Install On-Premises Controller using CLIs

Install On-Premises Controller using CLIs

Table of Contents

Install On-Premises Controller using CLIs

Install the On-Premises Controller using the CLIs.
To install the On-Premises Controller for Prisma SD-WAN using a script:
  1. Download qcow file. Contact your Palo Alto Networks Partner for assistance.
  2. Bring up the VM using the downloaded qcow file. <using OpenStack>
  3. Login to the VM using ubuntu/ubuntu.
  4. Format the disk space by executing the command:
    printf 'd\n\nn\n\n\n\nN\nw' | sudo fdisk /dev/vda
  5. Provide the server details by executing the command: .
    controller_install install -SIP <provide_your_management-IP> -TN "provide_tenant_name" -TND "provide_tenant_north_bound_domain" -TSD "provide_south_bound_domain" -NSP "" -DSP "" --template "provide_the_template_details"
  6. After completion, you will see the following output:
    Install triggered succesfully
    Check the status of the controller by executing the command controller_install status. It takes about 60 minutes for the installation to complete.
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ controller_install status Installation Status: Complete Completion percentage: 100.0 Installation Details: Steps (5/5) Step: Preparation for Controller deployment Status: complete Completion percentage: 100.0 Step: Install Controller Status: complete Completion percentage: 100.0 Step: Setup Controller monitoring Status: complete Completion percentage: 100.0 Step: Controller configuration and finalization Status: complete Completion percentage: 100.0 Step: Verify installation Status: complete Completion percentage: 100.0