dump ml7-mctd counters
Global counters:
Elapsed time since last sampling: 51.081 seconds
name value rate severity category aspect description
appid_proc 111 0 info appid pktproc The number of packets processed by Application identification
appid_unknown_udp 111 0 info appid pktproc The number of unknown UDP applications after app engine
dfa_sw 2011 0 info dfa pktproc The total number of dfa match using software
ctd_appid_reassign 101 0 info ctd pktproc appid was changed
ctd_process 111 0 info ctd pktproc session processed by ctd
ctd_pkt_slowpath 2011 0 info ctd pktproc Packets processed by slowpath
aho_request 1 0 info aho resource The AHO outstanding requests
aho_sw 2011 0 info aho pktproc The total usage of software for AHO
Total counters shown: 8