Get Started with Prisma Access Monitoring in Strata Cloud Manager
Prisma Access

Get Started with Prisma Access Monitoring in Strata Cloud Manager

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Get Started with Prisma Access Monitoring in Strata Cloud Manager

Monitor your
Prisma Access
environment in
Strata Cloud Manager
Command Center.
Where can I use this?
What do I need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
Prisma Access
gives you a way to continuously monitor your
Prisma Access
environment in
Strata Cloud Manager
Command Center. Multiple dashboards give you focused views of your different deployments, your alerts, and the
Prisma Access
infrastructure. When an event or status requires your attention,
Prisma Access
sends you alert notifications so you can quickly pinpoint issues that you can fix. It also gives you the visibility into the fixes that the
Prisma Access
team is working on. You can filter the data that you want to see by selecting or setting a time range and view baseline information in Monitor pages with an
Autonomous DEM

Time Range Selection Filter

Time Range
selection filter appears at the top of the dashboards where you want to filter information by time range.
The time is localized, so you can filter based on the local time for your region. Data is fetched every minute, but datapoints shown in most histograms vary according to the
Time Range
For your convenience,
Prisma Access
lets you pick the
Time Range
from a few predefined ranges or configure your own date and time range:
  • Last 15 min
    1 datapoint for every 3 minutes for a total of 5 datapoints.
  • Last 1 Hour
    1 datapoint for every 3 minutes for a total of 20 datapoints.
  • Last 3 Hours
    1 datapoint for every 3 minutes for a total of 60 datapoints.
  • Last 24 Hours
    1 datapoint for every 5 minutes for a total of 288 datapoints.
  • Last 7 Days
    1 datapoint for every 30 minutes for a total of 336 datapoints.
  • Last 30 Days
    1 datapoint for every 3 hours for a total of 180 datapoints.
  • Custom
    You can set a custom time interval (for example, date and the time example start at 5:00 pm on June 1 and end at 4:00 pm on June 2) in addition to the prepopulated
    Time Range
    selections available in the filter.
    To set a start time, first select the date in the calendar, then select the time under
    the start time, then set the end time by selecting an end date in the calendar and a time under
    Once you set a custom time range, it gets saved and applied across all widgets within Insights that use the time range filter to display data instead of real-time data.
    You can pick from prepopulated
    Time Range
    selections for custom time intervals:
    • Last 15 min
      1 datapoint every 3 minutes for a total of 5 datapoints.
    • Last 1 Hour
      1 datapoint every 3 minutes for a total of 20 datapoints.
    • Last 3 Hours
      1 datapoint every 3 minutes for a total of 60 datapoints.
    • Last 24 Hours
      1 datapoint every 5 minutes for a total of 288 datapoints.
    • Last 48 Hours
      1 datapoint every 30 minutes for a total of 96 datapoints.
    • Last 7 Days
      1 datapoint every 30 minutes for a total of 336 datapoints.
    • Last 30 Days
      1 datapoint every 3 hours for a total of 240 datapoints.

Baselines in Widgets

If you purchased the
AI-Powered ADEM
license, you see a baseline data band across the trend widgets on the following Monitor pages: Users, Branch Sites, Data Centers, and Network Services. The widgets show the baseline in the background across the trend lines. This allows you to view at a glance whether your data has crossed the upper or lower boundaries of the baseline.
Baseline data is calculated in 1-hour bin sizes and takes into consideration the last 28 days of data from those hour-long bins for a particular tunnel, site,
Prisma Access
location, or GlobalProtect user count. For example, the baseline from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Tuesday is calculated from the 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm time frame on the previous four Tuesdays. The lower bound is the 10th percentile of that historical data collected, and the upper bound is its 90th percentile. This allows you to see trends for bandwidth, user counts, authentication counts, and DNS Proxy request and response. Because the baseline data is taken from the last 28 days of historical data, the newly onboarded tenants will need to be up and data rich for 28 days for the baseline to be calculated correctly. If your data is less than 28 days, you may see some discrepancies.
When the values in the trend line in the widget deviate from the baseline's upper or lower limits, the trend line for that period appears in red in the web interface.
The following example shows the GlobalProtect baseline from the
Connected User
widget on the Users page.

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