Exclude All Explicit Proxy Traffic From Authentication

Exclude All Explicit Proxy Traffic From Authentication

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Exclude All Explicit Proxy Traffic From Authentication

If authentication is not necessary for your explicit proxy traffic, learn how to exclude your explicit proxy traffic from authentication.
If you do not want to configure any authentication for the explicit proxy traffic, you can exclude all explicit proxy traffic from authentication. When you exclude all proxy traffic from authentication, the firewall or Panorama does not authenticate proxy connections and does not create any logs for authentication events.
To exempt only specific traffic from authentication, you can Configure Exemptions for Explicit Proxy Authentication.
  1. If you have not already done so, Configure Explicit Proxy for your web proxy traffic.
  2. Edit or create your web proxy configuration (NetworkProxyExplicit Proxy) and select No authentication as the Authentication service type then click OK.
    If you select this option, all proxy connections are unauthenticated and the firewall or Panorama does not create logs for authentication events.
  3. Commit your changes.