Create, Apply, and Modify Tags
Network Security

Create, Apply, and Modify Tags

Table of Contents

Create, Apply, and Modify Tags

Tag objects to group related items and add color to the tag in order to visually distinguish them for easy scanning.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • NGFW (Cloud Managed)
  • NGFW (PAN-OS & Panorama Managed)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
Check for any license or role requirements for the products you're using.
You can tag objects to group related items and add color to the tag in order to visually distinguish them for easy scanning. You can create tags for the following objects: address objects, address groups, user groups, zones, service groups, and security rules.
Both static tags and dynamic tags are supported. Dynamic tags are registered from a variety of sources and are not displayed with the static tags because dynamic tags are not part of the configuration. See Register IP Addresses and Tags Dynamically for information on registering tags dynamically. The tags discussed in this section are statically added and are part of the configuration.
You can apply one or more tags to objects and to security rules, up to a maximum of 64 tags per object. Panorama supports a maximum of 10,000 tags, which you can apportion across Panorama (shared and device groups) and the managed devices (including devices with multiple virtual systems).
Use tags to identify the purpose of a rule or configuration object and to help you better organize your rulebase. To ensure that security rules are properly tagged, see how to Enforce Security Rule Description, Tag, and Audit Comment. Additionally, you can View Rules by Tag Group (
Panorama only
) by first creating and then setting the tag as the Group tag.

Create, Apply, and Modify Tags (Strata Cloud Manager)

Use tags to identify the purpose of a rule or configuration object and to help you better organize your rulebase.
  1. Create and apply tags.
    To tag a zone, you must create a tag with the same name as the zone. When the zone is attached in security rules, the tag color automatically displays as the background color against the zone name.
    1. Select
      NGFW and
      Prisma Access
    2. Add Tag
      and enter a
      to identify the tag. The maximum length is 127 characters.
    3. (
      ) Assign a
      from the 38 predefined colors. By default,
    4. Select
      Push Config
      to save your changes.
  2. Apply tags to policy.
    1. Select
      NGFW and
      Prisma Access
      Security Services
      Security Policy
      and any rulebase under it.
    2. Add the
      object you created in Step 1 to your security rule.
    3. Verify that the tags are in use.
  3. Apply tags to an address object, address group, service, or service group.
    1. Create the object.
      For example, to create a service group, select
      NGFW and
      Prisma Access
      Service Groups
      Add Service Group
    2. Select a
      or enter a name in the field to create a new tag.
      To edit a tag or add color to the tag, see Modify Tags.

Modify Tags

  • Select
    NGFW and
    Prisma Access
    to perform any of the following operations with tags:
    • Click the
      to edit the properties of a tag.
    • Select a tag in the table and
      the tag from your configuration.
    • Clone
      a tag to duplicate it with the same properties. A numerical suffix is added to the tag name (for example, FTP-1).
    • You can also
      a tag to a different configuration scope folder location.
    For information on working with tags, see View Rules by Tag Group.

Create, Apply, and Modify Tags (PAN-OS & Panorama)

Use tags to identify the purpose of a rule or configuration object and to help you better organize your rulebase.
  1. Create and apply tags.
    To tag a zone, you must create a tag with the same name as the zone. When the zone is attached in security rules, the tag color automatically displays as the background color against the zone name.
    1. Select
    2. On Panorama or a multiple virtual system firewall, select the
      Device Group
      or the
      Virtual System
      to make the tag available.
    3. Add
      a tag and enter a
      to identify the tag or select a zone
      to create a tag for a zone. The maximum length is 127 characters.
    4. (
      ) Select
      to create the object in a shared location for access as a shared object in Panorama or for use across all virtual systems in a multiple virtual system firewall.
    5. (
      ) Assign a
      from the 17 predefined colors. By default,
    6. Click
      to save your changes.
  2. Apply tags to policy.
    1. Select
      and any rulebase under it.
    2. Add
      a security rule and use the tagged objects you created in Step 1.
    3. Verify that the tags are in use.
  3. Apply tags to an address object, address group, service, or service group.
    1. Create the object.
      For example, to create a service group, select
      Service Groups
    2. Select a tag (
      ) or enter a name in the field to create a new tag.
      To edit a tag or add color to the tag, see Modify Tags.

Modify Tags

  • Select
    to perform any of the following operations with tags:
    • Click the
      to edit the properties of a tag.
    • Select a tag in the table and
      the tag from the firewall.
    • Clone
      a tag to duplicate it with the same properties. A numerical suffix is added to the tag name (for example, FTP-1).
    For information on working with tags, see View Rules by Tag Group.

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