IP-Tag Log Fields

IP-Tag Log Fields

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IP-Tag Log Fields

You can view IP-tag log information using the syslog.
Format: FUTURE_USE , Receive Time, Serial, Type, Threat/Content Type, FUTURE_USE, Generate Time, Virtual System, Source IP, Tag Name , Event ID, Repeat Count , Timeout, Data Source Name, Data Source Type, Data Source Subtype, Sequence Number, Action Flags, DG Hierarchy Level 1 , DG Hierarchy Level 2, DG Hierarchy Level 3, DG Hierarchy Level 4, Virtual System Name, Device Name, Virtual System ID, High Resolution Timestamp, Cluster Name
Field Name
Receive Time (receive_time or cef-formatted-receive_time)
The time the log was received at the management plane.
Serial Number (serial)
The serial number of the firewall that generated the log.
Type (type)
Specifies the type of log; value is IPTAG.
Threat/Content Type (subtype)
The subtype of the HIP match log; unused.
Generated Time (time_generated or cef-formatted-time_generated)
The time the log was generated on the dataplane.
Virtual System (vsys)
The virtual system associated with the HIP match log.
Source IP (src)
The IP address of the source user.
Tag Name (tag_name)
The tag mapped to the source IP address.
Event ID (event_id)
A string showing the name of the event.
Repeat Count (repeatcnt)
The number of sessions with the same Source IP, Destination IP, Application, and Subtype seen within 5 seconds.
Timeout (timeout)The amount of time before the IP address-to-tag mapping expires for the source IP address.
Data Source Name (datasourcename)The name of the source from which mapping information is collected.
Data Source Type (datasource_type)The source from which mapping information is collected.
Data Source Subtype (datasource_subtype)The mechanism used to identify the IP address-to-username mappings within a data source.
Sequence Number (seqno)
A 64-bit log entry identifier incremented sequentially. Each log type has a unique number space.
Action Flags (actionflags)
A bit field indicating whether the log was forwarded to Panorama.
Device Group Hierarchy (dg_hier_level_1 to dg_hier_level_4)
A sequence of identification numbers that indicates the location of the device group within a device group hierarchy. The firewall (or virtual system) generating the log includes the identification number of each ancestor in its device group hierarchy except the shared device group (level 0), which is not included in this structure.
If the log values are 12, 34, 45, and 0, it means that the log was generated by a firewall (or virtual system) that belongs to device group 45 and its ancestors are 34 and 12. To view the device group names that correspond to the value 12, 34, or 45, use one of the following methods:
API query:
Virtual System Name (vsys_name)
The name of the virtual system associated with the session; only valid on firewalls enabled for multiple virtual systems.
Device Name (device_name)
The hostname of the firewall on which the session was logged.
Virtual System ID (vsys_id)
A unique identifier for a virtual system on a Palo Alto Networks firewall.
High Resolution Timestamp (high_res timestamp)
Time in milliseconds the log was received at the management plane.
The format for this new field is YYYY-MM-DDThh:ss:sssTZD:
  • YYYY—Four digit year
  • MM—Two-digit month
  • DD—Two-digit day of the month (01 through 31)
  • T—Indicator for the beginning of the timestamp
  • hh—Two-digit hour using 24-hour time (00 through 23)
  • mm—Two-digit minute (00 through 59)
  • ss—Two-digit second (00 through 60)
  • sss—One or more digits for millisecond
  • TZD—Time zone designator (+hh:mm or -hh:mm)
The High Resolution Timestamp is supported for logs received from managed firewalls running PAN-OS 11.0 and later releases. Logs received from managed firewalls running PAN-OS 9.1 and earlier releases display a 1969-12-31T16:00:00:000-8:00 timestamp regardless of when the log was received.
Cluster Name (cluster_name)
Name of the CN-Series firewall cluster.