dump flow

dump flow

Table of Contents

dump flow

Use the dump flow command to display the flows from the flow table to debug and troubleshoot.


dump flow (drop-summary | ifaces | stats)


drop-summaryEnter the drop-summary to display the summary information of the dropped flows.
ifacesEnter the ifaces to display the information on the ifaces of the flow.
statsEnter the stats to display the information for the interface stats flow.

Command Notes

RoleSuper, Read Only
Related Commands
Introduced inRelease 6.2.1


dump flow drop-summary "ae_to_dp_queue_drop": "0", "ctrl_to_dp_queue_drop": "0", "dp_drop_all": "6", "dpdk_ic_drop": "32031622338", "dpdk_packet_drop_dp": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_geneve_mtu": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_geneve_prepend_fail": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_invalid_iface": "46636798", "dpdk_packet_drop_l2_inner_prepend_fail": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_no_ic_bulk": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_no_iface": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_no_vxlan": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_udp_short": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_vxlan_invalid": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_vxlan_mtu": "0", "dpdk_packet_drop_vxlan_prepend_fail": "0", "dpdk_qos_egress_drop": "4364958007", "dpdk_qos_egress_mgmt_drop": "0", "dpdk_qos_ingress_drop": "46634077", "dpdk_qos_ingress_mgmt_drop": "0", "drop_arp": "0", "drop_bfd": "0",
dump flow ifaces id: 1657276914875014128 device: "eth5.411" rm_state_up: true iface_state_up: true iface_type: "lan_ep" refcnt: 3 input_allowed: false bridge_only: false dp_portno: 18446744073709551615 peer_id: 0 parent_id: 0 wn_path_id: 0 eth_addr: "00:00:00:00:00:00" lqm_state: false ct_zone: 0 nat_present: false mtu: 1500 site_iface_local_id: 0 tenant_id: 250 local_site_id: 1653992478091007828 element_id: 1655359221269018828 use_geneve: false peer_site_role: "SPOKE"
dump flow stats ==== interface stats: lo-vr0 port:65534 eth0-vr0 port:0 eth1-vr0 port:1 ifs_ierrors:4 eth2-vr0 port:2 ifs_ierrors:5 eth3-vr0 port:3 eth4-vr0 port:4 eth5-vr0 port:5 eth6-vr0 port:6 eth7-vr0 port:7 eth8-vr0 port:8 eth9-vr0 port:9 dummy0-vr0 port:65534 fpn0-vr0 port:65534 fptun0-vr0 port:65534 dpi0-vr0 port:65534 eth5.411-vr0 port:65534 sl1-vr0 port:65534 sl2-vr0 port:65534