Redistribute User-ID Information Between Prisma Access and On-Premises Firewalls

Redistribute User-ID Information Between Prisma Access and On-Premises Firewalls

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Redistribute User-ID Information Between Prisma Access and On-Premises Firewalls

Enforce user-based policy for mobile users and remote networks by redistributing the User-ID mapping to and from Prisma Access.
After you configure User-ID, you consistently enforce user-based policy for all mobile users and users at remote network locations by configuring User-ID redistribution to redistribute the User-ID mapping from Prisma Access to all next-generation firewalls that secure access to network resources.
Use one the following methods to redistribute User-ID mapping to mobile users and users in remote networks from an on-premises next-generation firewall and vice versa, depending on the direction in which you want to redistribute the User-IDs:

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