SAML Authentication Using Okta as IdP for Mobile Users (Panorama)
Prisma Access


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SAML Authentication Using Okta as IdP for Mobile Users (

There are two different procedures you can take to use SAML authentication with Okta in Prisma Access.
Complete this task to configure SAML 2.0 in Prisma Access by using Okta as the IdP.

Configure SAML Authentication for Prisma Access Using Okta With the Prisma Access App

If you are able to access the Palo Alto Networks—Prisma Access app in Okta, use the steps in this procedure to configure SAML authentication using Prisma Access.
  1. Log in to the Panorama that manages Prisma Access and configure the SAML signing certificate that you want to use with SAML 2.0.
    Prisma Access requires a SAML certificate to sign SAML responses and assertions. You can either generate the signing SAML signing certificate used by the portal and gateways, or you can import it. Only a Panorama administrator or Superuser can generate or import this certificate.
    • To Generate a Certificate and export it:
      1. Select
        Certificate Management
        Device Certificates
        You can also create this certificate in another template, but you must include this certificate as part of the Mobile_User_Template_Stack to use it with the Prisma Access portal and gateways.
      2. Click
      3. Select the certificate, then click
        Export Certificate
      4. Export the certificate in PEM format.
        Do not select the
        Export private key
        check box.
      1. Select
        Certificate Management
        Device Certificates
        Be sure to include this certificate as part of the Mobile_User_Template_Stack.
      2. Click
        and enter a
        Certificate Name
      3. Select the
        check box.
      4. Enter the path and name of the
        Certificate File
        received from the CA, or
        to find the file.
      5. Click
  2. Find the portal and gateway FQDNs to use as your Unique Gateway ID in Okta.
    For gateways, you a truncated FQDN that you take from the gateway FQDNs. For portals, you use the entire FQDN. You use the portal and gateway FQDNs when you configure Okta in a later step.
    1. Select
      Cloud Services
      Network Details
      and click either the
      Mobile Users
      Mobile Users - GlobalProtect
      radio button, depending on your deployment.
    2. In the
      area, make a note of the full Portal hostname.
    3. In the
      area, take the gateway name and make a note of the data between the last dash in the gateway name and
      For example:
      • Given a gateway name of
        , make a note of the truncated FQDN
      • Given a gateway name of
        , make a note of the truncated FQDN
      • Given a gateway name of
        , make a note of the truncated FQDN
  3. Use the Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Access app to configure SAML login settings.
    The Prisma Access app is part of the Okta Integration Network (OIN) and simplifies the Prisma Access SAML authentication process.
    If you cannot access the Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Access app, you must configure each gateway manually in Okta by completing the procedure in Configure SAML Authentication for Prisma Access Using Okta Without the Prisma Access App.
    1. Log in to Okta.
      Make sure that you are logged in to the
      Classic UI
      and not the
      Developer Console
    2. Select
      ; then,
      Add Application
      and search for
      Prisma Access
    3. Select
      Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Access
    4. Add
      the app.
    5. Click the
      tab and, in the General Settings area, enter the following information, then click
      • Application Label
        —Leave as
        Palo Alto Networks - Prisma Access
      • Unique Gateway ID
        —Enter the truncated gateway FQDN you copied from Step 2.
      • GlobalProtect Portal
        —Enter the portal FQDN you copied from Step 2.
      • Application Visibility
        —Leave this field blank.
      You do not need to enter any information in the Mobile, Import, or Assignments tabs; you configure sign on values in the Sign On tab in a later step.
  4. Complete the configuration of the SAML 2.0 web application in Okta and enable the users to use the application. Use the link on the Okta site for details.
  5. (
    ) If you use a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA), configure it as the IdP certificate.
  6. To download the metadata files for the portal and gateways, click the
    Sign On
    tab, then select
    Identity Provider metadata
    and copy that information.
  7. Import the metadata files for the portal and gateway to Panorama.
    1. In Panorama, select
      Server Profiles
      SAML Identity Provider
    2. Import
      the metadata file for the portal.
      If you configured a CA-issued certificate, select
      Validate Identity Provider Certificate
      ; otherwise, deselect this choice.
      To validate the IdP certificate, you must specify a Certificate Profile in any Authentication Profile that references the IdP server profile.
    3. Enter the path and name of the
      Identity Provider Metadata
      received from the CA, or
      to find the file.
    4. Click
    5. Import the metadata file for the gateways by repeating Step 7.b to Step 7.d.
      The SAML profiles display in the SAML Identity Provider window.
  8. Create new authentication profiles for the portal and gateways.
    1. Select
      Authentication Profile
      an authentication profile for the portal, specifying the following options:
      • Specify a
      • Specify the portal server profile you created in Step 7 as the
        IdP Server Profile
      • Specify the certificate you created in Step 1 as the
        Certificate for Signing Requests
      • (
        ) If you configured a CA-issued certificate in Step 5, add a
        certificate profile or specify an existing one; otherwise, leave the default of
        If you use a certificate profile, be sure that the name of the CA certificate in the
        CA Certificates
        area. You must set up the certificate profile with the CA that has issued the IdP certificate.
    2. Click
    3. Create an authentication profile for the gateways, using Step 8.a to Step 8.b.
  9. Update the Prisma Access portal and gateway to use the SAML authentication profile you just created.
  10. Click
    twice to close the configuration.

Configure SAML Authentication for Prisma Access Using Okta Without the Prisma Access App

If you are not able to use the Palo Alto Networks—Prisma Access app in Okta, use the following steps to configure SAML authentication using Okta. This procedure requires you enter the gateway names manually in Okta.
  1. Log in to Panorama and configure the SAML signing certificate that you want to use with SAML 2.0.
    Prisma Access requires a SAML certificate to sign SAML responses and assertions. You can either generate the signing SAML signing certificate used by the portal and gateways, or you can import it. Only a Panorama administrator or Superuser can generate or import this certificate.
    • To Generate a Certificate and export it:
      1. Select
        Certificate Management
        Device Certificates
        You can also create this certificate in another template, but you must include this certificate as part of the Mobile_User_Template_Stack to use it with the Prisma Access portal and gateways.
      2. Click
      3. Select the certificate, then click
        Export Certificate
      4. Export the certificate in PEM format.
        Do not select the
        Export private key
        check box.
      1. Select
        Certificate Management
        Device Certificates
        Be sure to include this certificate as part of the Mobile_User_Template_Stack.
      2. Click
        and enter a
        Certificate Name
      3. Select the
        check box.
      4. Enter the path and name of the
        Certificate File
        received from the CA, or
        to find the file.
      5. Click
  2. Log into Okta as an administrator and create SAML 2.0 applications for the portal and gateways.
    To complete this step, you need to know the FQDNs of the portal and gateways. You can obtain the FQDNs in Panorama by selecting
    Cloud Services
    Network Details
    and clicking the
    Mobile Users
    radio button. The FQDNs display in the
    area. Click
    to see all gateways.
  3. Create a new application integration for the Prisma Access portal. Specify the Platform Type as
    and the sign-on method as
    SAML 2.0
    and click
    1. Configure the following application integration options:
      • Single sign on URL
        —Enter https://
        is the FQDN for the Prisma Access portal.
      • Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL
        —Select this check box.
      • Allow this app to request other SSO URLs
        —Clear this check box.
      • Audience URI (SP Entity ID)
        —Enter https://
      • Default RelayState
        —Leave blank.
      • Name ID format
      • Application username
        Okta Username
    2. Select
      Show Advanced Settings
      and configure these settings:
      • Response
        Assertion Signature
        (the default).
        You must configure Okta to sign SAML responses and assertions.
      • Allow application to initiate Single Logout
        —Select this check box.
      • Single Logout URL
        —Enter https://
        is the FQDN for the Prisma Access portal.
      • SP Issuer
        —Enter the issuer for the service provider.
      • Signature Certificate
        to and then select the SAML signing certificate that you configured in Step 1, then click
        Upload Certificate
    3. In the ATTRIBUTE STATEMENTS (OPTIONAL) area, specify users, Name formats, and values in Okta Expression Language.
      These fields reference, transform and combine attributes to define the User-ID format when the format is created in the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall. For example, specify a name format of
      and a Value of
    4. (
      ) In the Group Attribute Statements (Optional) area, create group attribute options.
      You can’t use group information that’s retrieved from the SAML assertion in either security policies or the agent client configuration in the portal and gateways. If you have a requirement to configure user group-based policies and configuration selections, you must Enable Group Mapping and retrieve the user group information from the LDAP server using Group Mapping Settings.
    5. Save the configuration.
  4. Create a new application integration for the Prisma Access gateways.
    Specify the Platform Type as
    and the sign-on method as
    SAML 2.0
    and click
    1. Configure the following application options:
      • Single sign on URL
        —Enter https://
        is the FQDN for the Prisma Access gateway that is closest to the majority of your mobile users.
      • Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL
        —Select this check box.
      • Allow this app to request other SSO URLs
        —Select this check box and add the hostnames for all Prisma Access gateways you have deployed in the Requestable SSO URL fields (https://<Cloud-Gateway-1-FQDN>:443/SAML20/SP/ACS, https://<Cloud-Gateway-2-FQDN>:443/SAML20/SP/ACS, and so on).
      • Audience URI (SP Entity ID)
        —Enter the same gateway you specified for
        Single sign on URL
      • Default RelayState
        —Leave blank.
      • Name ID format
      • Application username
        Okta Username
    2. Select
      Show Advanced Settings
      and configure these settings:
      • Allow application to initiate Single Logout
        —Select this check box.
      • Single Logout URL
        —Enter https://
        is the FQDN for the Prisma Access gateway that is the closest to the majority of your mobile users.
      • SP Issuer
        —Enter the issuer for the service provider.
      • Signature Certificate
        to and select the SAML signing certificate that you configured in Step 1, then click
        Upload Certificate
    3. In the ATTRIBUTE STATEMENTS (OPTIONAL) area, specify users, Name formats, and values in Okta Expression Language.
      For example, specify a name format of
      and a Value of
    4. (
      ) In the Group Attribute Statements (Optional) area, create group attribute options.
      You can’t use group information that’s retrieved from the SAML assertion in either security policies or the agent client configuration in the portal and gateways. If you have a requirement to configure user group-based policies and configuration selections, you must Enable Group Mapping and retrieve the user group information from the LDAP server using Group Mapping Settings.
    5. Save the configuration.
  5. Complete the configuration of the SAML 2.0 web application in Okta and enable the users to use the application. Click
    View Setup Instructions
    for details.
  6. (
    ) If you use a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA), configure it as the IdP certificate.
    See the documentation on the Okta site for details.
  7. To download the metadata files for the portal and gateways, click
    Identity Provider metadata
    and copy that information.
  8. Import the metadata files for the portal and gateway to Panorama.
    1. In Panorama, select
      Server Profiles
      SAML Identity Provider
    2. Import
      the metadata file for the portal.
      If you configured a CA-issued certificate in Step 6, select
      Validate Identity Provider Certificate
      To validate the IdP certificate, you must specify a Certificate Profile in any Authentication Profile that references the IdP server profile.
    3. Enter the path and name of the
      Identity Provider Metadata
      received from the CA, or
      to find the file.
    4. Click
    5. Import the metadata file for the gateways by repeating Step 8.b to Step 8.d.
      The SAML profiles display in the SAML Identity Provider window.
  9. Create new authentication profiles for the portal and gateways.
    1. Select
      Authentication Profile
      an authentication profile for the portal, specifying the following options:
      • Specify a
      • Specify the portal server profile you created in Step 8 as the
        IdP Server Profile
      • Specify the certificate you created in Step 1 as the
        Certificate for Signing Requests
      • (
        ) If you configured a CA-issued certificate in Step 6, add a
        certificate profile or specify an existing one; otherwise, leave the default of
        If you use a certificate profile, be sure that the name of the CA certificate in the
        CA Certificates
        area. You must set up the certificate profile with the CA that has issued the IdP certificate.
    2. Click
    3. Create an authentication profile for the gateways similarly.
  10. Update the Prisma Access portal and gateway to use the SAML authentication profile you just created.
  11. Click
    twice to close the configuration.

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