: Configuration Change Management for Large Teams

Configuration Change Management for Large Teams

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Configuration Change Management for Large Teams

Best practices for configuration change management from the Panorama™ management server for large teams.
Configuration errors occur when a large team is leveraging Panorama for centralized configuration management. Panorama allows for granular manipulation using the revert, import, export, load, merge and replace configuration operations. These operations are performed at a device group or template level.
  • When trying to quickly revert the Panorama configuration to a previously known state, consider reverting only the impacted device group or template instead of the entire Panorama configuration.
    This helps you preserve changes from other administrators who did not make any configuration changes in the impacted device group or template. Additionally, you can export the configuration to modify it offline and then import it back to Panorama when you’re ready.
  • Export the in progress device group and template configuration changes in order to push any emergency configuration changes to managed firewalls. After you export, revert the Panorama configuration to make the emergency changes. When the changes are successfully pushed to managed firewalls, you can import the Panorama configuration that included the in progress configuration changes.
  • If you are consolidating multiple Panorama configurations, tactically merge your device group and template configurations to consolidate the configuration on a single Panorama.
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