: New Features Introduced in April 2022

New Features Introduced in April 2022

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New Features Introduced in April 2022

Learn more about the new features introduced for the Cloud Identity Engine in April 2022, including SCIM Connector and Multiple Authentication Mode.
The following table provides a snapshot of new features introduced for the Cloud Identity Engine app in April 2022. Refer to the Cloud Identity Engine documentation for more information on how to use the Cloud Identity Engine.
SCIM Connector for Azure Active Directory
Configuring the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol for Directory Sync in the Cloud Identity Engine allows you to customize which attributes and groups Directory Sync collects from your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). You can specify the attributes that you want to share with the Cloud Identity Engine for user and group identification by adding or removing the attributes in the Azure Portal.
Multiple Authentication Mode
To simplify the process of identifying and authenticating users, the Cloud Identity Engine now supports certificate-based authentication in addition to multiple SAML 2.0-based identity providers in a single authentication profile. It now also supports group-based authentication so that you can specify different authentication types for particular groups or directories. This helps ensure that users experience a smooth login process regardless of the method they use to authenticate and makes it easier to deploy identity-based security policy.

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