: Username and Password Requirements

Username and Password Requirements

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End-of-Life (EoL)

Username and Password Requirements

The following table lists the valid characters that can be used in usernames and passwords for PAN-OS and Panorama accounts.
Account Type
Username and Password Restrictions
Password Character Set
There are no restrictions on any password field character sets.
Remote Admin, SSL-VPN, or Captive Portal
The following characters are not allowed for the username:
  • Backtick (`)
  • Angular brackets (< and >)
  • Ampersand (&)
  • Asterisk (*)
  • At sign (@)
  • Question mark (?)
  • Pipe (|)
  • Single-Quote (‘)
  • Semicolon (;)
  • Double-Quote (")
  • Dollar ($)
  • Parentheses ( '(' and ')' )
  • Colon (':')
Local Administrator Accounts
The following are the allowed characters for local usernames:
  • Lowercase (a-z)
  • Uppercase (A-Z)
  • Numeric (0-9)
  • Underscore (_)
  • Period (.)
  • Hyphen (-)
Login names cannot start with a hyphen (-).

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