Navigate to the Networks page (NetworksNetworks and SitesNetworks) and then click AddAdd a Subnet.
Define a subnet and then Save.
Type: Select Subnet.
Prefix: Enter the IP address/netmask of the subnet you want to add. Enter
the IP address of the subnet in dot-decimal notation and its netmask in CIDR
notation (example,
Name (optional): Enter a name for the subnet
VLAN ID (optional): Enter the VLAN ID for the subnet.
Description (optional): Enter a description of the VLAN/subnet, such as
the type of devices for which it’s intended. These special characters are
not allowed in the description field: ~ ` ! # $ % ^ & * + = { } [ ] | \
< > ?
Mark this subnet as static:
It can take several minutes for new entries to appear on the Networks page. You might have to
reload the page to see the updated data.