Configure the PAN-OS Integrated User-ID Agent as a Syslog Listener

Configure the PAN-OS Integrated User-ID Agent as a Syslog Listener

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Configure the PAN-OS Integrated User-ID Agent as a Syslog Listener

To configure the PAN-OS Integrated User-ID agent to create new user mappings and remove outdated mappings through syslog monitoring, start by defining Syslog Parse profiles. The User-ID agent uses the profiles to find login and logout events in syslog messages. In environments where syslog senders (the network services that authenticate users) deliver syslog messages in different syntaxes, configure a profile for each syslog syntax. Syslog messages must meet certain criteria for a User-ID agent to parse them (see Syslog). This procedure uses examples with the following syntaxes:
  • Login events
    [Tue Jul 5 13:15:04 2016 CDT] Administrator authentication success User:johndoe1 Source:
  • Logout events
    [Tue Jul 5 13:18:05 2016CDT] User logout successful User:johndoe1 Source:
After configuring the Syslog Parse profiles, you specify syslog senders for the User-ID agent to monitor.
  1. Determine whether there is a predefined Syslog Parse profile for your particular syslog senders.
    Palo Alto Networks provides several predefined profiles through Application content updates. The predefined profiles are global to the firewall, whereas custom profiles apply to a single virtual system only.
    Any new Syslog Parse profiles in a given content release is documented in the corresponding release note along with the specific regex used to define the filter.
    1. Install the latest Applications or Applications and Threats update:
      1. Select
        Dynamic Updates
        Check Now
      2. Download
        any new update.
    2. Determine which predefined Syslog Parse profiles are available:
      1. Select
        User Identification
        User Mapping
        and click
        in the Server Monitoring section.
      2. Set the
        Syslog Sender
        and click
        in the Filter section. If the Syslog Parse profile you need is available, skip the steps for defining custom profiles.
  2. Define custom Syslog Parse profiles to create and delete user mappings.
    Each profile filters syslog messages to identify either login events (to create user mappings) or logout events (to delete mappings), but no single profile can do both.
    1. Review the syslog messages that the syslog sender generates to identify the syntax for login and logout events. This enables you to define the matching patterns when creating Syslog Parse profiles.
      While reviewing syslog messages, also determine whether they include the domain name. If they don’t, and your user mappings require domain names, enter the
      Default Domain Name
      when defining the syslog senders that the User-ID agent monitors (later in this procedure).
    2. Select
      User Identification
      User Mapping
      and edit the Palo Alto Networks User-ID Agent Setup.
    3. Select
      Syslog Filters
      a Syslog Parse profile.
    4. Enter a name to identify the
      Syslog Parse Profile
    5. Select the
      of parsing to find login or logout events in syslog messages:
      • Regex Identifier
        —Regular expressions.
      • Field Identifier
        —Text strings.
      The following steps describe how to configure these parsing types.
  3. (
    Regex Identifier parsing only
    ) Define the regex matching patterns.
    If the syslog message contains a standalone space or tab as a delimiter, use
    for a space and
    for a tab.
    1. Enter the
      Event Regex
      for the type of events you want to find:
      • Login events
        —For the example message, the regex
        (authentication\ success){1}
        extracts the first
        instance of the string
        authentication success
      • Logout events
        —For the example message, the regex
        (logout\ successful){1}
        extracts the first
        instance of the string
        logout successful
      The backslash (\) before the space is a standard regex escape character that instructs the regex engine not to treat the space as a special character.
    2. Enter the
      Username Regex
      to identify the start of the username.
      In the example message, the regex
      matches the string
      and identifies
      as the username.
    3. Enter the
      Address Regex
      to identify the IP address portion of syslog messages. Use a question mark (
      ) to indicate an optional second and third IP address.
      In the following example, the highlighted question marks indicate the second and third IP addresses are optional. Source:((?:(?:[\d]{1,3}\.){3}[\d]{1,3})|(?:[A-Fa-f\d:]+))(
      In the example message, the regular expression
      matches the IPv4 address
      The following is an example of a completed Syslog Parse profile that uses regex to identify login events:
    4. Click
      twice to save the profile.
  4. (
    Field Identifier parsing only
    ) Define string matching patterns.
    1. Enter an
      Event String
      to identify the type of events you want to find.
      • Login events
        —For the example message, the string
        authentication success
        identifies login events.
      • Logout events
        —For the example message, the string
        logout successful
        identifies logout events.
    2. Enter a
      Username Prefix
      to identify the start of the username field in syslog messages. The field does not support regex expressions such as \s (for a space) or \t (for a tab).
      In the example messages,
      identifies the start of the username field.
    3. Enter the
      Username Delimiter
      that indicates the end of the username field in syslog messages. Use
      to indicate a standalone space (as in the sample message) and
      to indicate a tab.
    4. Enter an
      Address Prefix
      to identify the start of the IP address field in syslog messages. The field does not support regex expressions such as \s (for a space) or \t (for a tab).
      In the example messages,
      identifies the start of the address field.
    5. Enter the
      Address Delimiter
      that indicates the end of the IP address field in syslog messages.
      For example, enter
      to indicate the delimiter is a line break.
      The following is an example of a completed Syslog Parse profile that uses string matching to identify login events:
    6. Enter the maximum number of IP
      Address Per Log
      that you want the firewall to parse (default is 1; range is 1—3).
    7. Click
      twice to save the profile.
  5. Specify the syslog senders that the firewall monitors.
    Within the total maximum of 100 monitored servers per firewall, you can define no more than 50 syslog senders for any single virtual system.
    The firewall discards any syslog messages received from senders that are not on this list.
    1. Select
      User Identification
      User Mapping
      an entry to the Server Monitoring list.
    2. Enter a
      to identify the sender.
    3. Make sure the sender profile is
      (default is enabled).
    4. Set the
      Syslog Sender
    5. Enter the
      Network Address
      (IP address) of the syslog sender.
    6. Select
      (default) or
      as the
      Connection Type
      To select the TLS certificate that the firewall uses to receive syslog messages, select
      User Identification
      User Mapping
      Palo Alto Networks User-ID Agent Setup
      the settings and select
      Server Monitor
      , then select the
      Syslog Service Profile
      that contains the TLS certificate you want to the firewall to use to receive syslog messages.
      The PAN-OS integrated User-ID agent accepts syslogs over SSL and UDP only. However, you must use caution when using UDP to receive syslog messages because it is an unreliable protocol and as such there is no way to verify that a message was sent from a trusted syslog sender. Although you can restrict syslog messages to specific source IP addresses, an attacker can still spoof the IP address, potentially allowing the injection of unauthorized syslog messages into the firewall.
      Always use SSL to listen for syslog messages because the traffic is encrypted (UDP sends the traffic in cleartext). If you must use UDP, make sure that the syslog sender and client are both on a dedicated, secure network to prevent untrusted hosts from sending UDP traffic to the firewall.
      A syslog sender using SSL to connect will show a Status of Connected only when there is an active SSL connection. Syslog senders using UDP will not show a Status value.
    7. For each syslog syntax that the sender uses,
      a Syslog Parse profile to the Filter list. Select the
      Event Type
      that each profile is configured to identify:
      (default) or
    8. (
      ) If the syslog messages don’t contain domain information and your user mappings require domain names, enter a
      Default Domain Name
      to append to the mappings.
    9. Click
      to save the settings.
  6. Enable syslog listener services on the interface that the firewall uses to collect user mappings.
    1. Select
      Network Profiles
      Interface Mgmt
      and edit an existing Interface Management profile or
      a new profile.
    2. Select
      User-ID Syslog Listener-SSL
      User-ID Syslog Listener-UDP
      or both, based on the protocols you defined for the syslog senders in the Server Monitoring list.
      The listening ports (514 for UDP and 6514 for SSL) are not configurable; they are enabled through the management service only.
    3. Click
      to save the interface management profile.
      Even after enabling the User-ID Syslog Listener service on the interface, the interface only accepts syslog connections from senders that have a corresponding entry in the User-ID monitored servers configuration. The firewall discards connections or messages from senders that are not on the list.
    4. Assign the Interface Management profile to the interface that the firewall uses to collect user mappings:
      1. Select
        and edit the interface.
      2. Select
        Other info
        , select the Interface
        Management Profile
        you just added, and click
    5. Commit
      your changes.
  7. Verify that the firewall adds and deletes user mappings when users log in and out.
    You can use CLI commands to see additional information about syslog senders, syslog messages, and user mappings.
    1. Log in to a client system for which a monitored syslog sender generates login and logout event messages.
    2. Verify that the firewall mapped the login username to the client IP address:
      show user ip-user-mapping ip <ip-address>
      IP address: (vsys1) User:          localdomain\username From:          SYSLOG
    3. Log out of the client system.
    4. Verify that the firewall deleted the user mapping:
      show user ip-user-mapping ip <ip-address>
      No matched record

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