View and Monitor Colo-Connect
Prisma Access

View and Monitor Colo-Connect

Table of Contents

View and Monitor Colo-Connect

View and monitor your private connectivity to hybrid cloud and on-premises data centers over cloud interconnects.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Prisma Access
Prisma Access
Colo-Connect leverages the cloud-native GCP interconnect technology to provide high-bandwidth service connections to your private applications. Colo-Connect coexists with the existing IPSec tunnel-based service connections, so if you need to provide private app access to smaller data centers that don’t require high-bandwidth throughput, you could also use service connections to those data centers. Gain visibility into your Colo-Connect deployment by viewing metrics such as the number of Colo-Connect links and status, throughput trends, and individual tunnel, connection, and link details. By viewing data about your Colo-Connect service connections, you can get an overall picture of the health and connectivity of your deployment.
To view and monitor your private connectivity to hybrid cloud and on-premises data centers over cloud interconnects, go to
Data Centers
Service Connections

Service Connections Overview

Service Connections Overview
shows the number of service connections by transport
You can see an aggregation of connected transports by
or their availability
  • IPSec
  • Colo-Connect
You can view tunnel transport type by status:
, or
View all Colo-Connect links and connections
to view the Colo-Connect details page.

Service Connections Overview: Bytes Transferred and Bandwidth Consumed

Bytes Transferred
shows an aggregation of ingress and egress bytes consumed, and the difference in consumption from the time range you selected previously.
Bandwidth Consumed
shows the 95th percentile of bandwidth consumed in the last 30 days.

Service Connections

Service Connections
table shows the following details for each indicated Service Connection:
  • Service Connection Name
    —Name of the Colo-Connect or IPSec service connection. Select a
    Service Connection Name
    to go to its details page.
  • Status
    —Up, Down, Degraded, or Unknown.
  • Transport Type
    —Colo-Connect or IPSec.
  • Remote IP
    —Destination IP.
  • BGP Status
    —Up, Down, or Warning if some BGP tunnels are up and some are down.
  • Tunnel Status (Current)
    —Current tunnel status.
  • Tunnel BGP Status
    —Number of tunnels by BGP status (Up, Down, or Warning).
  • Service Connection Endpoint IP
    Prisma Access
    node IP address.
  • Service Status
    —The service status is determined by the active service connection or data center cluster's or clusters' (more than one cluster) status (Up, Down, or Warning).
  • Prisma Access Location
    —Select a
    Prisma Access Location
  • Average Bandwidth Consumption
    —The average bandwidth consumption for the site during the time range selected.
  • Peak Bandwidth Consumption
    —The peak bandwidth consumption for the site during the time range selected.

Service Connection Details

From the
Service Connections
table on the main page, select a
Service Connection
with the its transport
as Colo-Connect to go to its details page.

Service Connection Status, Colo-Connect, and Concurrent Sessions

  • See the service connection's
    Access Location
    GRE Tunnels
    status (Up, Down, or Warning).
  • View the total number of
    links and connections.
  • Concurrent Sessions
    shows the number of current sessions and the number of total sessions during the past 30 days.

Throughput Trend

Throughput Trend
shows the ingress and egress throughput traffic consumed by this service connection during the time range selected.

Bytes Transferred and Bandwidth Consumed

Bytes Transferred
shows an aggregation of ingress and egress bytes that this service connection consumed, as well as the difference in consumption from the previously selected time range.
Bandwidth Consumed
shows the 95th percentile of bandwidth that the service connection consumed in the last 30 days.

GRE Tunnels

View details about the tunnels in this service connection:
  • Tunnel Name
    —The unique tunnel name.
  • Tunnel Status
    —Up, Down, or Unknown.
  • Connection Name
    —The connection's unique name.
  • Tunnel State
    —The connection status (Active or Backup).
  • Remote IP
    —Destination IP address.
  • Source IP
    —Local device's IP address.
  • 95% Throughput
    —The 95th percentile of bandwidth consumed in the last 30 days.
  • Peak Throughput
    —Peak throughput during the time range selected.
  • BGP Status
    —Up, Down, Degraded, or Unknown.
  • BGP Local IP
    —The BGP local IP.
  • Disconnections
    —How many disconnections this tunnel has had.
  • Disconnections Duration
    —How long the disconnections lasted.
  • Ingress Bytes
    —How many ingress bytes consumed during the time range selected.
  • Egress Bytes
    —How many egress bytes consumed during the time range selected.
  • Ingress Packet Count
    —The ingress packet count.
  • Egress Packet Count
    —The egress packet count.

Colo-Connect Details

From the main
Service Connections
page, select
View all Colo-Connect links and connections
from the
Service Connections Overview
widget to open the
details page. Widgets on this page show your current details (current defined as the last 20 minutes).

Links and Connections

The circle chart shows the total number of current Colo-Connect links and connections.


The table shows details about your current Colo-Connect links.
  • Link Name
    —Unique Colo-Connect link name.
  • Status
    —Active or Maintenance.
  • Link Type
    —Partner or Dedicated.
  • Location
    —Prisma Access location.


View details about each of your current Colo-Connect links. Hover over connections to see information about the status shown.
  • Connection Name
    —Unique Colo-Connect connection name.
  • Status
    —Acrtive, Pending Partner, Defunct.
  • Link Name
    —The connection's link name.
    —The connection's VLAN ID.
  • Location
    —Prisma Access location.
  • Edge Availability Zone
    —Zone1 or Zone2.
  • Allocated Bandwidth
    —1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps, or 20 Gbps.
  • 95% Throughput
    —The 95th percentile of bandwidth consumed.
  • Connection State
    —Active or Backup.
  • BGP Status
    —Up or Down.

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