Change Existing Panorama Serial Number Post CloudBlade Integration
316 PIC
To change an existing Panorama serial number
which already has some tunnels on-boarded with the CloudBlade, the
following needs to be ensured:
Disable the CloudBlade of the existing Panorama
serial number on the SD-WAN Controller.
The tunnels on the SD-WAN Controller will be torn-down,
followed by the cleanup of the prisma objects on Panorama.
Verify the cleanup of the AUTO_CGX objects
on Panorama; this will require the Panorama with the existing serial number
to still have a valid license.
Post cleanup, ensure no AUTO_CGX objects
are present on the Panorama with the existing serial number. The Cloudblade
will now allow the change to the new Panorama serial number.
The CloudBlade will block any attempts to change the existing
Panorama serial number, which still has tunnels intact, and the
following error message, App Configuration Registration
Unsuccessful, will be displayed on the CloudBlades Messages tab.