Configure Custom URL Filtering Reports

Configure Custom URL Filtering Reports

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Configure Custom URL Filtering Reports

Learn how to configure a custom URL filtering report that uses data from URL filtering logs.
To generate a detailed report that you can schedule to run regularly, configure a custom URL Filtering report. You can choose any combination of URL Filtering log fields on which to base the report.
  1. Add a new custom report.
    1. Select
      Manage Custom Reports
      a report.
    2. Give the report a unique
      , and optionally a
    3. Select the
      you want to use to generate the report. To generate a detailed URL Filtering report, select
      from the Detailed Logs section:
  2. Configure report options.
    1. Select a predefined
      Time Frame
      or select
    2. Select the log columns to include in the report from the Available Columns list add them (
      ) to the Selected Columns. For example, for a URL Filtering report you might select:
      • Action
      • App Category
      • Category
      • Destination Country
      • Source User
      • URL
    3. If the firewall is enabled to prevent credential phishing, select the Attribute
      , the Operator
      and the Value
      Credential Detected
      to also include events in the report that record when a user submitted a valid corporate credential to a site.
    4. (
      ) Select a
      Sort By
      option to set the attribute to use to aggregate the report details. If you do not select an attribute to sort by, the report will return the first N number of results without any aggregation. Select a
      Group By
      attribute to use as an anchor for grouping data. The following example shows a report with
      Group By
      set to
      App Category
      Sort By
      set to a
      Top 5
  3. Run the report.
    1. Click the
      Run Now
      icon to immediately generate the report, which opens in a new tab.
    2. When you are done reviewing the report, go back to the
      Report Setting
      tab and either tune the settings and run the report again, or continue to the next step to schedule the report.
    3. Select the
      check box to run the report once per day. This will generate a daily report that details web activity over the last 24 hours.
  4. Commit
    the configuration.
  5. View the custom report.
    1. Select
    2. Expand the
      Custom Reports
      pane in the right column and select the report you want to view. The latest report displays automatically.
    3. To view the report for a previous date, select the date from the calendar. You can also export the report to PDF, CSV, or XML.

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