: Find a Specific Command Using a Keyword Search

Find a Specific Command Using a Keyword Search

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Find a Specific Command Using a Keyword Search

Use find command keyword to locate all commands that have a specified keyword.
username@hostname# find command keyword <keyword>
For example, suppose you want to configure certificate authentication and you want the Palo Alto Networks device to get the username from a field in the certificate, but you don’t know the command. In this case you might use find command keyword to search for commands that contain username in the command syntax.
username@hostname > configure 
Entering configuration mode 
username@hostname # find command keyword username 
show shared certificate-profile <name> username-field 
set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol ftp username <value> 
set deviceconfig system log-export-schedule <name> protocol scp username <value> 
set deviceconfig setting wildfire session-info-select exclude-username <yes|no> 
set mgt-config password-complexity block-username-inclusion <yes|no> 
set network interface ethernet <name> layer3 pppoe username <value> 
set shared authentication-profile <name> username-modifier <value>|<validate>|<%USERINPUT%|%USERINPUT%@%USERDOMAIN%|%USERDOMAIN%\%USERINPUT%> 
set shared certificate-profile <name> username-field 
set shared certificate-profile <name> username-field subject <common-name> 
set shared certificate-profile <name> username-field subject-alt <email|principal-name> 
set vm-info-source <name> VMware-ESXi username <value> 
set vm-info-source <name> VMware-vCenter username <value> 
set user-id-collector setting ntlm-username <value> 
set user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> regex-identifier username-regex <value> 
set user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> field-identifier username-prefix <value> 
set user-id-collector syslog-parse-profile <name> field-identifier username-delimiter <value> 
username@hostname # 
From the resulting lists of commands, you can identify that the command you need is:
username@hostname # set shared certificate-profile <name> username-field
If you’re not sure exactly what to enter in the command line, you can then Get Help on Command Syntax.