View Self-Serve Related Metrics for All Users
Autonomous DEM

View Self-Serve Related Metrics for All Users

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View Self-Serve Related Metrics for All Users

You can view the Self-Serve related metrics for all users for whom you have enabled notifications. To do so,
  1. Open the Monitored Mobile Users page.
  2. Click the Self Serve tab.
  3. Select a Time Range for which you want to view the metrics.
  4. Scroll down to the Conditions Detected Over Time widget. View the notification statistics for all users over the Time Range that you selected in a chart format in this widget.
    For example, in the chart above the time range selected is 3 hours. When you hover over the trend line, a blue dot appears along with a popup displaying the broken down statistics at that particular time in the Time Interval. The numbers you see here are:
    • total issues detected for all users and all notification types during that moment within the Time Range
    • total number of devices that were notified, regardless of the notification type or the user to whom the devices belong
    • total number of notifications sent to all devices