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Get Your API Key

To use the API, you must generate the API key required for authenticating API calls.
Then, when you use this API key in your request, you can either provide the URL encoded API key in the request URL, or use the custom X-PAN-KEY: <key> parameter to add the key as a name-value pair in the HTTP header.
If you have an existing key and generate another key for the same user, all existing sessions will end for the user and previous API sessions will be deleted. If the cookie for the request doesn’t exist but you make subsequent requests, configuration logs will show the user as unknown.
  1. To generate an API key, make a POST request to the firewall’s hostname or IP addresses using the administrative credentials andtype=keygen:
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST https://firewall/api/?type=keygen -d 'user=<user>&password=<password>'
    A successful API call returns status="success" along with the API key within the key element:
    <response status="success"> <result> <key>gJlQWE56987nBxIqyfa62sZeRtYuIo2BgzEA9UOnlZBhU==</key> </result> </response>
    This is an example API Key, when you retrieve your API Key, use the key in its entirety, including any symbols such as equal signs.
  2. (Optional) Revoke API keys.
    You can revoke all currently valid API keys, in the event one or more keys are compromised. To change an API key associated with an administrator account change the password associated with the administrator account. API keys that were generated before you expired all keys, or a key that was created using the previous credentials will no longer be valid.
    If you use Panorama to manage your firewalls, Panorama and all of the firewalls that it manages must have the same master key.