Configure and Install the Azure Virtual WAN

Configure and Install the Azure Virtual WAN

Table of Contents

Configure and Install the Azure Virtual WAN

Lets see how to Configure and Install the Azure Virtual WAN in Prisma SD-WAN.
Configure the Prisma SD-WAN CloudBlade to prepare the Prisma SD-WAN Controller for integration.
  1. From the Prisma SD-WAN Portal, choose the CloudBlades menu and select the Azure Virtual WAN Integration CloudBlade. If this CloudBlade does not appear, please contact Palo Alto Networks support.
  2. Clicking on the Azure Virtual WAN Integration CloudBlade will bring up the installation page. Provide the following information:
    1. Version: Select the version of the Azure Virtual Network Integration CloudBlade.
    2. Admin State: For Admin State, select/retain Enabled.
    3. Directory (tenant) ID: Provide the Directory ID generated in the previous section on Azure application registration.
    4. Application (client) ID: Provide the client ID generated in the previous section on Azure application registration.
    5. Client Secret: Provide the client secret generated under the Azure application registration.
    6. Subscription ID: Provide the subscription ID noted down from the previous section. Subscription ID is a GUID that uniquely identifies the subscription to use Azure services.
    7. Resource Group: Provide the name of the resource group created in the previous section.
    8. Azure Virtual WAN Name: Provide the name of the vWAN object created in the previous section.
    9. Azure BGP Neighbor Subnet: Provide an IP block the CloudBlade can pull, to be used when provisioning the Standard tunnel interface on the ION, which will also be the BGP neighbor defined in the Azure vWAN VPN site object.
  3. Once the settings have been configured, click Install and Save.