Prisma Access Location Details
Autonomous DEM

Prisma Access Location Details

Table of Contents

Prisma Access Location Details

In the Prisma Access Locations dashboard, List View tab, click a PA Location Name to open the Prisma Access Location Details page.

Cloud Agent Experience Cards

View the end-to-end performance metrics from the Prisma Access Location to the applications. You can see the total number of applications used in a Location, as well as their health distribution. Click on the deployment type card to see the metrics for only that deployment type.

Cloud Agent Application Experience

This widget shows you the status of each application test that is being monitored on the deployment type that is selected in the Cloud Agent Experience widget. By default, the left most application test is selected. Application test tiles are sorted by ascending order from lowest to highest application score. Click on a card to see the details associated with it in the widgets below. Besides filtering data by deployment type (by selecting the card for the deployment type in the top most widget), you have the option to filter (click
) the data using one or more of the following filters:
  • Application
  • Experience Score

Cloud Agent Application Experience Trend

View the application experience score trend during the selected Time Range for the application test that is selected in the Cloud Agent Application Experience widget. Click anywhere in this widget and drag your mouse if you would like to see data for a specific time range within the widget.

Cloud Agent App Performance Trend

Application Performance Metrics
This widget shows you the responsiveness and availability for the application running in the Prisma Access Location. Select the metrics that you would like to see by selecting their check boxes.
AvailabilityApplication availability (in percentage) during the Time Range.
DNS LookupDNS resolution time.
TCP ConnectTime taken to establish a TCP connection.
SSL ConnectTime taken to establish an SSL connection.
HTTP LatencyTime taken to establish an HTTP connection.
Time to First ByteThe total of DNS Lookup, TCP Connect, SSL Connect and HTTP Latency time results in the Time to First Byte.
Data TransferTotal time taken for the entire data to be transferred.
Time to Last ByteTime to First Byte + Data Transfer time.
Network Performance Metrics

Network Performance Metrics

AvailabilityNetwork availability metrics during the Time Range.
Network LatencyTime taken to transfer the data over the network.
Packet LossLoss of packets during data transmission.
JitterChange in latency during the Time Range.

Cloud Agent App Path Visualization

If you selected a time slice in the Cloud Agent Application Experience Trend widget by clicking and dragging your mouse pointer, this widget displays the network topology and path visualization for that time slice.