: 4G Equipment ID and Subscriber ID Security

4G Equipment ID and Subscriber ID Security

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4G Equipment ID and Subscriber ID Security

Topics related to 4G/LTE security on supported next-generation firewalls.
To protect 4G/LTE networks, you can enable security and correlation based on equipment ID and subscriber ID for the following supported firewall models:
  • PA-7000 Series firewalls
  • PA-5200 Series firewalls
  • VM-700, VM-500, VM-300, and VM-100 firewalls
In the following deployment scenario of a private 4G/LTE network, the 4G core is located on-premises. To enforce security policy for user and control traffic, the firewall must be positioned on the 4G/LTE interfaces, including the User Plane (S1-U) and the Control Plane (S11).
For complete subscriber-level and equipment-level visibility and security policy control for network traffic threats, enable GTP Security.
The second firewall in this diagram is positioned on the perimeter (the SGI interface connected to the internet and the enterprise IT datacenter).
Learn about and configure the following:

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