: Assign Domains to Sites

Assign Domains to Sites

Table of Contents

Assign Domains to Sites

Learn how to assign domains to sites in
Prisma SD-WAN
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Prisma SD-WAN
    • Active
      Prisma SD-WAN
    • Prisma SD-WAN
      AppFabric deployed at one or more locations.
    • Physical and/or virtual ION devices running software versions 5.6.X or higher.
  • Prisma Access
    Cloud Managed
    • Prisma Access
      with Aggregate Bandwidth; the bandwidth licensing mode must be enabled per compute location on the
      Prisma Access
      Cloud Managed portal.
    • Identification of the IPSec Termination Nodes within
      Prisma Access
      for connectivity.
  • Ensure that you have
    Prisma Access
    (Cloud Managed) and
    Prisma SD-WAN
    in the same TSG.
Binding a domain is essentially mapping a site to a domain, enabling access to all the endpoints within groups/domain. Different domains can be mapped to different sites, but only one domain may be mapped per site.
  1. Select
    Service & DC Groups
  2. Select
  3. From the drop-down next to each site, select the appropriate domain.
    To bulk edit all sites, select the
    Edit All
  4. Click

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