: Audit Comment Archive

Audit Comment Archive

Table of Contents

Audit Comment Archive

View the audit comment, configuration logs, and rule change history for a selected policy rule.
Select the Audit Comment Archive to view the audit comment history, configuration logs, and the rule change history of a selected rule.

Audit Comments

View the audit comment history for a selected policy rule.
View the Audit Comment history for a selected policy rule. Apply and save filters to quickly identify specific audit comments and to export the displayed audit comments in CSV format.
Commit Time
Time when the audit comment was committed.
Audit Comment
Contents of the audit comment.
User who committed the audit comment.
Config Version
Configuration revision version. 0 indicates the first time the policy rule was created and committed to Panorama.

Config Logs (between commits)

View the configuration log history between commits for a selected policy rule.
View the configuration log generated by the selected policy rule between commits. Apply and save filters to quickly identify specific config logs and to export the displayed config logs in CSV format.
Time when the audit comment was committed.
Contents of the audit comment.
Type of command executed.
Before Change
Rule information before the change occurred. For example; if you rename a rule, the previous name is displayed.
After Change
Rule information after the change occurred. For example, if you rename a rule, the new name is displayed.
Device Name
Name of the device before audit comment change.

Rule Changes

Compare the rule change history for a selected policy rule.
View and compare configuration version of the selected policy rule to analyze what changes occurred. In the drop-down, select the two policy rule config versions you want to compare.