: Disable/Remove Template Settings

Disable/Remove Template Settings

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Disable/Remove Template Settings

If you want to stop using a template or template stack for managing the configuration on a managed firewall, you can disable the template or stack. When disabling, you can copy the template/stack values to the local configuration of the firewall or delete the values.
If you want to override a single setting instead of disabling or removing every template or stack setting, see Override a Template Setting.
See Templates and Template Stacks for details on how to use these for managing firewalls.
  1. Access the web interface of the managed firewall as an administrator with the Superuser role. You can directly access the firewall by entering its IP address in the browser URL field or, in Panorama, select the firewall in the
  2. Select
    and edit the Panorama Settings.
  3. Click
    Disable Device and Network Template
  4. (
    ) Select
    Import Device and Network Template before disabling
    , to save the configuration settings locally on the firewall. If you do not select this option, PAN-OS will delete all Panorama-pushed settings from the firewall.
  5. Click
    twice and then
    the changes.

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