Upgrade the Device Software

Upgrade the Device Software

Table of Contents

Upgrade the Device Software

Learn to upgrade the device software.
Upgrade the device software by following the below mentioned steps:
  1. Download the software image
  2. Upload the software image to the Operator console
  3. Upgrade the Device Software using the Administrator console
To download and upgrade device software using the script:
  1. Download the hardware bundle and upgrade the device by executing the following command:
    Upgrade net 1 https://buildmaster.build.cloudgenix.com/artifacts/ReleaseBuilds/6.1.1/b10/bundle_hw-6.1.1-b10 Upgrade to 6.2.3-bxx: download_discovery
  2. Obtain the hardware bundle file in the device and then initiate the upgrade:
    1. Obtain the hardware bundle file to the location /home/root from a source system by using "root" → scp ubuntu@
    2. Initiate the upgrade using the hardware bundle file by using "elem-admin" → upgrade file home/bundle_hw-6.2.3-bxx.
    3. Verify if the device software is upgraded by running the CLI toolkit command dump overview.