Known Issues in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6.13

Known Issues in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6.13

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Known Issues in Prisma SD-WAN ION Release 5.6.13

Learn about the known issues in Prisma SD-WAN ION device release 5.6.13.
The following list includes outstanding known issues specific to Prisma SD-WAN ION release 5.6.13.
Issue ID Description
CGSDW-4424VPN traffic from DC ION devices fails for packet sizes larger than 1800.
CGSDW-11472DC ION devices do not forward traffic to the management VLAN prefixes via the core peer router, if the management port on the core goes down.
CGSDW-12855Dynamic applications display SSL traffic incorrectly after TCP proxy restart. The workaround is to restart the Flow Controller.
CGSDW-13559Periodic flapping of the cellular data session is observed when using Verizon Wireless Network, Telstra, and possibly other carriers with direct to internet traffic on the ION 1200 devices.