: Authorize On-demand PCAP

Authorize On-demand PCAP

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Authorize On-demand PCAP

Authorize PCAP on firewalls for use by the
IoT Security
Research Team.
The On-demand Packet Capture (PCAP) feature for next-generation firewalls allows you to authorize the
IoT Security
Research Team to perform packet captures and automatically upload the captured packet files to
IoT Security
for offline analysis. The
IoT Security
Research Team takes packet captures only when necessary, such as when an unknown device or an unknown application appears on your network and the information required to assess the situation can be obtained no other way. The scope of such packet captures is limited so that they don’t affect normal firewall operations.
PCAP files are securely stored and only accessed by
IoT Security
Research Team members. The files will be deleted either manually after an analysis is complete or automatically after 30 days elapse.
For the
IoT Security
Research Team to use PCAP to collect network traffic metadata from a firewall, you must first authorize the firewall to allow packet capturing.
To support PCAP on firewalls, they must be running:
  • PAN-OS 10.2.10 or later 10.2 releases
  • PAN-OS 11.0.4 or later 11.0 releases
  • PAN-OS 11.1.0 or later
  1. Log in to PAN-OS and install the openconfig plugin.
    1. Select
      and search for
    2. Download
      version 2.1.0 or later and then
  2. Log in to the
    IoT Security
    portal with a user account with administrator or owner privileges.
  3. Authorize PCAP on one or more firewalls.
    1. Select
      On-demand PCAP
      and then click the
      ) icon.
    2. Choose the firewall either by its serial number or by the concatenation of its serial number and name.
    3. Set the time period to authorize PCAP on the firewall, which can be for 1 month, 3 months, or an unlimited length of time.
      When an authorization period expires, PCAP is no longer authorized on the firewall. If you want, you can reauthorize PCAP on it. You can then see the new PCAP authorization period in the list of authorized firewalls.
    4. Confirm
      the authorization.
    5. To authorize PCAP on additional firewalls, repeat these steps.
  4. Unauthorize PCAP on one or more firewalls.
    When you want to deauthorize PCAP on firewalls.
    1. Select one or more firewalls in the Authorized Firewalls list.
    2. Unauthorize
      the selected firewalls.
      If you want to deauthorize PCAP on just one firewall, you can also click the
      icon for it in the Actions column.

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