CGSDW- 17177: Multilevel domain is not supported.
CGSDW-17154: Older events greater than 180 days are not getting deleted.
CGSDW-17150: Failed to login with the controller user interface when all
kafka pods are down.
CGSDW-17149: The controller is not showing appropriate error message on
precheck failure.
CGSDW-17111: When the stats nodes services are restarted, data in transit is
CGSDW-17110: Data replication fails between Ops nodes.
CGSDW-17074: Mongo slowness and data loss observed when one of the node is
CGSDW-15069: Policy set and security policy API timeout during RMS
CGSDW-16595: Failure in updating the NGPcap signature.
CGSDW-17128: Slowness with the Image Management tab.
CGSDW-17132: When one of the Ops node is down, tenant ID not visible in
Operator user interface.
CGSDW-15068: Slowness in generating/regenerating the VPN links.
CGSDW-16967: When the Ops user interface backend API fails. the Ops node is