp max-groups <1-65535>|<unlimited> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp max-sources <1-65535>|<unlimited> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> igmp router-alert-policing <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim assert-interval <0-65534> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim hello-interval <0-18000> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim join-prune-interval <1-18000> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim dr-priority <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim bsr-border <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim allowed-neighbors set network virtual-router <name> multicast interface-group <name> pim allowed-neighbors <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast ssm-address-space set network virtual-router <name> multicast ssm-address-space <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast ssm-address-space <name> group-address <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> multicast ssm-address-space <name> included <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast spt-threshold set network virtual-router <name> multicast spt-threshold <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast spt-threshold <name> threshold <1-4294967295>|<never|0> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp static-rp set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp static-rp interface <value> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp static-rp address <value> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp static-rp override <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp static-rp group-addresses [ <group-addresses1> <group-addresses2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp interface <value> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp address <value> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp priority <0-255> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp advertisement-interval <1-26214> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp local-rp candidate-rp group-addresses [ <group-addresses1> <group-addresses2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp external-rp set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp external-rp <name> set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp external-rp <name> group-addresses [ <group-addresses1> <group-addresses2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> multicast rp external-rp <name> override <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> priority <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter type [ <type1> <type2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter destination [ <destination1> <destination2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter ospf set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter ospf path-type [ <path-type1> <path-type2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter ospf area [ <area1> <area2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter ospf tag [ <tag1> <tag2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter bgp set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter bgp community [ <community1> <community2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> filter bgp extended-community [ <extended-community1> <extended-community2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> action set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> action no-redist set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile <name> action redist set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> priority <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter type [ <type1> <type2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter destination [ <destination1> <destination2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter ospfv3 set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter ospfv3 path-type [ <path-type1> <path-type2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter ospfv3 area [ <area1> <area2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter ospfv3 tag [ <tag1> <tag2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter bgp set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter bgp community [ <community1> <community2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> filter bgp extended-community [ <extended-community1> <extended-community2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> action set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> action no-redist set network virtual-router <name> protocol redist-profile-ipv6 <name> action redist set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip reject-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip allow-redist-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip timers set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip timers interval-seconds <1-60> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip timers update-intervals <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip timers expire-intervals <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip timers delete-intervals <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> password <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> md5 set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> preferred <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip global-bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route disable set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> default-route advertise metric <1-15> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> mode <normal|passive|send-only> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip interface <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-vr-global-setting> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip export-rules set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip export-rules <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol rip export-rules <name> metric <1-16> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf router-id <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf reject-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf allow-redist-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf rfc1583 <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf timers set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf timers spf-calculation-delay <float> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf timers lsa-interval <float> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> password <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> md5 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> preferred <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf global-bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type normal set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub accept-summary <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route disable set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type stub default-route advertise metric <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa accept-summary <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route disable set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route advertise metric <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa default-route advertise type <ext-1|ext-2> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> suppress set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> range <name> suppress set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> passive <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> metric <1-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> priority <0-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> hello-interval <0-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> dead-counts <3-20> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> retransmit-interval <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> transit-delay <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> gr-delay <1-10> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> neighbor set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> neighbor <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> interface <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-vr-global-setting> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> neighbor-id <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> transit-area-id <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> hello-interval <0-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> dead-counts <3-20> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> retransmit-interval <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> transit-delay <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-vr-global-setting> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules <name> new-path-type <ext-1|ext-2> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules <name> new-tag <1-4294967295>|<ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf export-rules <name> metric <1-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart grace-period <5-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart helper-enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart strict-LSA-checking <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospf graceful-restart max-neighbor-restart-time <5-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 router-id <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 reject-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 allow-redist-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 disable-transit-traffic <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 timers set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 timers spf-calculation-delay <float> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 timers lsa-interval <float> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> spi <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication md5 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication md5 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha1 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha1 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha256 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha256 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha384 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha384 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha512 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha512 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication none set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption algorithm <3des|aes-128-cbc|aes-192-cbc|aes-256-cbc|null> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah md5 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah md5 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha1 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha1 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha256 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha256 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha384 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha384 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha512 set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha512 key <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 global-bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type normal set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub accept-summary <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route disable set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type stub default-route advertise metric <1-16777215> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa accept-summary <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route disable set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route advertise metric <1-16777215> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-route advertise type <ext-1|ext-2> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> type nssa nssa-ext-range <name> suppress set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> advertise set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> range <name> suppress set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> instance-id <0-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> passive <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> metric <1-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> priority <0-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> hello-interval <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> dead-counts <3-20> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> retransmit-interval <1-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> transit-delay <1-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> gr-delay <1-10> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> neighbor set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> neighbor <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-vr-global-setting> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> neighbor-id <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> transit-area-id <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> instance-id <0-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> hello-interval <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> dead-counts <3-20> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> retransmit-interval <1-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> transit-delay <1-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-vr-global-setting> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules <name> new-path-type <ext-1|ext-2> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules <name> new-tag <1-4294967295>|<ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 export-rules <name> metric <1-16777215> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart grace-period <5-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart helper-enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart strict-LSA-checking <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol ospfv3 graceful-restart max-neighbor-restart-time <5-1800> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp router-id <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp local-as <1-4294967295>|<value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp reject-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp allow-redist-default-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp install-route <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp ecmp-multi-as <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp enforce-first-as <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options as-format <2-byte|4-byte> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options med set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options med always-compare-med <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options med deterministic-med-comparison <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options default-local-preference <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options graceful-restart set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options graceful-restart enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options graceful-restart stale-route-time <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options graceful-restart local-restart-time <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options graceful-restart max-peer-restart-time <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options reflector-cluster-id <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options confederation-member-as <1-4294967295>|<value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options aggregate set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp routing-options aggregate aggregate-med <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp auth-profile set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp auth-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp auth-profile <name> secret <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> cutoff <float> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> reuse <float> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> max-hold-time <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> decay-half-life-reachable <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp dampening-profile <name> decay-half-life-unreachable <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp global-bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> aggregated-confed-as-path <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> soft-reset-with-stored-info <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp export-nexthop <original|use-self> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp-confed set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp-confed export-nexthop <original|use-self> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp-confed set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp-confed export-nexthop <original|use-self> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp import-nexthop <original|use-peer> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp export-nexthop <resolve|use-self> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp remove-private-as <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-as <1-4294967295>|<value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> enable-mp-bgp <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> address-family-identifier <ipv4|ipv6> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> subsequent-address-family-identifier set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> subsequent-address-family-identifier unicast <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> subsequent-address-family-identifier multicast <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address interface <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address ip <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address ip <value>|<ip/netmask>|<validate> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address fqdn <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options authentication <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options keep-alive-interval <1-1200> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options min-route-adv-interval <1-600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options multihop <0-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options open-delay-time <0-240> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options hold-time <3-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options idle-hold-time <1-3600> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options incoming-bgp-connection set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options incoming-bgp-connection remote-port <0-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options incoming-bgp-connection allow <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options outgoing-bgp-connection set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options outgoing-bgp-connection local-port <0-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options outgoing-bgp-connection allow <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> enable-sender-side-loop-detection <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> reflector-client <non-client|client|meshed-client> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peering-type <bilateral|unspecified> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> max-prefixes <1-100000>|<unlimited> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> bfd set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-vr-global-setting> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> used-by [ <used-by1> <used-by2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match address-prefix set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match address-prefix <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match address-prefix <name> exact <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match from-peer [ <from-peer1> <from-peer2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match as-path regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> match extended-community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action deny set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow dampening <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update local-preference <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update weight <0-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update nexthop <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update origin <igp|egp|incomplete> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path-limit <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update as-path remove set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community remove-all set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community remove-regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community append [ <append1> <append2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update community overwrite [ <overwrite1> <overwrite2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community remove-all set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community remove-regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community append [ <append1> <append2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy import rules <name> action allow update extended-community overwrite [ <overwrite1> <overwrite2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> used-by [ <used-by1> <used-by2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match address-prefix set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match address-prefix <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match address-prefix <name> exact <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match from-peer [ <from-peer1> <from-peer2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match as-path regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> match extended-community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action deny set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update local-preference <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update nexthop <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update origin <igp|egp|incomplete> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path-limit <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path remove set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path prepend <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update as-path remove-and-prepend <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community remove-all set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community remove-regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community append [ <append1> <append2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update community overwrite [ <overwrite1> <overwrite2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community remove-all set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community remove-regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community append [ <append1> <append2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy export rules <name> action allow update extended-community overwrite [ <overwrite1> <overwrite2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> used-by [ <used-by1> <used-by2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match address-prefix set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match from-peer [ <from-peer1> <from-peer2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match as-path regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> non-exist-filters <name> match extended-community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match from-peer [ <from-peer1> <from-peer2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy conditional-advertisement policy <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> prefix <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> summary <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> as-set <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes local-preference <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes weight <0-65535> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes nexthop <ip/netmask> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes origin <igp|egp|incomplete> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path-limit <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes as-path prepend <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community remove-all set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community remove-regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community append [ <append1> <append2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes community overwrite [ <overwrite1> <overwrite2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community none set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community remove-all set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community remove-regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community append [ <append1> <append2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> aggregate-route-attributes extended-community overwrite [ <overwrite1> <overwrite2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match address-prefix set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> exact <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match from-peer [ <from-peer1> <from-peer2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match as-path regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> suppress-filters <name> match extended-community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match address-prefix <name> exact <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match nexthop [ <nexthop1> <nexthop2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match from-peer [ <from-peer1> <from-peer2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match as-path regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp policy aggregation address <name> advertise-filters <name> match extended-community regex <value> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> address-family-identifier <ipv4|ipv6> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> route-table <unicast|multicast|both> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set-origin <igp|egp|incomplete> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set-med <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set-local-preference <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set-as-path-limit <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set-community [ <set-community1> <set-community2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> set-extended-community [ <set-extended-community1> <set-extended-community2>... ] set network virtual-router <name> protocol bgp redist-rules <name> metric <1-65535> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists static <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists static-ipv6 <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists ospf-int <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists ospf-ext <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists ospfv3-int <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists ospfv3-ext <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists ibgp <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists ebgp <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> admin-dists rip <10-240> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp set network virtual-router <name> ecmp enable <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-modulo set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash src-only <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash use-port <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash hash-seed <0-4294967295> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface <name> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface <name> weight <1-255> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp algorithm balanced-round-robin set network virtual-router <name> ecmp max-path <2-4> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp symmetric-return <yes|no> set network virtual-router <name> ecmp strict-source-path <yes|no> set network logical-router set network logical-router <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists static <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists static-ipv6 <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists ospf-inter <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists ospf-intra <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists ospf-ext <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists ospfv3-inter <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists ospfv3-intra <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists ospfv3-ext <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists bgp-internal <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists bgp-external <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists bgp-local <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> admin-dists rip <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 static set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 static route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 bgp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 bgp route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 ospf set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 ospf route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 rip set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv4 rip route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 static set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 static route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 bgp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 bgp route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 ospfv3 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rib-filter ipv6 ospfv3 route-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp router-id <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp local-as <1-4294967295>|<value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp install-route <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp enforce-first-as <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp fast-external-failover <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp ecmp-multi-as <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp default-local-preference <0-4294967295> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-shutdown <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp always-advertise-network-route <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp med set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp med always-compare-med <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp med deterministic-med-comparison <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp default-local-preference <0-4294967295> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-restart set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-restart enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-restart stale-route-time <1-3600> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-restart max-peer-restart-time <1-3600> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp graceful-restart local-restart-time <1-3600> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp global-bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> type set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> type ibgp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> type ebgp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> address-family set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> address-family ipv4 <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> address-family ipv6 <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> filtering-profile set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> filtering-profile ipv4 <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> filtering-profile ipv6 <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> connection-options set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> connection-options timers <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> connection-options multihop <0-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> connection-options authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> connection-options dampening <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> passive <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-as <1-4294967295>|<value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> enable-sender-side-loop-detection <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit yes set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no address-family set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no address-family ipv4 <value>|<inherit|none> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no address-family ipv6 <value>|<inherit|none> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no filtering-profile set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no filtering-profile ipv4 <value>|<inherit|none> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> inherit no filtering-profile ipv6 <value>|<inherit|none> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> local-address ip <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address ip <value>|<ip/netmask>|<validate> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> peer-address fqdn <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options timers <value>|<inherit> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options multihop <0-255>|<inherit> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options authentication <value>|<inherit> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> connection-options dampening <value>|<inherit> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp peer-group <name> peer <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-lr-global-setting> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> description <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> summary-only <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> as-set <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> same-med <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv4 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv4 summary-prefix <ip/netmask>|<value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv4 suppress-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv4 attribute-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv6 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv6 summary-prefix <ip/netmask>|<value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv6 suppress-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp aggregate-routes <name> type ipv6 attribute-map <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile ipv4 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile ipv4 unicast <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile ipv6 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp redistribution-profile ipv6 unicast <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network <name> unicast <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network <name> multicast <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv4 network <name> backdoor <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 network set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 network <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> bgp advertise-network ipv6 network <name> unicast <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> destination <value>|<ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop discard set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop next-lr <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> nexthop fqdn <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> admin-dist <10-240> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> metric <1-65535> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> bfd profile <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor failure-condition <any|all> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor hold-time <0-1440> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> source <value>|<DHCP|PPPOE> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> destination <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> interval <1-60> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ip static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> count <3-10> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> destination <value>|<ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop discard set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop ipv6-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop fqdn <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> nexthop next-lr <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> admin-dist <10-240> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> metric <1-65535> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> bfd profile <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor failure-condition <any|all> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor hold-time <0-1440> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> source <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> destination <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> interval <1-60> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> routing-table ipv6 static-route <name> path-monitor monitor-destinations <name> count <3-10> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf router-id <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf global-bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf rfc1583 <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf spf-timer <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf global-if-timer <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf redistribution-profile <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal abr set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal abr import-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal abr export-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal abr inbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type normal abr outbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub no-summary <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub abr set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub abr import-list <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub abr export-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub abr inbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type stub abr outbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa no-summary <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa default-information-originate set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa default-information-originate metric <1-16777214> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa default-information-originate metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr import-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr export-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr inbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr outbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range <name> advertise <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> range set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> range <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> range <name> substitute <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> range <name> advertise <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> mtu-ignore <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> passive <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> priority <0-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor <name> priority <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> metric <1-65535> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-lr-global-setting> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> interface <name> timing <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> neighbor-id <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> transit-area-id <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> instance-id <0-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> timing <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf area <name> virtual-link <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-lr-global-setting> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart grace-period <5-1800> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart helper-enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart strict-LSA-checking <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospf graceful-restart max-neighbor-restart-time <5-1800> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 router-id <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 global-bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 disable-transit-traffic <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 spf-timer <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 global-if-timer <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 redistribution-profile <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal abr set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal abr import-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal abr export-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal abr inbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type normal abr outbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub no-summary <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub abr set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub abr import-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub abr export-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub abr inbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type stub abr outbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa no-summary <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-information-originate set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-information-originate metric <1-16777214> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa default-information-originate metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr import-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr export-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr inbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr outbound-filter-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> type nssa abr nssa-ext-range <name> advertise <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> range set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> range <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> range <name> advertise <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> mtu-ignore <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> passive <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> priority <0-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type broadcast set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2p set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> link-type p2mp neighbor <name> priority <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> metric <1-65535> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> instance-id <0-65535> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-lr-global-setting> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> interface <name> timing <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> neighbor-id <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> transit-area-id <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> instance-id <0-65535> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> timing <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 area <name> virtual-link <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart grace-period <5-1800> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart helper-enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart strict-LSA-checking <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ospfv3 graceful-restart max-neighbor-restart-time <5-1800> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-modulo set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash src-only <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash use-port <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm ip-hash hash-seed <0-4294967295> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm weighted-round-robin interface <name> weight <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp algorithm balanced-round-robin set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp max-path <2-4> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp symmetric-return <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> ecmp strict-source-path <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> destination <value>|<ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> nexthop set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> nexthop ip-address <value>|<ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast static-route <name> preference <1-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rpf-lookup-mode <mrib-then-urib|mrib-only|urib-only> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim route-ageout-time <210-7200> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim if-timer-global <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim group-permission <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim ssm-address-space set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim ssm-address-space group-list <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim spt-threshold set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim spt-threshold <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim spt-threshold <name> threshold <1-4294967295>|<never|0> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> description <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> dr-priority <0-4294967295> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> send-bsm <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> if-timer <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim interface <name> neighbor-filter <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp static-rp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp static-rp interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp static-rp address <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp static-rp override <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp static-rp group-list <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp address <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp priority <0-255> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp advertisement-interval <1-26214> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp local-rp candidate-rp group-list <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp external-rp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp external-rp <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp external-rp <name> group-list <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast pim rp external-rp <name> override <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> version <2|3> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> robustness <1|2|3|4|5|6|7> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> group-filter <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> max-groups <1-65535>|<unlimited> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> max-sources <1-65535>|<unlimited> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> query-profile <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp dynamic interface <name> router-alert-policing <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static <name> interface <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static <name> group-address <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> multicast igmp static <name> source-address <ip/netmask> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip default-information-originate <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-timer <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip auth-profile <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip redistribution-profile <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-bfd profile <value>|<None> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-inbound-distribute-list set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-inbound-distribute-list access-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-outbound-distribute-list set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip global-outbound-distribute-list access-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> enable <yes|no> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> mode <active|passive|send-only> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> split-horizon <split-horizon|no-split-horizon|no-split-horizon-with-poison-reverse> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> authentication <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> bfd set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> bfd profile <value>|<None|Inherit-lr-global-setting> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-inbound-distribute-list set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-inbound-distribute-list access-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-inbound-distribute-list metric <1-16> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-outbound-distribute-list set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-outbound-distribute-list access-list <value> set network logical-router <name> vrf <name> rip interface <name> interface-outbound-distribute-list metric <1-16> set network routing-profile set network routing-profile bgp set network routing-profile bgp auth-profile set network routing-profile bgp auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp auth-profile <name> secret <value> set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> keep-alive-interval <1-1200> set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> hold-time <3-3600> set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> reconnect-retry-interval <1-3600> set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> open-delay-time <0-240> set network routing-profile bgp timer-profile <name> min-route-adv-interval <1-600> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast soft-reconfig-with-stored-info <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast add-path set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast add-path tx-all-paths <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast add-path tx-bestpath-per-AS <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in origin set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast allowas-in occurrence <1-10> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast as-override <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast default-originate <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix num_prefixes <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix threshold <1-100> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action warning-only set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action restart set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix action restart interval <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop self set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast next-hop self-force set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS all set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast remove-private-AS replace-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast route-reflector-client <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community all set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community both set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community extended set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community large set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast send-community standard set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast orf set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast orf orf-prefix-list <none|both|receive|send> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 unicast default-originate-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast soft-reconfig-with-stored-info <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast add-path set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast add-path tx-all-paths <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast add-path tx-bestpath-per-AS <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in origin set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast allowas-in occurrence <1-10> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast as-override <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast default-originate <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix num_prefixes <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix threshold <1-100> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action warning-only set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action restart set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast maximum-prefix action restart interval <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop self set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast next-hop self-force set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS all set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast remove-private-AS replace-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast route-reflector-client <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community all set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community both set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community extended set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community large set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast send-community standard set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast orf set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast orf orf-prefix-list <none|both|receive|send> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv4 multicast default-originate-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast soft-reconfig-with-stored-info <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast add-path set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast add-path tx-all-paths <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast add-path tx-bestpath-per-AS <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in origin set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast allowas-in occurrence <1-10> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast as-override <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast default-originate <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix num_prefixes <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix threshold <1-100> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action warning-only set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action restart set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix action restart interval <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop self set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast next-hop self-force set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS all set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast remove-private-AS replace-AS set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast route-reflector-client <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community all set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community both set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community extended set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community large set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast send-community standard set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast orf set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast orf orf-prefix-list <none|both|receive|send> set network routing-profile bgp address-family-profile <name> ipv6 unicast default-originate-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast static set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast static enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast static metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast static route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast connected set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast connected enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast connected metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast connected route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast ospf set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast ospf enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast ospf metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast ospf route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast rip set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast rip enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast rip metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv4 unicast rip route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast static set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast static enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast static metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast static route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast connected set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast connected enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast connected metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast connected route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast ospfv3 set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast ospfv3 enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast ospfv3 metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile bgp redistribution-profile <name> ipv6 unicast ospfv3 route-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> description <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast filter-list set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast filter-list inbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast filter-list outbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast inbound-network-filters set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast inbound-network-filters distribute-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast inbound-network-filters prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast outbound-network-filters set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast outbound-network-filters distribute-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast outbound-network-filters prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast route-maps set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast route-maps inbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast route-maps outbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement exist set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement exist advertise-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement exist exist-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist advertise-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist non-exist-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 unicast unsuppress-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast inherit <yes|no> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast filter-list set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast filter-list inbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast filter-list outbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast inbound-network-filters set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast inbound-network-filters distribute-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast inbound-network-filters prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast outbound-network-filters set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast outbound-network-filters distribute-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast outbound-network-filters prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast route-maps set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast route-maps inbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast route-maps outbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement exist set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement exist advertise-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement exist exist-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement non-exist set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement non-exist advertise-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast conditional-advertisement non-exist non-exist-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv4 multicast unsuppress-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast filter-list set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast filter-list inbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast filter-list outbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast inbound-network-filters set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast inbound-network-filters distribute-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast inbound-network-filters prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast outbound-network-filters set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast outbound-network-filters distribute-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast outbound-network-filters prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast route-maps set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast route-maps inbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast route-maps outbound <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement exist set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement exist advertise-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement exist exist-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist advertise-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast conditional-advertisement non-exist non-exist-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp filtering-profile <name> ipv6 unicast unsuppress-map <value> set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> description <value> set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> half-life <1-45> set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> reuse-limit <1-20000> set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> suppress-limit <1-20000> set network routing-profile bgp dampening-profile <name> max-suppress-limit <1-255> set network routing-profile ospf set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> password <value> set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> md5 set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> key <value> set network routing-profile ospf auth-profile <name> md5 <name> preferred <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> hello-interval <1-3600> set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> dead-counts <3-20> set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> retransmit-interval <1-1800> set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> transit-delay <1-1800> set network routing-profile ospf if-timer-profile <name> gr-delay <1-10> set network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile set network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile <name> lsa-interval <1-10> set network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile <name> spf-calculation-delay <0-600> set network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile <name> initial-hold-time <0-600> set network routing-profile ospf spf-timer-profile <name> max-hold-time <0-600> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> static set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> static enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> static metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> static metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> static route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> connected set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> connected enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> connected metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> connected metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> connected route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> bgp set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> bgp enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> bgp metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> bgp metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> bgp route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> default-route set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> default-route always <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> default-route enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> default-route metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> default-route metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> rip set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> rip enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> rip metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> rip metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospf redistribution-profile <name> rip route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> spi <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication md5 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication md5 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha1 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha1 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha256 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha256 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha384 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha384 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha512 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication sha512 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp authentication none set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption algorithm <3des|aes-128-cbc|aes-192-cbc|aes-256-cbc|null> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> esp encryption key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah md5 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah md5 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha1 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha1 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha256 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha256 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha384 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha384 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha512 set network routing-profile ospfv3 auth-profile <name> ah sha512 key <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> hello-interval <1-3600> set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> dead-counts <3-20> set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> retransmit-interval <1-1800> set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> transit-delay <1-1800> set network routing-profile ospfv3 if-timer-profile <name> gr-delay <1-10> set network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile set network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile <name> lsa-interval <1-10> set network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile <name> spf-calculation-delay <0-600> set network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile <name> initial-hold-time <0-600> set network routing-profile ospfv3 spf-timer-profile <name> max-hold-time <0-600> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> static set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> static enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> static metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> static metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> static route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> connected set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> connected enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> connected metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> connected metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> connected route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> bgp set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> bgp enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> bgp metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> bgp metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> bgp route-map <value> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> default-route set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> default-route always <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> default-route enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> default-route metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile ospfv3 redistribution-profile <name> default-route metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile filters set network routing-profile filters access-list set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address address <any> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address entry set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address entry address <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<value> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> source-address entry wildcard <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<value> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address address <any> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address entry set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address entry address <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<value> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> destination-address entry wildcard <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<value> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address address <any> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address entry set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address entry address <ip/netmask>|<value> set network routing-profile filters access-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> source-address entry exact-match <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix network <any> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix entry set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix entry network <ip/netmask>|<value> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix entry greater-than-or-equal <0-32> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv4 ipv4-entry <name> prefix entry less-than-or-equal <0-32> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix network <any> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix entry set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix entry network <ip/netmask>|<value> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix entry greater-than-or-equal <0-128> set network routing-profile filters prefix-list <name> type ipv6 ipv6-entry <name> prefix entry less-than-or-equal <0-128> set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> aspath-entry set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> aspath-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> aspath-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters as-path-access-list <name> aspath-entry <name> aspath-regex <value> set network routing-profile filters community-list set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular regular-entry set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular regular-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular regular-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type regular regular-entry <name> community [ <community1> <community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large large-entry set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large large-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large large-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type large large-entry <name> lc-regex [ <lc-regex1> <lc-regex2>... ] set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended extended-entry set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended extended-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended extended-entry <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters community-list <name> type extended extended-entry <name> ec-regex [ <ec-regex1> <ec-regex2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match as-path-access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match regular-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match large-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match extended-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match peer <value>|<none|local> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set aggregator set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set aggregator as <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set aggregator router-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set weight <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set atomic-aggregate <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set originator-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set aspath-prepend [ <aspath-prepend1> <aspath-prepend2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set regular-community [ <regular-community1> <regular-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set large-community [ <large-community1> <large-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv4 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv4 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv6 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv6 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set ipv6-nexthop-prefer-global <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set aspath-exclude [ <aspath-exclude1> <aspath-exclude2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set overwrite-regular-community <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set overwrite-large-community <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set remove-regular-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps bgp bgp-entry <name> route-map <name> set remove-large-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match as-path-access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match regular-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match large-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match extended-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match peer <value>|<none|local> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospf route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match as-path-access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match regular-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match large-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match extended-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match peer <value>|<none|local> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp ospfv3 route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match as-path-access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match regular-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match large-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match extended-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match peer <value>|<none|local> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set metric value <0-16> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rip route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match as-path-access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match regular-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match large-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match extended-community <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match peer <value>|<none|local> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv4 route-source prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> bgp rib route-map <name> set source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set aggregator set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set aggregator as <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set aggregator router-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set weight <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set atomic-aggregate <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set originator-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set aspath-prepend [ <aspath-prepend1> <aspath-prepend2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set regular-community [ <regular-community1> <regular-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set large-community [ <large-community1> <large-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set metric value <0-16> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rip route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospf rib route-map <name> set source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set aggregator set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set aggregator as <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set aggregator router-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set weight <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set atomic-aggregate <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set originator-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set aspath-prepend [ <aspath-prepend1> <aspath-prepend2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set regular-community [ <regular-community1> <regular-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set large-community [ <large-community1> <large-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> ospfv3 rib route-map <name> set source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match metric <0-16> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set aggregator set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set aggregator as <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set aggregator router-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set weight <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set atomic-aggregate <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set originator-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set aspath-prepend [ <aspath-prepend1> <aspath-prepend2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set regular-community [ <regular-community1> <regular-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set large-community [ <large-community1> <large-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match metric <0-16> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip ospf route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match metric <0-16> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> match next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> rip rib route-map <name> set source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set aggregator set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set aggregator as <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set aggregator router-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set local-preference <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set weight <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set origin <none|egp|igp|incomplete> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set atomic-aggregate <yes|no> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set originator-id <ip/netmask> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set aspath-prepend [ <aspath-prepend1> <aspath-prepend2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set regular-community [ <regular-community1> <regular-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set large-community [ <large-community1> <large-community2>... ] set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv4 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 source-address <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static bgp route-map <name> set ipv6 next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|peer-address> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospf route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric value <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set metric-type <type-1|type-2> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static ospfv3 route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set metric set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set metric value <0-16> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set metric action <set|add|subtract> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set next-hop <ip/netmask>|<validate>|<none|unchanged> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rip route-map <name> set tag <1-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> action <deny|permit> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> description <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match interface <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv4 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 address prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop access-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list <value> set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> set set network routing-profile filters route-maps redistribution redist-entry <name> connected-static rib route-map <name> set source-address <value> set network routing-profile bfd set network routing-profile bfd <name> set network routing-profile bfd <name> mode <active|passive> set network routing-profile bfd <name> min-tx-interval <100-10000> set network routing-profile bfd <name> min-rx-interval <100-10000> set network routing-profile bfd <name> detection-multiplier <2-255> set network routing-profile bfd <name> hold-time <0-120000> set network routing-profile bfd <name> multihop set network routing-profile bfd <name> multihop min-received-ttl <1-254> set network routing-profile multicast set network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile set network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile <name> assert-interval <0-65534> set network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile <name> hello-interval <1-180> set network routing-profile multicast pim-interface-timer-profile <name> join-prune-interval <60-600> set network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile set network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile <name> set network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile <name> max-query-response-time <1-25> set network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile <name> query-interval <1-1800> set network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile <name> last-member-query-interval <1-25> set network routing-profile multicast igmp-interface-query-profile <name> immediate-leave <yes|no> set network routing-profile rip set network routing-profile rip auth-profile set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> password <value> set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> md5 set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> key <value> set network routing-profile rip auth-profile <name> md5 <name> preferred <yes|no> set network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile set network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile <name> set network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile <name> update-intervals <5-2147483647> set network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile <name> expire-intervals <5-2147483647> set network routing-profile rip global-timer-profile <name> delete-intervals <5-2147483647> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> static set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> static enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> static metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> static route-map <value> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> connected set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> connected enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> connected metric <1-65535> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> connected route-map <value> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> bgp set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> bgp enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> bgp metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> bgp route-map <value> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> ospf set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> ospf enable <yes|no> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> ospf metric <0-4294967295> set network routing-profile rip redistribution-profile <name> ospf route-map <value> set network dns-proxy set network dns-proxy <name> set network dns-proxy <name> enabled <yes|no> set network dns-proxy <name> interface [ <interface1> <interface2>... ] set network dns-proxy <name> default set network dns-proxy <name> default inheritance set network dns-proxy <name> default inheritance source <value> set network dns-proxy <name> default primary <validate>|<ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dns-proxy <name> default secondary <validate>|<ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers set network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> set network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> cacheable <yes|no> set network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> domain-name [ <domain-name1> <domain-name2>... ] set network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> primary <ip/netmask> set network dns-proxy <name> domain-servers <name> secondary <ip/netmask> set network dns-proxy <name> cache set network dns-proxy <name> cache enabled <yes|no> set network dns-proxy <name> cache cache-edns <yes|no> set network dns-proxy <name> cache max-ttl set network dns-proxy <name> cache max-ttl enabled <yes|no> set network dns-proxy <name> cache max-ttl time-to-live <60-86400> set network dns-proxy <name> static-entries set network dns-proxy <name> static-entries <name> set network dns-proxy <name> static-entries <name> domain <value> set network dns-proxy <name> static-entries <name> address [ <address1> <address2>... ] set network dns-proxy <name> tcp-queries set network dns-proxy <name> tcp-queries enabled <yes|no> set network dns-proxy <name> tcp-queries max-pending-requests <64-256> set network dns-proxy <name> udp-queries set network dns-proxy <name> udp-queries retries set network dns-proxy <name> udp-queries retries interval <1-30> set network dns-proxy <name> udp-queries retries attempts <1-30> set network dhcp set network dhcp interface set network dhcp interface <name> set network dhcp interface <name> server set network dhcp interface <name> server mode <enabled|disabled|auto> set network dhcp interface <name> server probe-ip <yes|no> set network dhcp interface <name> server option set network dhcp interface <name> server option lease set network dhcp interface <name> server option lease unlimited set network dhcp interface <name> server option lease timeout <0-1000000> set network dhcp interface <name> server option inheritance set network dhcp interface <name> server option inheritance source <value> set network dhcp interface <name> server option gateway <ip/netmask> set network dhcp interface <name> server option subnet-mask <value> set network dhcp interface <name> server option dns set network dhcp interface <name> server option dns primary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option dns secondary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option wins set network dhcp interface <name> server option wins primary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option wins secondary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option nis set network dhcp interface <name> server option nis primary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option nis secondary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option ntp set network dhcp interface <name> server option ntp primary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option ntp secondary <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option pop3-server <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option smtp-server <ip/netmask>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option dns-suffix <value>|<inherited> set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> code <1-254> set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> vendor-class-identifier <value> set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> inherited <yes|no> set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> ip [ <ip1> <ip2>... ] set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> ascii [ <ascii1> <ascii2>... ] set network dhcp interface <name> server option user-defined <name> hex [ <hex1> <hex2>... ] set network dhcp interface <name> server ip-pool [ <ip-pool1> <ip-pool2>... ] set network dhcp interface <name> server reserved set network dhcp interface <name> server reserved <name> set network dhcp interface <name> server reserved <name> mac <value> set network dhcp interface <name> server reserved <name> description <value> set network dhcp interface <name> relay set network dhcp interface <name> relay ip set network dhcp interface <name> relay ip enabled <yes|no> set network dhcp interface <name> relay ip server [ <server1> <server2>... ] set network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 set network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 enabled <yes|no> set network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 server set network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 server <name> set network dhcp interface <name> relay ipv6 server <name> interface <value> set network lldp set network lldp enable <yes|no> set network lldp transmit-interval <1-3600> set network lldp transmit-delay <1-600> set network lldp hold-time-multiple <1-100> set network lldp notification-interval <1-3600> set network lldp tx-credit-max <1-10> set network lldp tx-fast-init <1-8> set network lldp reinit-delay <1-10> set network lldp msg-fast-tx <1-3600> set network underlay-net set network underlay-net ip-mapping set network underlay-net ip-mapping <name> set network underlay-net ip-mapping <name> overlay-ip <value> set network underlay-net ip-mapping <name> underlay-ip <value> set shared set shared authentication-object set shared authentication-object <name> set shared authentication-object <name> authentication-method <web-form|no-captive-portal|browser-challenge> set shared authentication-object <name> authentication-profile <value> set shared authentication-object <name> message <value> set shared reports set shared reports <name> set shared reports <name> description <value> set shared reports <name> disabled <yes|no> set shared reports <name> query <value> set shared reports <name> caption <value> set shared reports <name> frequency <daily> set shared reports <name> start-time <value> set shared reports <name> end-time <value> set shared reports <name> period <last-15-minutes|last-hour|last-6-hrs|last-12-hrs|last-24-hrs|last-calendar-day|last-7-days|last-7-calendar-days|last-calendar-week|last-30-days|last-30-calendar-days|last-60-days|last-60-calendar-days|last-90-days|last-90-calendar-days|last-calendar-month> set shared reports <name> topn <1-10000> set shared reports <name> topm <1-50> set shared reports <name> type set shared reports <name> type appstat set shared reports <name> type appstat aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type appstat group-by <serial|vsys_name|device_name|vsys|name|risk|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|subcategory-of-name|category-of-name|risk-of-name|container-of-name|technology-of-name> set shared reports <name> type appstat values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type appstat labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type appstat sortby <nbytes|nsess|npkts|nthreats> set shared reports <name> type decryption set shared reports <name> type decryption aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type decryption group-by <serial|time_generated|src|dst|natsrc|natdst|rule|srcuser|dstuser|srcloc|dstloc|app|vsys|from|to|inbound_if|outbound_if|sport|dport|natsport|natdport|proto|action|tunnel|rule_uuid|s_encrypted|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|vsys_name|device_name|tls_version|tls_keyxchg|tls_enc|tls_auth|ec_curve|err_index|root_status|proxy_type|policy_name|cn|issuer_cn|root_cn|sni|error|src_dag|dst_dag|src_edl|dst_edl|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time> set shared reports <name> type decryption values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type decryption labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type decryption sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type desum set shared reports <name> type desum aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type desum group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|app|src|dst|srcuser|dstuser|vsys|tls_version|tls_keyxchg|tls_enc|tls_auth|sni|error|err_index|src_edl|dst_edl|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|src_dag|dst_dag|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time> set shared reports <name> type desum values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type desum labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type desum sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type threat set shared reports <name> type threat aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type threat group-by <serial|time_generated|src|dst|natsrc|natdst|rule|srcuser|dstuser|srcloc|dstloc|app|vsys|from|to|inbound_if|outbound_if|sport|dport|natsport|natdport|proto|action|tunnel|rule_uuid|s_encrypted|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|vsys_name|device_name|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|threatid|category|severity|direction|http_method|nssai_sst|filedigest|filetype|http2_connection|xff_ip|threat_name|src_edl|dst_edl|dynusergroup_name|hostid|partial_hash|cloud_reportid|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|misc|src_dag|dst_dag|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|pbf-s2c|pbf-c2s|flag-nat|flag-pcap|subtype|transaction|captive-portal|flag-proxy|non-std-dport|tunnelid|monitortag|users|category-of-threatid|threat-type> set shared reports <name> type threat values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type threat labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type threat sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-users|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type url set shared reports <name> type url aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type url group-by <action|app|category|category-of-app|direction|dport|dst|dstuser|from|inbound_if|misc|http_headers|natdport|natdst|natsport|natsrc|outbound_if|proto|risk-of-app|rule|rule_uuid|severity|sport|src|srcuser|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|to|dstloc|srcloc|vsys|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|day-of-receive_time|contenttype|user_agent|device_name|vsys_name|url|tunnelid|monitortag|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|http2_connection|tunnel|http_method|url_category_list|xff_ip|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|src_dag|dst_dag|src_edl|dst_edl|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|cloud_reportid> set shared reports <name> type url values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type url labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type url sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-users> set shared reports <name> type wildfire set shared reports <name> type wildfire aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type wildfire group-by <app|category|category-of-app|dport|dst|dstuser|from|inbound_if|misc|natdport|natdst|natsport|natsrc|outbound_if|proto|risk-of-app|rule|rule_uuid|sport|src|srcuser|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|to|dstloc|srcloc|vsys|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|day-of-receive_time|vsys_name|device_name|filetype|filename|filedigest|tunnelid|monitortag|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|http2_connection|tunnel|xff_ip|src_dag|dst_dag|src_edl|dst_edl> set shared reports <name> type wildfire values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type wildfire labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type wildfire sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-users> set shared reports <name> type data set shared reports <name> type data aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type data group-by <action|app|category-of-app|direction|dport|dst|dstuser|from|inbound_if|misc|natdport|natdst|natsport|natsrc|outbound_if|proto|risk-of-app|rule|rule_uuid|severity|sport|src|srcuser|subcategory-of-app|subtype|technology-of-app|container-of-app|threatid|to|dstloc|srcloc|vsys|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|day-of-receive_time|vsys_name|device_name|data-type|filename|tunnelid|monitortag|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|http2_connection|tunnel|xff_ip|src_dag|dst_dag|src_edl|dst_edl|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac> set shared reports <name> type data values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type data labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type data sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-users> set shared reports <name> type thsum set shared reports <name> type thsum aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type thsum group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|app|src|dst|rule|threatid|srcuser|dstuser|srcloc|dstloc|xff_ip|vsys|from|to|dev_serial|dport|action|severity|inbound_if|outbound_if|category|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|tunnel|direction|assoc_id|ppid|http2_connection|rule_uuid|threat_name|src_edl|dst_edl|hostid|dynusergroup_name|nssai_sst|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|src_dag|dst_dag|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|subtype|tunnelid|monitortag|category-of-threatid|threat-type> set shared reports <name> type thsum values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type thsum labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type thsum sortby <sessions|count|nunique-of-apps|nunique-of-users|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type traffic set shared reports <name> type traffic aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type traffic group-by <serial|time_generated|src|dst|natsrc|natdst|rule|srcuser|dstuser|srcloc|dstloc|app|vsys|from|to|inbound_if|outbound_if|sport|dport|natsport|natdport|proto|action|tunnel|rule_uuid|s_encrypted|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|vsys_name|device_name|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|category|session_end_reason|action_source|nssai_sst|nssai_sd|http2_connection|xff_ip|dynusergroup_name|src_edl|dst_edl|hostid|session_owner|policy_id|offloaded|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|src_dag|dst_dag|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|pbf-s2c|pbf-c2s|decrypt-mirror|threat-type|flag-nat|flag-pcap|captive-portal|flag-proxy|non-std-dport|transaction|sym-return|sessionid|flag-decrypt-fwd|tunnelid|monitortag> set shared reports <name> type traffic values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type traffic labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type traffic sortby <repeatcnt|bytes|bytes_sent|bytes_received|packets|pkts_sent|pkts_received|chunks|chunks_sent|chunks_received|nunique-of-users|elapsed|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type urlsum set shared reports <name> type urlsum aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type urlsum group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|app|category|src|dst|rule|srcuser|dstuser|srcloc|dstloc|vsys|from|to|dev_serial|inbound_if|outbound_if|dport|action|tunnel|url_domain|user_agent|http_method|http2_connection|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|rule_uuid|xff_ip|src_edl|dst_edl|hostid|dynusergroup_name|nssai_sst|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|url_category_list|src_dag|dst_dag|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|tunnelid|monitortag> set shared reports <name> type urlsum values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type urlsum labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type urlsum sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-users|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type trsum set shared reports <name> type trsum aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type trsum group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|app|src|dst|xff_ip|rule|srcuser|dstuser|srcloc|dstloc|category|vsys|from|to|dev_serial|dport|action|tunnel|inbound_if|outbound_if|category-of-app|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|risk-of-app|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|assoc_id|http2_connection|rule_uuid|src_edl|dst_edl|dynusergroup_name|s_decrypted|s_encrypted|hostid|nssai_sst|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|dst_category|dst_profile|dst_model|dst_vendor|dst_osfamily|dst_osversion|dst_host|dst_mac|container_id|pod_namespace|pod_name|src_dag|dst_dag|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|tunnelid|monitortag|standard-ports-of-app> set shared reports <name> type trsum values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type trsum labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type trsum sortby <bytes|sessions|bytes_sent|bytes_received|nthreats|nftrans|ndpmatches|nurlcount|chunks|chunks_sent|chunks_received|ncontent|nunique-of-apps|nunique-of-users|nunique-of-src_profile|nunique-of-dst_profile> set shared reports <name> type tunnel set shared reports <name> type tunnel aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type tunnel group-by <action|app|category-of-app|dport|dst|dstuser|from|inbound_if|natdport|natdst|natsport|natsrc|outbound_if|proto|risk-of-app|rule|rule_uuid|sessionid|sport|src|srcuser|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|to|dstloc|srcloc|vsys|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|day-of-receive_time|vsys_name|device_name|tunnelid|monitortag|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|session_end_reason|action_source|tunnel|tunnel_insp_rule|src_dag|dst_dag|src_edl|dst_edl> set shared reports <name> type tunnel values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type tunnel labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type tunnel sortby <repeatcnt|bytes|bytes_sent|bytes_received|packets|pkts_sent|pkts_received|max_encap|unknown_proto|strict_check|tunnel_fragment|sessions_created|sessions_closed|nunique-of-users> set shared reports <name> type tunnelsum set shared reports <name> type tunnelsum aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type tunnelsum group-by <action|app|category-of-app|dst|risk-of-app|rule|rule_uuid|src|subcategory-of-app|technology-of-app|container-of-app|dstloc|srcloc|vsys|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|day-of-receive_time|serial|vsys_name|device_name|tunnelid|monitortag|parent_session_id|parent_start_time|tunnel|tunnel_insp_rule|src_dag|dst_dag|src_edl|dst_edl> set shared reports <name> type tunnelsum values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type tunnelsum labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type tunnelsum sortby <repeatcnt|bytes|bytes_sent|bytes_received> set shared reports <name> type userid set shared reports <name> type userid aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type userid group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|vsys|ip|user|datasourcename|beginport|endport|datasource|datasourcetype|factortype|factorcompletiontime|factorno|tag_name|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|subtype> set shared reports <name> type userid values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type userid labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type userid sortby <repeatcnt|factortype|factorcompletiontime> set shared reports <name> type auth set shared reports <name> type auth aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type auth group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|vsys|ip|user|normalize_user|object|authpolicy|authid|vendor|clienttype|event|factorno|authproto|rule_uuid|src_category|src_profile|src_model|src_vendor|src_osfamily|src_osversion|src_host|src_mac|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time|serverprofile|desc> set shared reports <name> type auth values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type auth labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type auth sortby <repeatcnt|time_generated|vendor> set shared reports <name> type iptag set shared reports <name> type iptag aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type iptag group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|vsys|ip|tag_name|event_id|datasourcename|datasource_type|datasource_subtype|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time> set shared reports <name> type iptag values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type iptag labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type iptag sortby <repeatcnt|time_generated> set shared reports <name> type hipmatch set shared reports <name> type hipmatch aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type hipmatch group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|srcuser|vsys|machinename|src|matchname|os|matchtype|srcipv6|hostid|mac|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time> set shared reports <name> type hipmatch values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type hipmatch labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type hipmatch sortby <repeatcnt> set shared reports <name> type hipmatch last-match-by <> set shared reports <name> type globalprotect set shared reports <name> type globalprotect aggregate-by [ <aggregate-by1> <aggregate-by2>... ] set shared reports <name> type globalprotect group-by <serial|time_generated|vsys_name|device_name|vsys|eventid|status|stage|auth_method|tunnel_type|portal|srcuser|srcregion|machinename|public_ip|public_ipv6|private_ip|private_ipv6|hostid|serialnumber|client_ver|client_os|client_os_ver|login_duration|connect_method|reason|error_code|error|opaque|gateway|selection_type|response_time|priority|attempted_gateways|day-of-receive_time|hour-of-receive_time|quarter-hour-of-receive_time> set shared reports <name> type globalprotect values [ <values1> <values2>... ] set shared reports <name> type globalprotect labels [ <labels1> <labels2>... ] set shared reports <name> type globalprotect sortby <repeatcnt|nunique-of-ips|nunique-of-gateways|nunique-of-users|nunique-of-hostid> set shared report-group set shared report-group <name> set shared report-group <name> title-page <yes|no> set shared report-group <name> set shared report-group <name> predefined <user-activity-report|saas-application-usage-report> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> predefined-report <value> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> custom-report <value> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> pdf-summary-report <value> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> log-view <value> set shared report-group <name> custom-widget <name> csv <value> set shared report-group <name> set shared report-group <name> all set shared report-group <name> all entry set shared report-group <name> all entry include-user-groups-info <yes|no> set shared report-group <name> all entry user-groups [ <user-groups1> <user-groups2>... ] set shared report-group <name> selected-zone set shared report-group <name> selected-zone entry set shared report-group <name> selected-zone entry include-user-groups-info <yes|no> set shared report-group <name> selected-zone entry user-groups [ <user-groups1> <user-groups2>... ] set shared report-group <name> selected-zone entry zone <value> set shared report-group <name> selected-user-group set shared report-group <name> selected-user-group entry set shared report-group <name> selected-user-group entry user-group <value> set shared report-group <name> variable set shared report-group <name> variable <name> set shared report-group <name> variable <name> value <value> set shared pdf-summary-report set shared pdf-summary-report <name> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> header set shared pdf-summary-report <name> header caption <value> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> footer set shared pdf-summary-report <name> footer note <value> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget set shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget <name> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget <name> chart-type <pie|line|bar|table> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget <name> row <1-6> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> predefined-widget <name> column <1-3> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget set shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget <name> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget <name> chart-type <pie|line|bar|table> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget <name> row <1-6> set shared pdf-summary-report <name> custom-widget <name> column <1-3> set shared email-scheduler set shared email-scheduler <name> set shared email-scheduler <name> report-group <value> set shared email-scheduler <name> email-profile <value> set shared email-scheduler <name> recipient-emails <value> set shared email-scheduler <name> recurring set shared email-scheduler <name> recurring disabled set shared email-scheduler <name> recurring daily set shared email-scheduler <name> recurring weekly <sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday> set shared email-scheduler <name> recurring monthly <1-31> set shared botnet set shared botnet configuration set shared botnet configuration http set shared botnet configuration http malware-sites set shared botnet configuration http malware-sites enabled <yes|no> set shared botnet configuration http malware-sites threshold <2-1000> set shared botnet configuration http dynamic-dns set shared botnet configuratio