Panorama Features

Panorama Features

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Panorama Features

What new Panorama™ management server features are in PAN-OS 11.0?
New Panorama Feature
Panorama Interconnect 2.0
PAN-OS 11.0.1 and later releases
Upgrade to Panorama Interconnect Plugin 2.0 is required to upgrade to PAN-OS 11.0. You must download the Panorama Interconnect Plugin 2.0.0 prior to install of PAN-OS 11.0.1 to successfully upgrade.
Zero Touch Provisioning 2.0.3
PAN-OS 11.0.1 and later releases
The Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) Plugin 2.0.3 release includes minor bug and performance fixes.
Admin-Level Commit with Policy Reordering
PAN-OS 11.0.1 and later releases
You can perform admin-level commits even when there are pending changes that affect the order of a policy rulebase from other admins. This simplifies your configuration workflow because you don't have to coordinate commits with other administrators when your changes are unrelated to theirs and no longer requires you to wait for a Superuser admin to be available to do a full commit on Panorama.
Proactive BPA using AIOps for NGFW
The configuration commit processes on Panorama have been seamlessly integrated with the on-demand dynamic scale cloud plugin to perform BPA at the time of a commit and block it for your chosen set of checks. This allows you to fix any BPA violations in real-time and proceed with a clean bill of health. This smarter workflow eliminates any exposure that a compromised security posture could create.
Static Security Group Tag (SGT) for TrustSec plugin
The Panorama plugin for Cisco TrustSec now provides support for static SGT (Security Group Tags) retrieved from the Cisco ISE server. The static SGTs are used in the same way dynamic SGTs are currently used; IP addresses and tags are extracted and forwarded to the Panorama plugin framework, which then pushes them to the firewalls. Static SGTs can improve security posture when an endpoint does not authenticate through Cisco ISE.